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  1. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    Thanks for the write up - that's exactly what I was looking for. I should have my quad RAF assembled and shelled this weekend
  2. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    @Ivan TT, What did you do for your RAF build? Series wiring? Vents open or closed? Dampers? I just wired up a pair of quad RAFs, and I'm debating on if I should vent them or not.
  3. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    Has anyone purchased one of the Soundlink curing chambers? I'm interested to see if buying would get more reliable results vs a homemade nail light setup...
  4. SVTong

    Shanling M0 - Smallest Hi-Res Portable Player - New Firmware V3.6

    I think I found the problem. I tried a cheap pair of headphones using the 1\8 Jack instead of the balanced output of the rha. Volume levels are fine there. Looks like the problem is with combining the line in and balanced out of the dacamp. So it looks like there are no problems with my m0 at...
  5. SVTong

    Shanling M0 - Smallest Hi-Res Portable Player - New Firmware V3.6

    That's what I tried. But even doing that, I have to max out the volume on both devices to just barely hear the music.
  6. SVTong

    Shanling M0 - Smallest Hi-Res Portable Player - New Firmware V3.6

    I just got my M0 and I love the size and look of it, but I'm having an issue with the volume. When I switch the M0 to Line Out and hook it up to my RHA Dacamp L1, I can barely hear it. I have to max out the volume knob on my dacamp and switch it to Hi gain mode, and even then it's not very...
  7. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    @Ivan TT , How does your series RAFx4 compare to the GV? I really like the GV, but the price difference between them is huge.
  8. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    When you say use the ports - do you mean just pulling the tape off of both of them?
  9. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    Hi all, I'm getting ready to build a new pair to replace my current GK setup. I'm finding the GK's to be a little too flat for my liking - I'd like to build a pair with a bit more of a V curve with (hopefully) increased sub-bass. Has anyone tried a HODVTEC+TWFK combination? Would I need to...
  10. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    The Wax dipping video is on page 315. Shiloh has a lot of good tutorials starting on about page 312 or so.
  11. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    My GV's just arrived, too. I've got the same question - what is the recommended damper setup for them?
  12. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    Formlabs has a clear dental train that is non toxic that sells for $400 per liter. It's not cheap, but I don't think it's necessary if the printed shell is coated in Fotoplast after curing.
  13. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    Yeah, that's pretty good, and I would sand the shells first before coating with fotoplast, so they should get pretty clear.
  14. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    I just requested a sample today. Can you post pictures of your sample with the fotoplast? I've seen that people are able to make functional lenses with the Form2 with relatively little effort, so an IEM shell should be possible.
  15. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    Right. A thin coat of Lack3 would also help smooth out the print surface, too.
  16. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    Does anyone have any experience in 3D printing their shells? I'm thinking of investing in a Form2 SLA printer for an unrelated project, but it seems like a viable option to also use it for printing CIEMs. Thoughts?
  17. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    I'll give that a try - my only other thought right now is to buy a pair of CI's and turn the GK into a quad, but I was hoping for a better solution than that.
  18. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    That's the setup I'm currently using. The dampers don't boost bass, they just block out certain frequencies. I'm wondering if I bypass the built in crossover if that would help.
  19. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    For everyone that is running a GK setup, what's the best way to boost the low end for a bass-ier signature?
  20. SVTong

    Home-Made IEMs

    I've done that for faceplates and it's worked fairly well, but I think the shells are too small and too complicated to get a good wrap on them. Even when heated, vinyl can't stretch to that degree.
  21. SVTong

    Trinity VYRUS IEM available for pre-order now!

    I may be missing something here, but I can find no way to disconnect the cable at the y split. There is no connector as far as I can see - just a normal aluminum barrel.
  22. SVTong

    Trinity VYRUS IEM available for pre-order now!

    I got my Vyrus V2's today, but the little manual doesn't list the sound signature of all of the included filters. Does anyone know what the blue and green ones are supposed to sound like? And when I pre-ordered them, they advertised a "modular" cable, but the cable on mine doesn't seem modular...
  23. SVTong

    DIY Cable Questions and Comments Thread

    @Allanmarcus,  Do you have any experience with the BTG Audio 26ga wire?  It's only 30 strands, but I'm not sure if the polyethylene coating is any more flexible than teflon.  Most of the cable that I've stripped down from my local suppliers is 17 strand, so I'm going to have to go online for my...
  24. SVTong

    DIY Cable Questions and Comments Thread

    I know that ViaBlue also has some of the cotton/nylon hybrid sleeving, but they are hard to come by and it's pretty expensive.