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  1. tcpoint

    PPAS Build Thread.

    I'd go with the AD8620 and AD8610 combo.  I was hesitant to try it with my Pimeta but I really liked it.  It will be hard to get the opa627 to work.  There's no opa2627 that I know of.
  2. tcpoint

    PPAS Build Thread. has them.  Budget price of $4.73 each and if I remember correctly they kill you on shipping charges.
  3. tcpoint

    Starving Student PCB's

    I'm happy with the board that I got.  It looks great.  Can't wait until work slows down a bit and I'll solder it up.
  4. tcpoint

    my DAC design - pup1 DAC

    Great.  Thanks for the time and effort.
  5. tcpoint

    Some LME49600 implementations

    I got mine running and did a quick test.  It runs cool and has low dc offset.  I really didn't get a chance to give it much of a listen.  I am going on vacation for a week.  Will give a report on the sound when I get back.
  6. tcpoint

    Some LME49600 implementations

    I got all the smd parts on.  Just need another evening to finish it up.
  7. tcpoint

    A TREAD sized regulator - the r1

    Quote: That is great news.
  8. tcpoint

    Some LME49600 implementations

    I'm placing my order tomorrow.  Not sure if I'm going to go the oven route or the solder iron.  I have an old oven that I use for hardening paint.  
  9. tcpoint

    Some LME49600 implementations

    Board arrived today.  Getting ready to pull the dremel out.
  10. tcpoint

    Some LME49600 implementations

    Thanks for the board.  Look forward to the build.
  11. tcpoint

    Some LME49600 implementations

    J-Pak,   I probably have 35% of the parts, already.  I'll have to check.  Some of the resistors can be thick film (esp. in power supply section).  I'll see what parts I have in the next day or two and I'd be happy to go in on an order.
  12. tcpoint

    my DAC design - pup1 DAC

    I can only compare this dac to the grub dac, gamma 1, bantam dac and alien dac.  The pupDac is clearly in a different category.  It's very detailed and I just enjoy the music.  I'm building a gamma 2 and it will fun to compare the two.  Thanks needs to go to cobaltmute and tomb for a fun project.
  13. tcpoint

    my DAC design - pup1 DAC

    I'm in for a prototype board, too.
  14. tcpoint

    Carrie USB-Powered Headphone Amplifier

    I just finished my Carrie (hooked up to a GrubDAC).  First listen was quite impressive.  I had to get the 5V from C5 on the GrubDAC.   Thanks to joneeboi and colbatmute for their efforts.  
  15. tcpoint

    Running cMoyBB off USB with Boost Converter

    [=][/] It works quite well.
  16. tcpoint

    my DAC design - pup1 DAC

    Just cased my pup1 dac, this evening.  I'm going to give it some extensive listening this week.  Thanks for the great project.  I hope this ends up with a new revision, soon (with a kit with panels).  Those mini usb jacks aren't fun to cut out.
  17. tcpoint

    A TREAD sized regulator - the r1

    The build was pretty straight forward.  It just worked first try.  I was pretty careful and took my time. The parts all fit easily.  The only things I'd change are Q2 and add a silk screen on the bottom (which I'm sure you already have your your list for the production boards).  I'll post...
  18. tcpoint

    A TREAD sized regulator - the r1

    Put together a 9 V board and it works great.  Thanks for putting together this project.
  19. tcpoint

    A TREAD sized regulator - the r1

    Just started a board late last night.  Will probably finish either Tuesday or Wednesday (Got to take the kids trick or treatin' tonight).  Will let you know how it goes.  I expect it will just work.   I plan on making one 9V PS and a +/-15V (with the other two board).
  20. tcpoint

    my DAC design - pup1 DAC

    I put it all together and found a short on U7 (the 2.5 V voltage regulator).  While trying to fix it, I wrecked the chip (Grrrr...).  I am placing an order for it tomorrow.  My Ubuntu box recognizes it just fine.  I'll give you my impressions of the sound, later in the week.
  21. tcpoint

    my DAC design - pup1 DAC

    I was looking at the schematic and noticed that FSEL is left floating.  Shouldn't it be tied to ground for I2S mode?  It is tied to ground in the grubdac.
  22. tcpoint

    4558 vs 5532?
