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  1. DarkJC

    Okay, a DAC that sounds as good as the 1212m in the same price range?

    Not sure how low of a low price you're looking for, but I'm just throwing this out there. I bought my MicroDAC quite a while ago now, but I've been very happy with it. Works well being driven by the optical out of my Audigy 2 or via USB. It goes for $300 at Headroom. I never regretted it for...
  2. DarkJC

    Microdac is tops - using as my temp. amp!

    I too have nothing but praise for my MicroDAC. It's really great, especially for the price. When I first got it, I initially just kept it in the chain and listened with it in there all the time, thinking I noticed a difference but not knowing it was whether placebo. Recently I inadvertently...
  3. DarkJC

    SqueezeBox -> MicroDAC

    Would this combo provide an improvement over the internal SB DAC? Or would it be better to use the analog stage on the SB, sell the MicroDAC, and save up for a better DAC later? I'm eventually going to be getting a better DAC, basically I'm just wondering whether it's worth keeping the...
  4. DarkJC


    Quote: Originally Posted by seacard I agree that there should be at least 5 trials. With only 3, there is a decent (higher than 10%) chance that he'll get all three right just by guessing. Statistically speaking, even if he gets all three right, that does not prove anything. If you go...
  5. DarkJC

    Recommendations for a friend...

    Hey guys, I was just talking to my friend about the headphones I used and he seemed interested in purchasing a quality headphone himself, so I told him I'd see if I could get some suggestions from the forum. He's into Rock, Alternative, and Orchestral music, and he does all of his listening...
  6. DarkJC

    Dell Inspiron => Grado Sr225

    More like the power of built in google "I'm Feeling Lucky".
  7. DarkJC

    "My Earphones Cost More Than Your Ipod" Shure Shirt

    Quote: Originally Posted by trose49 You need a shirt "I overpaid for everything" LOL! He may be kidding, but my 3G iPod 20GB cost $608 CDN after tax. Back then they came with a bunch of accessories, like a case, dock, remote, etc. Still going strong :P
  8. DarkJC

    Please help me get my next pair of Headphones

    Count me in for another vote for the SR225. If you like the SR-60 you'll love the 255's.
  9. DarkJC

    Whats the best headphone in the world?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Emon Well, I'd have to put the following on the list for sure. A few from experience, mostly from what I've read, though. Sennheiser HD650 Sennheiser Orpheus Beyerdynamic DT 880 AKG K 701 AKG K 1000 Etymotic ER-4 Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro Sony MDR-R10...
  10. DarkJC - revolution of internet radio? is quite nice, and it's also interesting to note your listening patterns since you signed up. Also, I find it's radio is always enjoyable to listen to no matter what comes up, so it's just as good as pandora in that respect (sometimes better if you're looking for more of what you like)
  11. DarkJC

    I like the grado sound, so what IEMs should I get?

    Isn't the ER4B meant for Binaural recordings? (I'm a Grado guy looking for some quality IEM's as well)
  12. DarkJC

    E-MU 1212m > ???? > Grado SR-225s

    Quote: Isn't the Meier Head-Five reportedly warm? Yeah, I own the HeadFive, and it's definitely a "tubeyer" SS amp. I find it matches well with my SR225's, but I haven't compared much with any other setups, so take that as you wish.
  13. DarkJC

    Corda headfive sold out! Thank you again Dr. Meier.

    Thanks Jan! I feel like I got a fantastic deal on my first non-portable headphone amp, and I've been rocking out to it ever since. Thanks again!
  14. DarkJC

    Bringing RS-1's to life

    If I understand correctly, when using a bit perfect digital output (optical or coaxial) to a DAC, the DAC becomes the source and the sound card becomes the transport. In which case getting a good quality DAC would be the equivalent of getting a good quality source. Of course, this disregards...
  15. DarkJC

    Logitech acquires Slim Devices!

    As far as I know, Slim Devices is being left to operate as it always has, so I don't think this is bad news yet. It might be down the road, but I don't think it's a terrible time to buy a Slim Devices product.
  16. DarkJC

    Finally, a product that makes my mp3s and cds sound better than being in the studio

    Quote: Originally Posted by roadtonowhere08 The part that gets me the most is that Creative has the power and resources to make world class sound cards with the gaming features included, but they just blow it by cooking up HORRIBLE drivers/features and terrible implementations of...
  17. DarkJC

    AKG K1000 Replacement on the Horizon?

    Quote: Originally Posted by 003 I would be extremley pissed if a K1000 replacement was released because then I would have to sell my K1000 at a big loss and then buy the new one with a big pricetag. Really something I dont need with this whole D02A situation. Yes, I'm sure you'd...
  18. DarkJC

    Ultimate Audiophile PC Setup!!!

    Quote: IIRC there should be some database of CDs where you can check CRCs of your rips against CRCs of the rips of others to verify that you got everything off the disc perfectly, but I don't remember one at the moment. AccurateRip. Available as a plugin for EAC, works like a charm...
  19. DarkJC

    Any insane mind bending guitar solos?

    Ever listened to Dragonforce? (If you're into Power Metal, of course)
  20. DarkJC

    Eric Whitacre

    Agreed, his works are truly awesome. I've played in a band performing both Sleep and Lux Arumque (sp?). Both amazing, I just wish I had better quality recordings of them on my computer.
  21. DarkJC

    Somebody want to back me up?

    Quote: Hmm if it resamples to 48Khz anyway, how does it improve the sound quality? The SRC Resampler is loads better than the internal crappy one in the Audigy 2. If the incoming data is already 48000Hz, it bypasses the internal Audigy 2 resampler.
  22. DarkJC

    Somebody want to back me up?

    Just to clear something up I read in your initial post, yes, even the lowly Audigy 2 supports ASIO. :P I use the Secret Rabbit Code Resampler plugin in Foobar2000 so it resamples the audio to 48000Hz before it hits the sound card DSP, along with kernel streaming. I think it makes for a...
  23. DarkJC

    Which available Grado model is most like HF-1?

    Quote: Originally Posted by ilovesocks Unfortunately, there will never be another HF due to the number of people who used the HF-1 for their own monetary gain. Really? If that's true, that royally sucks. All it takes is a few greedy people I guess..
  24. DarkJC

    A bit overwhelmed... New headphone shopper

    I don't think you can buy the SR325 unless you're buying used. I've never heard the 325 myself, but I've heard others say that the 325i was a much welcomed improvement over the 325's sound.
  25. DarkJC

    The right amp for my headphones...

    You'd probably get more responses if you posted this on the amplification forum. As for the Total Bithead, I've heard really good things about it and the Airhead as well. Go for the Bithead if you're also looking for amplification from your computer, otherwise I think the Airhead would suit...