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  1. mdelaney1986

    Review of Audio Technica ATH-CKR9 & ATH-CKR10

    No.  It turns out these were fake.  I now have a genuine pair and they sound is 100% better. 
  2. mdelaney1986

    Review of Audio Technica ATH-CKR9 & ATH-CKR10

    I just got these and I have to say I expected a much flatter sounding frequency response.  These sound very dynamic and have very good bass that doesn't sound muddy like some dynamic driver IEM's.  However the midrange and treble is one-toned and ringy and their frequency response sounds like...
  3. mdelaney1986

    iPhone 6 & 6 Plus Audio Quality

    I recently downgraded from the 6s back to the iPhone 5s because the 6s just couldn't handle low impedance IEM's.     I did some brief testing in my phone repair shop using a true RMS multimeter and a 60Hz sine wave at 0dB - I chose 60Hz because this would simulate the ability to drive the...
  4. mdelaney1986

    iPhone 6s Sound Quality

  5. mdelaney1986

    What is the sound quality of iPhone, iPad, iPod (Touch)?

    I am a hard-core audio enthusiast and have been through a lot of equipment both high end and consumer average.  I service smartphones full time and study electrical engineering and audio processing.  Unlike most Audio experts, I understand voltage, current, and impedance. I have not thoroughly...
  6. mdelaney1986

    iPhone 5C and 5S: audio output

    Hi.  I have the new iPhone 5s and have compared it's audio quality side by side with the 4s using some technical measurement procedures and of course my ears, a few different pairs of headphones and my favorite music.   I have noted below the output voltage of both iPhones at their highest...
  7. mdelaney1986

    iPhone 4S audio chip ?

    Most Android makers spend their time and money on 4 or 5 devices per year per company inorder to meet the needs of a wide variety of customers.   This is part of the reason Samsung comes out with several phones per year that all have something that seriously sucks about them unless you buy the...