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  1. Iightning

    Loxjie P20 Discussion- Starved for information on this thing!

    In some other forums, some users report even with having a better power supply/tubes/balanced output, they still had the same issues that I had it with (glare in treble, veiled lows/mids/treble, and ended up returning them. At this point, it would cost at least $150 for all the upgrades, I'd...
  2. Iightning

    Loxjie P20 Discussion- Starved for information on this thing!

    I just received these and have been listening to them for the past 10 hours. (lazy Sunday) Running them off single ended on my HD580 & HD600. I have very mixed feelings about the Loxjie P20 so far. The resolution is overall pretty mediocre, there seems to be slight veil that's bothering me...
  3. Iightning

    Battlefield 1

    Anyone grab the new DLC's?
  4. Iightning

    What are you listening to _right now_?

    Max Richter-Luminous
  5. Iightning

    Battlefield 4

    Boy do I miss this game. Much, much better than BF1 by a long shot.
  6. Iightning

    Songs that make your headphone WOOOOOW!!!

    Beatles - Hey Jude
  7. Iightning

    What book are you reading right now?

    Stephen Kings Under the Dome
  8. Iightning

    A Broken Audiophile

    Which headphones?
  9. Iightning

    HD599 vs HD598???

    Bump, also curious as to how the HD599 stacks up. I did read somewhere that the HD599 was a bit bassier than the original HD598 though. Citing from Reddit, "I had a thirty minute session in headphone bar with the HD599, it seems to have a slight boost in bass presence, a more contained...