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  1. Malcyg

    Riviera AIC-10 headphones & speakers amplifier

    Spot on. There are differences, but not such that one is definitively better than the other since there are variables relating to the phones, DAC and the source as well as the tube used in AIC which all come into play. With the right tube, source and DAC, the AIC is a perfect match with 1266 Phi...
  2. Malcyg

    When clouds part; and a legend falls in your lap.

    Cool story, congratulations. I hope you enjoy it as much as you have dreamt about it. 😉
  3. Malcyg

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Interesting. I’m going to do the same. I bought a JPS SC cable ages back for my DiPhi and they also fit the Susvara (2.5mm) and I found that I much preferred it and haven’t used the stock cable with Sus since then. My system has changed a fair bit since and I also got new pads for Susvara, so...
  4. Malcyg

    Focal Utopia General Discussion

    I have seen many reviews where they disclose upfront that they were sent sent the product to review and were allowed to keep it afterwards. I assumed that this was generally quite common place. Some reviewers are better than others - have higher technical and communication skills - but...
  5. Malcyg

    HiFiMan Susvara

    It’s an ongoing and circular argument. Even if you ignore personal preferences, musical tastes, signal chain and other personal related variables, there seems to be no easy method of identifying what works and what doesn’t in any given scenario, not just Susvara. For some people, you may be...
  6. Malcyg

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Totally agree with this. The idea of one great amp for all headphones is very appealing and - for most people - will work well. That was certainly my original notion but, unfortunately, if you are seeking to absolutely optimise the performance of whichever headphones you own, you find that...
  7. Malcyg

    Riviera AIC-10 headphones & speakers amplifier

    Should be easy enough to find as I'm guessing they are proper formal reviews given the use of flowery, audiophile terms like trash.
  8. Malcyg

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    As the shy musician, Yngwie J Malmsteen once said ‘MORE is more’. 😁 I PM’d you re SDV.
  9. Malcyg

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    I’m just enjoying a drink and some music whilst waiting for my wife to get ready to go out. (We all know that means I have a bit of time left yet!). For such relatively brief interludes as this, I usually run SolP straight out of the 4.4 Pentaconn output from my T+A SDV3100 HV as it is a very...
  10. Malcyg

    HiFiMan Susvara

    That’s why I mentioned it. This place does seem to create echo chambers around the accepted winners and losers and there is a lot of really good stuff that goes by totally overlooked. My whole system has been very carefully put together, but it all falls into that category. 😂
  11. Malcyg

    HiFiMan Susvara

    This guy seems to think so. He was blown away by the combination with Susvara and concluded it was the best that he has ever heard. The only thing he felt that might possibly compete was the AIC-10. I own both and can tell him that it can’t compete. I know that will be seen as controversial, but...
  12. Malcyg

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    Just the once. I changed the headband as well and, together, it was almost like having a brand new pair. I’ve been listening to them again since reading up on this thread and they do hold up surprisingly well on a good setup given the age of the design - must be 15 years old by now I reckon.
  13. Malcyg

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    SolP is more comfortable. I don’t find 1266 uncomfortable at all though and it is more clearly it’s own thing and unlike any other which, I think, is why so many like it so much. SolP could easily be your only headphone whereas, for me at least, 1266 demands a complementary partner.
  14. Malcyg

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    You’re right, I hadn’t noticed but that is amazing really. I bought mine 12 years ago, an upgrade from an old pair of HD650. Both still working fine. I recall being very hesitant at the time as the HD800 were £1,200 which seemed a huge increase from the HD650 which had cost me £300. I got a pair...
  15. Malcyg

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    Interesting. I had a similar impression - I found that the bass could be a bit bloated, overblown and stodgy at times. I also found that the treble could occasionally be a touch dry, hard and somewhat synthetic sounding, especially with percussion like cymbals, shakers etc. I have been comparing...
  16. Malcyg

    HiFiMan Susvara

    I know what you mean, but I like it actually. Got quite interested reading the spec - then saw the price! Optimistic to say the least. Some people will buy it though I’m sure.
  17. Malcyg

    Summit-Fi Random Thoughts

    Spot on and why I said it was a grave risk. 😁
  18. Malcyg

    Summit-Fi Random Thoughts

    You took a very grave risk there! Very brave of you, but is she seeing you again??
  19. Malcyg

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Susvara’s bass can appear as a weakness by comparison to certain other slammerphones, but to what extent is very dependant upon the chain. Also, the pads, as I discovered recently. My pads were feeling a little thin and squidgy after years of use and I recently replaced them with Dekoni Elite...
  20. Malcyg

    Pictures Of Your High End System II (Same Rules Apply)

    Thanks Chris. The photo is deceptive due to shooting wide to get the room in - the spacing is equal 1/3’s and the soundstage is huge. Way beyond the boundaries of the room. The side firing woofers aid in that and they need plenty of room to breathe. They fair less well in corners imo. I have had...
  21. Malcyg

    Pictures Of Your High End System II (Same Rules Apply)

    I bought them on Etsy
  22. Malcyg

    Pictures Of Your High End System II (Same Rules Apply)

    Finished my setup last year after the lockdown prompted a rethink and fairly major refocus. Main challenge for me was always trying to balance my objectives with meeting the WAF requirements! First photo for the WAF and the second for the Headfiers.
  23. Malcyg

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Well, yes, I am very demanding but I also don’t pay much attention to articles/write ups like that one which reads like a marketing piece to me. The only opinion that matters to me is my own and that is what guides me, I don’t care what others think. I hope that doesn’t seem arrogant, but it...
  24. Malcyg

    HiFiMan Susvara

    😂 No and yes. The original H2L2 was very well matched with Susvara but somewhat less so with my other more sensitive phones for which I used Niimbus US5 Pro. The Niimbus is an excellent design imo with great functionality and flexibility, but I just didn’t gel with it sound-wise so I eventually...
  25. Malcyg

    HiFiMan Susvara

    It seems a bit off quoting myself, but I posted this on another thread yesterday and am putting it here in case it is of interest to any Susvara owners.