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  1. ShamanTrip

    Band Name Game II

      Shabazz Palaces
  2. ShamanTrip

    Band Name Game II

      Alien Syndrome 777
  3. ShamanTrip

    New Member Introductions thread

    New to this site and audiophile culture as well. More into portable rigs right now. Love using this site for learning and reference. 
  4. ShamanTrip

    Bandcamp Fan Account Registry

    I followed you, lots of interesting albums. Going to explore further. My profile.
  5. ShamanTrip

    Grimes. LP: Art Angels.

    Been a fan of Grimes for a bit now. Her new album has some great tracks, though I am more a fan of her older releases. All around great artist with a promising future. Nothing generic out of her! 
  6. ShamanTrip

    W/Rap Sucks 2.0..............................Rap/HipHop Appreciation Thread.

    Here are a few hip hop tracks I listen to        Oh and this is another favorite
  7. ShamanTrip

    Top 3 favorite bands?

    Subject to change, though these have been consistent for the longest.   1. Dead Can Dance 2. Moby 3. Menace Ruine
  8. ShamanTrip

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Cascade by William Basinski
  9. ShamanTrip

    Pictures of Your *Mid-Fi* Portable Rig ($200 - $600)

    First Setup   A bit updated. Fiio x1 and A3. please excuse my phone quality pictures
  10. ShamanTrip

    hfb - Zones - top 50 albums of 2015

    Great list, I agree with quite a few of your choices. My personally favorite of 2015 is How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful by Florence + the Machine
  11. ShamanTrip

    What did you buy yourself this Christmas? :)

    I bought the Fiio A3 amp for my X1 and Beyerdynamic dt 770's and I got the HifiMan HE 400i for my laptop setup. Very happy with everything! 
  12. ShamanTrip

    Rank the Headphones that You Own.

    1. Hifiman HE-400i 2. Beyerdynamic DT-770 Pro (80ohms) 3. ATH-M50x 4. Sennheiser Momentum On Ear
  13. ShamanTrip

    THE best female vocals? (your favorite female singers)

    Florence Welch of Florence + the Machine. Love her vocals, especially on her new album. Also LIsa Gerrard (obviously) of Dead Can Dance
  14. ShamanTrip

    Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion

    I ordered the HE400i on amazon, couldn't resist the sale price. I plan on using them with my Fiio X1 and A3 combo.    edit: Received the HE400i headphones and listening to them, the clarity is so nice. I tend to listen to a lot of Ambient music, so for tracks like DLP3 by William Basinski...