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  1. Xacxac


     Where did you get your cable reterminated?
  2. Xacxac


      Judging from photos, Surf Audio cables aren't much cheaper than plusSound based on similar cable diameter. Surf cables look tiny (larger AWG) compared to common braided cables, which can be plus (not obtrusive) or minus (fragile). Fast turn around time because of manufactured, not hand-made...
  3. Xacxac


    Not looking to buy the plug, as I'm not good at soldering. Thanks for the advice though.
  4. Xacxac


    Anyone using 4.4 TRRS cable with WM1? Need recommendation/opinion of good cable maker within the US to get 4.4 TRRRS cable (not adapter). Found Surf Audio & plusSound Audio so far. Not sure about Norne Audio, ALO, Impact Audio.   PS: My DIY skill sucks
  5. Xacxac

    ALO Cv5 Portable Tube Amp

    Mojo USB input isn't galvanized.
  6. Xacxac

    Chord Mojo(1) DAC-amp ☆★►FAQ in 3rd post!◄★☆

    Phew, has been a long time since the last time I checked this thread. That being said, I had chance to compare Mojo with several phones. I also got HD800. vs ModiU/MagniU: Mojo is clearly better. MMU are quite grainy compared to smooth Mojo. vs Micro iDSD: Close, but Micro sounds quite...
  7. Xacxac

    Alclair RSM Quad Custom In-Ear Monitor Impressions Thread [ These are REALLY worth checking out ]

    Can you confirm wheter yours is the new or old 4 driver? I agree though that the old RSM is quite a bit too bassy for reference. Not only the elevated bass, the decay is somewhat long for BA. I prefer to think RSM as a fun sounding customs.
  8. Xacxac

    Happy as a Pig in Schiit: Introducing Modi Multibit

    Does that mean 24-bit music files are overkill for 16-bit Momby?
  9. Xacxac

    Happy as a Pig in Schiit: Introducing Modi Multibit

    Thanks. What do you think of Vox? I'm using Audirvana+. Tried Vox but the UI is very different than A+.   As for Momby vs Bimby: I think Schiit did a great move. However, Momby is kinda unique. 90% performance (matching) for just 42% price (great value) of Bimby. But the Momby footprint is...
  10. Xacxac

    Happy as a Pig in Schiit: Introducing Modi Multibit

    I'm thinking to get Mimby soon. Does Mimby perform similar to Bimby without ability to upgrade?
  11. Xacxac

    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

    The choice between SR & XR is purely subjective. I got a SR few days ago. It matches the Ety's target (or "Diffuse Field" target) very well until 10kHz. Yesterday, I played with parametric EQ to match SR to "Olive Welti" target as close as I could. I was quite amazed that the OW target looks...
  12. Xacxac

    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

    And easy-to-notice L / R indicator, please. :D
  13. Xacxac

    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

    I found out that I used to insert silicon tips too deep by comparing the length of silicon tips to my customs (second bend).   So, with corrected insertion depth, Ety's silicon tips sound similar to Ety's foam tips. Ok, maybe a lil bit difference across frequencies, but negligible (about 1dB)...
  14. Xacxac

    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

    I resorted back to regular 3 flange tips. I believe that the foamies tilted the frequency toward bass because I can't insert the foamies to the second bend - my canals are smaller than compressed foamies.
  15. Xacxac

    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

    Thanks for the responses. It seems like tips impact is very individual. For now, I'm using foamies. Even though the flanges sound clearer(as less bass compared to treble), the notes are quite too thin to be considered as accurate for my taste. I have yet to try Comply foamies. My guess they...
  16. Xacxac

    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

    Ety's foamies are comfortable enough, but they tame the highs (and transparency) compared to Ety's flanges.
  17. Xacxac

    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

    I never listen to Etymotic products before, so I have a question: does the foam tips boost the bass and thicken the overall note (and decay too)? Both of large 3 flange and foam tips seal well, but the foamies make the sound quite musical compared to the 3 flange tips.
  18. Xacxac

    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

    A new shiny stuff was delivered by UPS guy... I'll write impression, but let me enjoy the music first :)
  19. Xacxac

    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

    Ordered the SR. Maybe I'll get a pair of PT to compare later (and past experience of HD800). Estimated delivery: Wednesday. Can't wait for it! :D
  20. Xacxac

    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

    So the SR/XR is mainly about detachable cables, casing material & easy-to-drive rather than sound quality improvement from S/PT?
  21. Xacxac

    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

    How does 4SR differ from 4S/PT in term of sound? The better build quality of SR is great, but I can get the old 4S/PT for less than $250.
  22. Xacxac

    Happy as a Pig in Schiit: Introducing Modi Multibit

    Wow, interesting stuff. Multibit for $250, how amazing that is! But I'll wait until someone does comaprison between ModiU-ModiMB-Bitfrost-BitfrostMB.
  23. Xacxac

    Official 2016 SF Head-Fi Meet, July 16, 2016, Wikia HQ

    Wohoo, less than 24 hours!   I'll bring +1. As well as my Mojo & custom. 