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  1. nabilun

    Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion

    Picked up a pre-owned pair of these cans for 90 bucks and by god I've been enjoying them! The previous owner had even done the 'grill mod' and also put on a pair of leather pads on them. They might be the end of the line for me for the foreseeable future (and I haven't even gotten the...
  2. nabilun

    MrSpeakers AEON Flow Open - Impressions Thread

    Yes, the largest difference I've noticed with the filters is the narrowing of the soundstage. I use my AFOs as a PC headphone (not what they're best at, I know...), and pretty much had to use them with no filters since youtube videos and the like sounded too dark/cramped with any of the filters...
  3. nabilun

    MrSpeakers AEON Flow Open - Impressions Thread

    I'd say you can get the Opens plenty warm with your choice of damping pads, since there are 3 levels of damping you can choose from (though I don't run any pads myself and think they're just about nice treble-wise). What do you consider as harsh and bright sounding? Both of the Aeons, open and...
  4. nabilun

    MrSpeakers AEON Flow Open - Impressions Thread

    Well you should be fine with them on the bed then! The Aeons are a very comfortable pair of headphones (and I'm saying this as a glasses-wearing guy who's had lots of issues with comfort in the past). The back of the earcups resting on the pillow helps to ease the clamp a tiny bit, though...
  5. nabilun

    MrSpeakers AEON Flow Open - Impressions Thread

    Funny timing, I just spent four hours with them on in bed two nights ago! The shape is fine for such a use (the rear side is more or less flush with the pillow). I wouldn't guarantee amazing comfort or anything (I got a little stiff eventually), but it sure works better than e.g. round-cupped...
  6. nabilun

    MrSpeakers AEON Flow Open - Impressions Thread

    I'd say it's definitely fine! The foam isn't sharp or hard, and sits flat on the inside. I'm sure mrspeakers wouldn't ship the aeons with the foam in if it were bad for long term storage.
  7. nabilun

    MrSpeakers AEON Flow Open - Impressions Thread

    Picked up a pair of AFOs half a week ago, loving them! Comfort is better than my last pair (I have a sensitive/weirdly shaped head so nothing is ever perfectly comfortable). I've taken a pretty weird journey to this pair of headphones, but I think this might be the last pair for me (barring the...
  8. nabilun

    Audio-Technica ATH-R70x - In-Depth Review & Impressions

    I think if the portability of the Mojo would be a plus point/feature for you, that should put it above the other two amps (all else being equal). It would definitely be able to drive the r70x to high listening volumes. Regarding your later question about determining headphone audio levels, you...
  9. nabilun

    Audio-Technica ATH-R70x - In-Depth Review & Impressions

    I'm using the Schitt Asgard 2 (got it quite a while ago), pretty good pairing in my experience, although as usual pairings are subjective. Power-wise, I looked up your 3 considerations and their output power into 600 ohms are: 35mW for the mojo, 140mW for the element and 130mW for the magni 2...
  10. nabilun

    Audio-Technica ATH-R70x - In-Depth Review & Impressions

    That is definitely not normal! You should not be hearing any 'buzz' in any frequency with these headphones (unless present in the track). Assuming you have ruled out possibilities such as a wonky source/amp/cable, I'm afraid it seems like your pair of headphones is probably defective. If you...
  11. nabilun

    Cayin N6 DAP: Dual PCM1792 / Dual Mono / 24-192 / DSD128 / SACD ISO

    Apologies and thanks for the correction, I'd interpreted the OP's intent as wanting a cable that would work for both the n6 or the mojo with other devices, not the n6 into the mojo. I'll delete my earlier post.
  12. nabilun

    Cayin N6 DAP: Dual PCM1792 / Dual Mono / 24-192 / DSD128 / SACD ISO

    Edit: Next few posts corrected a mistake in my reply and explained it better so I'll edit this post out.
  13. nabilun

    Cayin N6 DAP: Dual PCM1792 / Dual Mono / 24-192 / DSD128 / SACD ISO

    From what I can see from that amp's website, there's 2 inputs you could use easily with the n6; both would be connected to the lineout jack on the n6 (the one furthest from the power button). Firstly you could use a 3.5mm to dual RCA cable into the RCA inputs on the amp, secondly you could use a...
  14. nabilun

    Cayin N6 DAP: Dual PCM1792 / Dual Mono / 24-192 / DSD128 / SACD ISO

    Hi, yeah the page that I downloaded the firmware from last time does seem to be 404ed currently, but I was able to find an alternative website link at . Anyway, regarding the update issues, the 'n6 4.2.rar' file that you have downloaded is a compressed...
  15. nabilun

    Audio-Technica ATH-R70x - In-Depth Review & Impressions

    From what I've seen after a quick google, you should be able to at least drive the r70xes to a reasonable volume, which is at least a much better situation than direct from your PC. I'd say if you really love the r70x's sound (after sufficient testing against other headphones etc.), go for it...
  16. nabilun

    Cayin N6 DAP: Dual PCM1792 / Dual Mono / 24-192 / DSD128 / SACD ISO

    It hasn't really struck me as particularly bright, but is definitely more resolving than my older daps. I'm using it with my dunu dn2000s which are a great pair imo.
  17. nabilun

    Cayin N6 DAP: Dual PCM1792 / Dual Mono / 24-192 / DSD128 / SACD ISO

    I haven't been able to get it working on my windows 10 PC :( . I have however tried using it as a source, with the lineout connected to my amp instead of my usual PC->ODAC chain. Comparing the two at least, I find the N6 a little more 'full' sounding (and probably less fatiguing for extra long...
  18. nabilun

    Audio-Technica ATH-R70x - In-Depth Review & Impressions

    I don't think anyone would be able to confidently give you an answer to 'the best' pairing of a DAC with the r70x, since there's so many different ones out there! I'd say any reasonably performing DAC would serve them just fine, as the majority of the differences would arise from the amplifier...
  19. nabilun

    Audio-Technica ATH-R70x - In-Depth Review & Impressions

    I'd say wait for your amp to arrive before worrying too much; I've been using the r70x for gaming ever since I've got it and it's been great. There may be some areas where it falls short compared to your old closed-back pair (like bass quantity) but otherwise it's one of the best open-backed...
  20. nabilun

    Audio-Technica ATH-R70x - In-Depth Review & Impressions

    I initially tried out EQing them, but eventually reverted to nothing since I found the mix perfectly fine as it was haha. I got an increase in the subbass from swapping the pads out though
  21. nabilun

    Cayin N6 DAP: Dual PCM1792 / Dual Mono / 24-192 / DSD128 / SACD ISO

    Wow, that looks really nice! When I bought my n6 I was indeed somewhat sad to lose the nice little pouch I had for my last player in exchange for what I can only describe as a serviceable but ugly silicone skin. I had no idea the n6 was popular enough to have third party cases, thanks for the...
  22. nabilun

    Audio-Technica ATH-R70x - In-Depth Review & Impressions

    Ah, that's interesting! There's a post I found where someone describes the differences (in his experience at least) between the 2000 and 2000X, I may...
  23. nabilun

    Audio-Technica ATH-R70x - In-Depth Review & Impressions

    Yikes, somewhat bad timing to be asked that since I just sold them earlier today lol. So the rest of this post will be based mostly off of memory. For more detailed descriptions of the r70x's sound you should read some reviews on it (on head-fi haha), but I'll try and give some direct...
  24. nabilun

    Audio-Technica ATH-R70x - In-Depth Review & Impressions

    Off the top of my head I'd say the he-500 is probably technically superior in most aspects excepting maybe bass quantity. That said, I personally very much prefer the r70x sound signature and feel it's more fun, so my only recommendation is to audition it against your pair if you can. Edit: the...
  25. nabilun

    Cayin N6 DAP: Dual PCM1792 / Dual Mono / 24-192 / DSD128 / SACD ISO

      Sounds like capacity loss/battery degradation ( / Happens very often in smartphones due to their smaller capacities (more noticeable difference) and generally higher...