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  • Users: jun41
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  1. jun41

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Thanks! You guys are amazing. At first I could not pry off the side that needed fixing so I tried the other end and it came off effortlessly so I used a bit more force on the side that needed fixing and voila it came off. It's now fixed and looks better than ever. iron, There is...
  2. jun41

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    So I pick up my HD-650's five minutes ago to get a good listen in and I put my hands against my ears as usual and I notice that my right grill is pushed in and a large area of it is dented! I'm upset to say the least and I was wondering if any of you sennheiser gurus could tell me if theres a...
  3. jun41

    College to go to, $$$ to spend....

    I did this exact thing. I spent a lot of money my freshman year auditioning different phones from different amps and such. I went through the AKG K701, RS-1, HD600, HD650, DT770, AKG K240S a gilmore lite dps, and a SinglePower PPX Slam, a Hornet M, Musiland MD-10, an aliendac and probably more...
  4. jun41

    Sennheiser HD 600, HD 650 or AKG K701 for classical music?

    I've owned all three so I feel I've got some insight to your problem. My favorite of all three is the hd-650. Out of all three headphones I've kept this pair. I did not like the K701 very much. It sounded weird and out of balance to me. There was a weird peak somewhere between the...
  5. jun41

    I keep getting robbed by this 13 year old.

    Quote: Originally Posted by Baines93 Thanks Yeah, sucks, take Kirosia's advice i think It's not your fault! It's a result of you being what, 15 years old? Give it a couple years and you'll meet other 15 year olds and you'll realize how big of d-bags they are and you'll ask...
  6. jun41

    THE GREAT COLLEGE-FI GIVEAWAY!!! (sohels - Amp)(The Legend - LOD)

    1. Both please! 2. University of California Irvine 3. Civil Engineering 4. 2010 5. I need a new portable amp and free is the perfect price! Man, lots of engineers in here. Let the nerds gather...
  7. jun41

    Artists, show us your latest works (56K beware)

    Quote: Originally Posted by Outro Lamp I made. I love it! Is there anyway you could make me one?
  8. jun41

    list your other expensive hobbies...

    Reefkeeping. $$ pit encased in glass and in water.
  9. jun41

    Class of 2008: Where are you going to college?

    Quote: Originally Posted by feh1325 admitted: cal poly pomona applied and waiting: cal poly slo, stony brook going to apply very very soon: ucsd, ucla, uci, ucsb, ucr trinity university, university of the pacific, santa clara university UC's are awesome schools. I go to UCI...
  10. jun41

    Nov '07 Partial Giveaway - Triple Grab-Bag!

    If I win then I shall give you my pair of K240s.
  11. jun41

    Post Your Dorm Setups

    Ooh, I move back in in 2 weeks so I can't wait to post my setup.
  12. jun41

    What do you wish you brought to college but didn't?

    Quote: Originally Posted by rb67 Quarters. + If you've got lots of quarters you'll never be stuck wearing your dirty clothes again. Plus, make new friends by changing dollar bills to the people who left their quarters at home.
  13. jun41

    Where to buy/find Shure (or other companies) posters?

    Ooh, great idea. My dorm room is going to be pretty empty and I'm still looking for some posters. Rayman, let me know if you get any luck finding any stuff. I'll let you know as well.
  14. jun41

    Any tips on choosing college course time slots?

    I would say go for the first one. Everything isn't as packed and then you won't be as drained when you get back from class. Even short breaks can help conserve your energy. Last quarter I had three lectures packed back to back (writing, physics 7A and calc) I ended up not going to them too much...
  15. jun41

    Refurbished Sony SCD-CE595 SACD/CD changer for $90.00 shipped

    Ok, I got my refurbished unit and I suppose it works fine except for the fact that it doesn't play continuously!! It always stops in between tracks and seems to try and play catch up with the cd and I have to wait a LOOOONG time to hear any music at all. Did I do anything wrong? I'm playing...
  16. jun41

    Post your desktop! Part deux!

    Feh1325, Where can I get that wallpaper? Finals are coming up.
  17. jun41

    Most glorious female voice ever?

    Mariah Carey. I'm not ashamed...
  18. jun41

    My DAC isn't giving me consistent volume.

    Nevermind, I got it. It turns out that the DAC works from whatever volume my computer is on when I turn the DAC on. Once I turned the volume all the way up on my laptop, the volume came back. Praise the head-fi gods!
  19. jun41

    My DAC isn't giving me consistent volume.

    When I used to run my amp out of my computer straight from the headphone jack, the volume was very low. The first time I plugged in the MD-10 I almost blew my ears out because I was not expecting that kind of volume. The db output levels on the MD10 are the same, the volume levels on my...
  20. jun41

    My DAC isn't giving me consistent volume.

    I've had my MD-10 for awhile, no complaints and it sounds amazing. It made my PPX and my 650s sound great and I could barely listen to anything with the dial above 12:00. But now I can bring it all the way to the max and it is not even anywhere close to how loud it used to be. I'm stumped and...
  21. jun41

    Yo mama's so fat

    For CS players: Yo momma is so stupid she bought an UMP. Yo momma is so fat she couldn't defuse the bomb cuz her fingers couldn't get to the buttons. Yo momma is so fat that you could no-scope her from a mile away.
  22. jun41

    Apr/May/Jun 07 Partial Giveaway - Arcam DiVA CD73

    I want a DiVA! The Clash- London Calling