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  1. beedeedoh

    DUNU 4 Driver, 5 Driver new Hybrid earphone presentation on 2015 the 22nd Beijing International Hi-Fi Exhibition

    Does anybody here have any alternatives for foam tips either than comply? These comply tips run out too fast. Tried with the shure olive tips but the nozel is too large to fit the olive tips.
  2. beedeedoh

    DUNU 4 Driver, 5 Driver new Hybrid earphone presentation on 2015 the 22nd Beijing International Hi-Fi Exhibition

    @DUNU-Topsound Just wondering when are the next model releasing? Last time you guys said it would be around october and now it is already november and still waiting....
  3. beedeedoh

    DUNU 4 Driver, 5 Driver new Hybrid earphone presentation on 2015 the 22nd Beijing International Hi-Fi Exhibition

    Hi dunu do you have a rough time frame as to when will the other dunu 3001 will be released and available for sale?