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  1. rjalex

    Good source suggestion to hear music in bed :-)

    Thank you all very much. I also had setup a little RPi with another audio oriented distro (cannot rem now) plus an ipad for the web interface and it worked just all of that was a bit clumsy ;-) For example when you finally decided sleep was unto you you had to open an SSH client and shutdown...
  2. rjalex

    Good source suggestion to hear music in bed :-)

    Thanks a lot. But would the iTunes/Music app play bitperfect on that interface ?
  3. rjalex

    Good source suggestion to hear music in bed :-)

    Dear friends, I have a little combo I love: my ODAC+O2 combo and my Mad Dog headphones.   I use this attached to my iMac with the Audirvana player to listen to my mostly ALAC collection via iTunes as the front end (for covers, tags ratings etc.).   Because of my current life I don't have...
  4. rjalex

    Please help me, brain melting, unable to choose: IEM for isolation and sleep

    At the end decided to go for the Meelectronics M6 plus Comply foam tips and when the latter are well fitted the bass comes out beautifully and I really enjoy these inexpensive IEMs.   Thanks !
  5. rjalex

    What's your fav cable to link Sansa Clip/Fuze to Altoids/CMoy ?

    This looks good but if there was one even shorter I'd go for it. Thank you very much !
  6. rjalex

    What's your fav cable to link Sansa Clip/Fuze to Altoids/CMoy ?

    Dear friends, I bought a very decent cable for this but it's so stiff and short that the little Sansa player sticks out far from the Altoids can :-(   Is there any better idea for a cable that is short enough and mayne "U shaped" with 90 degrees 3.5 connectors to hold the Sansa close/stuck to...
  7. rjalex

    Please help me, brain melting, unable to choose: IEM for isolation and sleep

    Thanks so much. Really appreciate your suggestions. Ciao from Rome !
  8. rjalex

    Please help me, brain melting, unable to choose: IEM for isolation and sleep

    Oooops sorry, found the model for Comply for the M6 (not for the EPH-100) on the Comply website :-)   They list the T-200 as the proper model.   I'd be considering the Comfort or Comfort plus models. Is the "wax barrier" of the latter a) useful b) really acoustically transparent ?   Most...
  9. rjalex

    Please help me, brain melting, unable to choose: IEM for isolation and sleep

    What Comply plugs models would fit the M6 buds ? (I live in Italy and use for buying this stuff and there's a lot of different "models").   Would those same tips be beneficial also for the Yamaha ?   Thanks a lot to everyone for the suggestions.
  10. rjalex

    Please help me, brain melting, unable to choose: IEM for isolation and sleep

    Thanks so much for trying to help. I had stumbled on those reviews and was a bit worried about the "Ear fatigue/uncomfortable" and "weak cable" feedbacks (both of which could be a problem for my desire to wear them to fall asleep). Also the design looks it protrudes quite a lot from the ear or...
  11. rjalex

    Please help me, brain melting, unable to choose: IEM for isolation and sleep

    Dear friends, the more I read reviews and find deals on amazon or ebay, the more I am unable to decide :-( I really need your help.   I am looking for an IEM, budget up to 100 (but if there was a gigantic step in quality could stretch a little) to be used in two different settings:   a)...
  12. rjalex

    Rockit Sounds R-50, a few questions

    Read favorable reviews of these IEMs which are in my budget range (around 100).   Not having the possibility of trying them would like to know two opinions:   a) Would they be bearable to use them in bed lying on a side (how much do the protrude) ?   b) My fav genres are classical piano...
  13. rjalex

    iPhone 4S with iOS7, CCK, what else ?

    Dear friends, I am very happy with my little home rig (iMac -> Audirvana ->ODAC+O2 combo -> Mad Dogs) and would love some reccomendations for a portable rig.   I have an iPhone 4S with iOS7 and read that via the Camera Connection Kit I can get the digital signal to an external DAC.   On the...
  14. rjalex

    What is causing this weird noise at the end of a sweep ?

    Ok I think I have interesting results.   It seems it's an aliasing problem and shows why using a good player like Audirvana DOES make a difference.   Here's a great web page to test:   If I play both the 44.1 or the 48KHz sweeps in my...
  15. rjalex

    What is causing this weird noise at the end of a sweep ?

    And thanks a lot for trying to help :-)
  16. rjalex

    What is causing this weird noise at the end of a sweep ?

    WOW lol yes :-) Laughing since I had the volume a bit high on the speakers and played a 20-20K sweep from here and my doors rattled at the low end startling me :-) Yes when the frequency goes up high I experience these weird "parasounds" ... no clue.
  17. rjalex

    What is causing this weird noise at the end of a sweep ?

    Dear friends, I have found and put into practice a little plugin script for Audacity to generate tone sweeps.   Whether I listen this from my iMac->headphone out->little H/K speakers   or   iMac->USB->ODAC->O2->Sennheiser HD600   I hear the same "artifacts" if played with Audacity or...
  18. rjalex

    Are all CMoys created equal ? :-)

    Dear friends, I beg for forgiveness but my comprehension of electronics is nil ! :-(   I bought a new headphone to my musician son, a German Maestro 8.35D which he really loves (and I also like them a lot).   In about a month it will be his bday and I am planning to buy him a little Sansa...
  19. rjalex

    Sansa Zip for Mad Dog 3.2

    Aw good to know ! I still cannot understand if I'll drive the Mad Dogs directly from phone out or if I'll need a portable amp and or DAC/amp .. ideas ?
  20. rjalex

    Fiio X3 and Mad Dogs. Good match ?

    bump if you don't mind. 
  21. rjalex

    Sansa Zip for Mad Dog 3.2

    I have ordere both and will receive them in a little while.   I'll just have to install Rockbox "vanillla" on the former or do you suggest any optional plugins / procedures ?   Is the "Crosstalk" function useful ?   Will a portable AMP be necessary (in the affirmative case does the Zip...
  22. rjalex

    Mad Dog versus Momentum

    Will sure do ! Don't hold your breath though since it seems I won't have them for a few weeks (backorder I think).   Wonder what is this 22US$ tune-up thing you can buy in the US (while the EU distributor does not seem to carry that item) ...   Happy 2014 !
  23. rjalex

    Fiio X3 and Mad Dogs. Good match ?

    I bought Mad Dogs (should receive them in a couple of weeks) and need a DAP or a Dac/Amp to use at the office.   Would the X3 drive them well ?   Thank you and happy XMas
  24. rjalex

    Would love suggestion to go portable :-)

    Dear friends, I hope to receive my new Mad Dog 3.2 with alpha Pads and at home I'll drive them with my ODAC+O2 combo (not portable) from my iMac.   What would you be your suggestion if I'd use my iPod touch 4th gen as a source (with my ALAC files on it) ?   Question 1) I have no idea on how...
  25. rjalex

    Mad Dog versus Momentum

    Ok after lots of thoughts ordered a Mad Dog ! :-)