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  1. ndburley

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

    Wham! - last Christmas and Slade-  Merry Christmas everybody need some blasting :) Merry Christmas all of you!!
  2. ndburley

    Upcoming DAP from xDuoo - the X10!

    I also have the X3 and to be honest if I had the choice of the 2 I would lean towards the X10, it feels like a more complete player.   Great sound, snappy interface compared to X3 it is a step up in many ways in my opinion.   But on the other hand if you are happy with your current player...
  3. ndburley

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

    To the front room for a blast...Roxy music and some Floyd
  4. ndburley

    Upcoming DAP from xDuoo - the X10!

    Yes but the Cayin N5 has the edge in the mid range but only just but that's just my ears so its not in stone.   Also at higher levels the N5 treble sounded brighter, more sharp to the ever so slightly smoothed off X10. 
  5. ndburley

    Upcoming DAP from xDuoo - the X10!

    ok been playing with my X10 for a bit longer and I will be honest with you   - I find a little clip or fade in before songs more noticeable than others - The lack Gapless does ruin a few albums for me - It does not appear to read imbedded art in flac - The scroll wheel needs to be a bit...
  6. ndburley

    Upcoming DAP from xDuoo - the X10!

    Can i ask what IEMs?
  7. ndburley

    XDuoo XD-05 Portable Dac/Amp Introduction - Impressions

    I was using the optical as a test I have been using it on its own for a while but I wanted to test optical and also I wanted to use my Beyerdynamic 250ohm which require a little more juice. 
  8. ndburley

    Upcoming DAP from xDuoo - the X10!

    never ever give pictures of your cards to anyone.
  9. ndburley

    Upcoming DAP from xDuoo - the X10!

    Ok I see your point but the X3 was their first player that used Linux as a OS, this was new to them and they were fairly open about it.   Yes it was flawed in a few ways but sounded very good and was compared to Fiio X3, not a bad effort I would say.    I have always been a little bit of a...
  10. ndburley

    Upcoming DAP from xDuoo - the X10!

    Talking to Tony?   XDuoo have been fairly good with updates for the players they make and as a young company to this area they are doing well and will continue to do so I think.   I have had every player they made since the X1 and I still use that one!    They started more in amps but have...
  11. ndburley

    Upcoming DAP from xDuoo - the X10!

    I love the X10 the sound quality is awesome in my opinion but I side with you I would not listen to Dark side on this as the gaps would ruin it for me (Obscured by clouds is better though IMO). It does not mean I would not have the X10 but I am lucky enough to have a few DAPs to play with
  12. ndburley

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

    I am also wearing their underwear range, very comfy :P   Normally use my Cayin N5 but got an X10 to play with and the XD-05 is the only thing I have to test optical from the X10.    Yes I am impressed with Xduoo though this setup does sound lovely. 
  13. ndburley

    Upcoming DAP from xDuoo - the X10!

      Yes it maybe just be how I am using it, my album art is done using MusicBee.   I use this on my N5 and just works off a sync
  14. ndburley

    XDuoo XD-05 Portable Dac/Amp Introduction - Impressions

      Optical works a treat with the X10
  15. ndburley

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

    XDuoo X10 with XD-05 and AudioTechnica M50x
  16. ndburley

    Upcoming DAP from xDuoo - the X10!

    I am really enjoying the X10 but a few things I would like to see is Gapless play and album art.   Those are the only 2 bug bears so far that I have but not at all a deal killer.    Optical test! I am really impressed in the sound these 2 combined produce       Just switched to...
  17. ndburley

    XDuoo X3 DSD 24Bit / 192KHz CS4398 Chip Lossless Music Player

    Ahh sorry, I have also been using the AudioTechnica m50x with the X3 with plenty of joy.    Nice deep sound without loosing the top end so a nice amount of detail.
  18. ndburley

    XDuoo X3 DSD 24Bit / 192KHz CS4398 Chip Lossless Music Player

    I would say the Soundmagic E10 or my fav the Ostry KC06a are great iems for the x3
  19. ndburley

    Upcoming DAP from xDuoo - the X10!

    wow feeling the negative kick back.   Been watching XDuoo since the X1 (which i still have) and they have been moving forward and so far they have progressed very well even approaching Rockbox to help their hardware and product progress.     Maybe they are not the best but you cant argue...
  20. ndburley

    Upcoming DAP from xDuoo - the X10!

    Yes I can see how that would be a bit of a pain but they have aimed for a great sound and I think in the price range they have done flipping awesome.    Hopefully XDuoo will release firmware to correct these little things as it would polish off the X10 perfectly.  
  21. ndburley

    Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)

    XDuoo X10 and Ostry KC06A
  22. ndburley

    Upcoming DAP from xDuoo - the X10!

    Hello all sorry its been a few days but I can give some feedback now about the X10 by XDuoo.   I have been using the X10 over the last week and would like to share some of the experience with you           The build of the X10 is solid as the X3 was and also without the button...
  23. ndburley

    Upcoming DAP from xDuoo - the X10!

    working on it, doing a head to head with Cayin N5 so hope this will help
  24. ndburley

    Upcoming DAP from xDuoo - the X10!

    Taking a little time to test the X10 and hopefully post my full thoughts and pictures this weekend and daytime is better for pictures too :)
  25. ndburley

    Upcoming DAP from xDuoo - the X10!

    Been having a listen off today so would give a quick update before i do a full review as I need more time.   I am honestly struggling to pick a difference between my N5 and the X10, I have been using my M50x as these are my favorite go to headphones in the house at the moment.   Ok the songs...