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  1. kingcobra1215

    Best Around-ear Headphones for office (with good bass)?

    Honestly I don't think the Custom Ones will be much better since like I said the 770 were great sounding with the MacBook but very lacking with the iphone...   Are there any headphones with builtin amps?
  2. kingcobra1215

    Beyerdynamic DT770 sound like a crap when using with iPhone 5S...

    Which headphones sound good with iPhone? that have good bass?
  3. kingcobra1215

    Beyerdynamic DT770 sound like a crap when using with iPhone 5S...

    Just got those and they sound horrible at high volumes and barely have any bass...they sound nice when plugged in to my MacBook but I mainly need these for work.   I understand there are portable amps but I don't want to go that route...Are there any headphones with built-in amps or something...
  4. kingcobra1215

    Best Around-ear Headphones for office (with good bass)?

    Nimbo, thanks I'm in los angeles so I'll keep an eye for a meet in this area   Guys, I got the dt770 and they sound AWFUL when using them with my iphone...they become very distorted at the higher volumes and sound terrible...I understand there are portable amplifiers but I don't really want to...
  5. kingcobra1215

    Best Around-ear Headphones for office (with good bass)?

    That's good to know, so summit-fi will be a place I will AVOID for now until I get rich haha   I'll definitely try to attend one of the meets if I get a chance, but again it might tempt me too much to start spending lots of cash on a new pair
  6. kingcobra1215

    Best Around-ear Headphones for office (with good bass)?

    ^ thanks, I already placed the order for the 770 so Ill try them out and see how they sound when they get here, if not ill return them and swap them out, it was pretty bad already for me to spend around $230 for them with the extra pads, to move to the momentums is an extra $100, I'm trying to...
  7. kingcobra1215

    Best Around-ear Headphones for office (with good bass)?

    Hey sorry real quick, are the custom one better than the 770?
  8. kingcobra1215

    Best Around-ear Headphones for office (with good bass)?

    Wow those are all extremely expensive headphones in my opinion, specially since I'm still a noob when it comes to good headphones but I'm sure like everything else they are worth the price tag.   I would go for IEM too but my ears tend to not like them for more than 30mins or so, and theres...
  9. kingcobra1215

    Best Around-ear Headphones for office (with good bass)?

    Thanks for the ohm explanation, I will def stick to the 32ohm. I'll need to buy the velour ear pads extra then, still not a bad deal for around $200   I didn't notice the sennheiser 558 were open headphones, thanks for the heads up.   I actually always thought skull candy is the worst of the...
  10. kingcobra1215

    Best Around-ear Headphones for office (with good bass)?

    It's mainly for use with my iPhone 5S at work so I wouldn't want an extra long cord.   I was looking at the Sonys but they are discontinued and that's generally not a good sign.   For the Logitechs they look pretty plasticy and cheap, and I don't need noise cancellation   Momentums, those...
  11. kingcobra1215

    Best Around-ear Headphones for office (with good bass)?

    I'm trying to stay under $200 but may be willing to spend a bit more if it's really worth the extra cash, up to $300
  12. kingcobra1215

    Best Around-ear Headphones for office (with good bass)?

    Hi everyone,   I'm new here. I was looking around for info regarding the best around-ear headphones and landed on this site. Thought I would post so I don't have to keep buying and trying new headphones.   So here's what I'm looking for, headphones to wear at work in my cube without...