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  1. jf4828

    Closed cans for work

    PM-3 works for me:)  It's definitely a little more laid back the the ATH-M70x however it just works so well for all the recordings I haven't been able to listen to on "Audiophile" type systems for a while.  They aren't flat, they have a <120Hz bass boost and a midrange that leans toward extreme...
  2. jf4828

    Closed cans for work

    I'll have to review my photos as I was auditioning so many I'm not sure if the MSR7s didn't stand out to me or if they didn't have them. They have a ton but after spending some time there they definitely didn't have everything. I was hoping to listen to Hifiman stuff but no luck there. The...
  3. jf4828

    Closed cans for work

    I'll have to give a more thorough rundown of what I listened to today at some other point. The short list of what I liked from over 40 headphones tried in no particular order: 1. ATH-M70X 2. ATH-M50X 3. AKG K267 4. SRH840 5. Audeze EL8 The Audeze EL8's confused me because when connected...
  4. jf4828

    Closed cans for work

    So Audeze is my first experience with a planar magnetic. I can say that they just seem more natural. I haven't really researched this yet but I'd assume they are much better in the time domain than dynamic headphones.... I love the naturalness however, I wasn't a huge fan of the upper treble on...
  5. jf4828

    Closed cans for work

    I'll have to give the SRH840's another go. I listened to them briefly at AES but it was really noisy. I liked mosed of what i heard from the AT, I think I prefere their sound signature as a global statement regarding the manufacturers I tried. B&H is closed on Saturday so Im going to try...
  6. jf4828

    Closed cans for work

    So I entered headphone heaven..... I'm in NYC for AES so I have had the opportunity to audition the full AT line, most of the Sennheiser line as well as the Audeze. And then I walked into B&H Photo. Unfortunatley they were closing but wow; they have every headphone I've ever heard of available...
  7. jf4828

    Closed cans for work

    You have to love how subjective sound is:) I've only had a little bit of time to listen so far directly connected to an Oppo BDP-105 and an ipad. My frame of reference is probably a little different then most here. I've been doing DIY loudspeaker design and measurement for quite some time. I've...
  8. jf4828

    Closed cans for work

    Tried the P7, Momentum and Mo-fi from Blue today at Magnolia.  It's way too hard to tell as there is a black box between source and headphone so who knows......  I liked the sound of the P7's except there was a roughness/graininess to the mids that I had never heard before.  I'm going to assume...
  9. jf4828

    Closed cans for work

    After much reading, I'm going to give the NAD's a try. If they are half as good to me as other people think, it will be well worth the relatively low asking price. Thanks for the input!
  10. jf4828

    Closed cans for work

    I've been reading a little about the NAD's and they look pretty well liked. I noticed some have mentioned that the bass bump bleeds into the midrange. I'm pretty picky about upper bass - lower midrange as there is usually a ton fighting for that frequency space. Do they seem a little heavy in...
  11. jf4828

    Closed cans for work

    Hi All, I'm looking for closed back over the ear headphones primarily for work. I'm pairing with Buffalo III SE DAC and LD MKV amp. I have k701s, Shure SE530s and Ety Er4-ps. I like the sound signature of the Ety the best of the 3 but can't wear them all day at work; I need something over the...
  12. jf4828

    Tidal Lossless Streaming

    I previously stated that I was unhappy with the audio quality of Tidal. It wasn't bit perfect for me regardless what I tried. I'm happy to report that streaming from windows 7 to the Oppo BDP-105 is vastly improved in the new version. It sounds very good to me now and I plan on keeping the...
  13. jf4828

    Tidal Lossless Streaming

    So using VB-Audio Hi-Fi Cable (ASIO Bridge) does seem to add a little presence back in.  I've been listening to headphones too much today so my ears are a little too fatigued to fairly compare anything:)  I do like that Tidal lets you switch sound output drivers pretty quickly without stopping...
  14. jf4828

    Tidal Lossless Streaming

    So I didn't read all 78 pages.  However, I just thought I'd add my $0.02 based on my experience.  I've tried the following combos for Tidal: 1.  Win 7 PC -> Amanero USB to I2S -> Buffallo III SE DIY Dac --> Little Dot MKV headphone amp --> K701 and Etimotic ER4P.... 2.  Macbook Pro -> Oppo...
  15. jf4828

    HRTF and binaural measurements of Sennheiser HD650, HD700, AKG K550

    Sorry to dig up an older topic.  I've been researching this topic a bit recently and thought I'd share some neat resources.  Found on the "HRTF" wikipedia page, there are a list of HRTF databases at the bottom of the article.  If you have access to Matlab, you can easily graph HRTF's (derived...
  16. jf4828

    Does anyone own the Wyred4sound DAC 2?

    WA, sound staging was my goal in purchasing the DAC 2 6 months ago.  I had a cambridge audio Azure 840c prior scratching the DAC itch.  I was using a Krell pre at the time and felt like the difference between the DAC's in the Krell showcase pre were about equivalent to the 840c's.  Things...
  17. jf4828

    Review of Little Dot MKV Dual Mono Solid State Headphone Amplifier

    Yeah, build quality is on par or better than my much more expensive gear. I really like the look and feel of it. The volume pot and buttons are very solid and well laid out. The Zero DAC sitting under it looks pitiful in comparison
  18. jf4828

    Review of Little Dot MKV Dual Mono Solid State Headphone Amplifier

    So I just hooked up the Zero-->MKV-->Ety ER4-P's(with S adapter)..... I have never heard such wonderful bass and detail from headphones in my life. This is an amazing combination on good recordings! I'd imagine with time that the detail on poor recordings could become fatiguing. I typically use...
  19. jf4828

    Review of Little Dot MKV Dual Mono Solid State Headphone Amplifier

    Computer-->Zero DAC-->LD MKV-->K701 sounds amazing! I was always skeptical about burn in, but the Zero and the K701 sounded much better after quite a few hours on them I am going to test the LD/K701 against my Azur 840c when I stop being lazy... The DAC section on the 840c was heads and...
  20. jf4828

    Cambridge Audio 840c

    This is a great thread! I bought the 840c to replace a DA10 because I really wanted a remote and a good transport. I was extremely surprised at how much better it sounded using the exact same source, both with balanced out. I had the DA10 on Audiogon within 10 hours of break in! I never...
  21. jf4828

    Sound Card Consensus Thread

    I know this is way late in the conversation for this...... Here is my first hand experience on how digital signals sound different: 1. If your source is not manipulating the audio, all of the 0's and 1's should remain in tact. This means of course that you have to use a dedicated transport or...
  22. jf4828

    A quick bit of Total Bithead love.

    Just my .02... The Total Bithead I have is susceptible to RF interference at multiple frequency ranges. The 2.4Ghz range is definitely the worst in my experience. Even on low gain settings I can hear each keystroke on my bluetooth keyboard. I don't use it anymore because it is just too annoying...
  23. jf4828

    Presonus Central Station with K701?

    I have used the firebox extensively for recording, speaker design, digital source, analog source and headphone amp. Here are my impressions: 1. Does good recording offering phantom power to two inputs and very clear and detailed sound compared to the Aardvark Q10 I was running previously...
  24. jf4828

    Total Bithead problem

    Hi, I have a MacBook(Intel)/TotalBithead and can confirm that I have the exact same problem. I have found that with care the problem diminishes significantly as you move the bithead further from the PC. I now use my 3' blackberry charging cable and put the amp below the macbook and as far away...
  25. jf4828

    Comparing SE530 to DT880? Help to choose an IEM

    From my experience with SE530, ER4-P and ER6i I like the ER4-P better for the type of music I listen to. As far as the nano goes, all 3 headphones are sensitive enough to be driven to a volume louder then you should be listening to. They do not sound thin at all on most types of music. Infact, a...