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  1. RadRacer

    1 Voice Wireless Bluetooth earphones?

    Has anyone tried these earphones? I found a good deal on them, and was thinking of purchasing if they sound decent. I've been using monoprice 9927's for a few months now and am enjoying them, but I'm thinking bluetooth will be better for me at work (cord gets caught on everything while I'm working).
  2. RadRacer

    need a good aux cable

    1/8" and 3.5mm are the same
  3. RadRacer

    New Member Introductions thread

    New guy here too. Been lurking for a bit, but decided to finally register. Came here looking for some budget IEMs for wearing at work; never realized I'd have this many options!
  4. RadRacer

    New Guy, looking for budget IEMs

    I've been lurking here for about a month now, and am loving the forum. I've made sure to put a lock on my wallet before I signed up!   I recently purchased a set of Monoprice 9927's and love the way they sound. But, they're not exactly the most comfortable IEM. The medium size tip fits me...