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  1. kaboomooo

    Schiit Owners Unite

    In the beginning there is only darkness but GOD said let there be light! and now we have schiit 
  2. kaboomooo

    Mac OS X Music Players - alternatives to iTunes

    JRiver is really giving me a hard time in the last couple of days. Playing some DSD file and some how no audio at all! My USB DAC still show up in the system everything looks normal but even when I open Youtube no sound at all... I will have restart my MBP to get everything working again... This...
  3. kaboomooo

    Mac OS X Music Players - alternatives to iTunes

    Audirvana is nice, but since I already paid for JRiver don't feel like it to buy another player..... :( 
  4. kaboomooo

    Mac OS X Music Players - alternatives to iTunes

    JRiver is pretty good, but the problem is some time it will shut down for no reason. In some case the audio output stop working all together. Restart my Mac will fix the issue but that means it is not the most reliable software. :(
  5. kaboomooo

    Little Dot Tube Amps: Vacuum Tube Rolling Guide

    I am  just talking about my experience with tube rolling in general. I have not hear of Little Dot my self. But would like to try it out one day since you think it may be worthwhile my good sir 
  6. kaboomooo

    Little Dot Tube Amps: Vacuum Tube Rolling Guide

    I have been tube rolling for a few year. The only amp that I heard that does not sound good with my Telefunken is made in China. Thank you very much:)
  7. kaboomooo

    Supreme Sound (Burson) Audio Lycan Headamp

    i like the idea of opamp rolling here (why let all the tube amp people have all the fun I mean ).    But the SS-opamp they sell are expensive  when compared to chip opamp. Can anyone comment on how they sound like? Are they worth the money?
  8. kaboomooo

    Gustard U12 USB Interface 8 Core XMOS chip

    Oooh crap, don't they at least have a website somewhere :( I hate Ebay when item dont turn up they keep on ask me to wait for a little longer and half of time they can't even speak proper English :(
  9. kaboomooo

    Little Dot Tube Amps: Vacuum Tube Rolling Guide

    Telefunken is the best, most balanced and I don't care what you said but those Germans they made the best tube.  
  10. kaboomooo

    Best Schiit Amp for HD 650?

    just love the name... :) which schiit amp?  this has to be a joke 
  11. kaboomooo

    Gustard U12 USB Interface 8 Core XMOS chip

    This looks very good. Is there any retailer for this item?
  12. kaboomooo

    Grado Fan Club!

    Love Grado phone:) Well made well design and one of the original design. Great value for money:)    Very sad to learn that grado founder has pass away.  
  13. kaboomooo

    MrSpeakers ETHER C Review / Announcement - A New Closed-Back Planar Magnetic Flagship from MrSpeakers

    I just wonder why is that all the latest planar magnetic phone are looks the same, namely LCD2/3, Ether, Hifiman, from the size to the shape to the connector....   Is there some kind of mega factory somewhere that OEM for all these brand?  The only difference is the headband