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  1. saj2001ind

    Lotoo PAW S1 - Designed for HIFI on the go with Lotoo PAW quality and the first USB DAC-AMP with dual 3.5mm & 4.4mm output

    I absolutely agree with you experience on IE800 + S1 pairing, I am using the same and it sounds superb… however I also tried sennheiser hd660s with 3.5mm out and with high gain Upto 80 volume the sound is good but I feel it lacks the airy top end which I get a lot and spoilt by the IE800, bass...
  2. saj2001ind

    LG V30

    Anyways he sung EQ setting with Lg music player and EQ on dac settings .. how’s the response between the 2? Does they color the original sound a lot ?
  3. saj2001ind

    Meet the Sennheiser HD 660 S

    Any good portable dac amp you guys use and suggest for 660s?
  4. saj2001ind

    FiiO X7 Mk II 2GB RAM + 64GB ROM + ESS9028 PRO + Balanced + DSD + BT 4.1 aptX + Dual mSD + Dual Band WiFi + Opt Out

    I am actually using HD 660s with Lg V30 now which detects it as high impedance headphone connected and to my surprise it sound amazing compared to fiio x7ii...v30 dac and amp inside a phone is very powerful and also has all the dynamics for me it dont loose anything btw HD 660s is a...
  5. saj2001ind

    FiiO X7 Mk II 2GB RAM + 64GB ROM + ESS9028 PRO + Balanced + DSD + BT 4.1 aptX + Dual mSD + Dual Band WiFi + Opt Out

    Are you guys using any high impedence headphones with x7ii .. I used Sennheiser HD 660s and with high gain have to push volume all the way up Which amp module will be good ?
  6. saj2001ind

    Meet the Sennheiser HD 660 S

    I have used both v20 and LG G6 and can say that v30 plus is an upgrade over them over sound quality with controls on dacs filter and eq native settings For my ears and with my high end headphones and earphones I don't see the use of fiio x7ii anymore .. v30 sound superb with them
  7. saj2001ind

    Meet the Sennheiser HD 660 S

    I have a ton of them LoL And v30 is more portable and useful also as a phone than x7ii
  8. saj2001ind

    LG V30

    Better I say bcz of the amp power the v30 puts out ... and fiio x7ii with default amp Module is just not powerful enough for hd660s
  9. saj2001ind

    Meet the Sennheiser HD 660 S

    Today I got my priced possession Sennheiser hd 660s...hooked up to lg v30 plus and wow it powers the 150ohm high end headphone with easy Sound is just immersive Then I hooked hd 660s to fiio x7ii....that needs to be put on high gain to power it properly still I had to push volume all the way...
  10. saj2001ind

    LG V30

    Today I got my priced possession Sennheiser hd 660s...hooked up to v30 plus and wow it powers the 150ohm high end headphone with easy Sound is just immersive Then I hooked hd 660s to fiio x7ii....that needs to be put on high gain to power it properly still I had to push volume all the way up...
  11. saj2001ind

    Meet the Sennheiser HD 660 S

    Guys hows the bass in hd 660s ? I mean does it sound musical or just flat ?
  12. saj2001ind

    Sony 1000x mark ii - huzzah!

    Guys I am considering buying it however I wanted to know how’s it sound quality with connected wired and ANC On ? Does the sound quality improves considerably compared to wireless Bluetooth mode ?
  13. saj2001ind

    LG V30

    Wonderful So as per your experience you don’t experience any downgrade in sound quality when playing from 3rd party music apps compared to LG music app ?
  14. saj2001ind

    LG V30

    How do we know this is actually happening ?
  15. saj2001ind

    FiiO X7 Mk II 2GB RAM + 64GB ROM + ESS9028 PRO + Balanced + DSD + BT 4.1 aptX + Dual mSD + Dual Band WiFi + Opt Out

    So if I use hiby music player then I should get same quality as fiio music player ?
  16. saj2001ind

    LG V30

    So only dsd will be affected but all other flacs etc will be fine just as good quality as LG music player ?
  17. saj2001ind

    FiiO X7 Mk II 2GB RAM + 64GB ROM + ESS9028 PRO + Balanced + DSD + BT 4.1 aptX + Dual mSD + Dual Band WiFi + Opt Out

    Guys Pls suggest .... if I use 3rd party apps like Hiby to stream music from my NAS will there be any degradation of music quality when played on 3rd party apps ? Just to add I have 96 and 192khz flax and dsd files along with normal CD quality files to stream
  18. saj2001ind

    LG V30

    Guys Pls suggest .... if I use 3rd party apps like Hiby to stream music from my NAS will there be any degradation of music quality when played on 3rd party apps ? Just to add I have 96 and 192khz flax and dsd files along with normal CD quality files to stream
  19. saj2001ind

    LG V30

    Which headphone does that ? All or any particular ones ?
  20. saj2001ind

    LG V30

    R u guys getting massive idle battery drain ? And anyway to fix it ?
  21. saj2001ind

    LG V30

    Quite usefully to get rid of outdated UI Turn v30 into pixel 2
  22. saj2001ind

    LG V30

    Anyone know if we use 3rd party music app there will be no degradation of audio from ESS dac ?
  23. saj2001ind

    LG V30

    So which filter you guys prefer ?
  24. saj2001ind

    LG V30

    thanks buddy, is there any app to force dac to use high impedence mode all the time irrespective of any headphone connected
  25. saj2001ind

    LG V30

    Guys I just got the v30 plus great phone and sound quality quite comparable with my fiio x7ii However I don't see the option to see which type of device is connected in HiFi DAC screen...what can be the issue ?