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  1. galanga

    DIY your own Theme for your lovely X3

    Thank you very much for this update! I use your old version from feb 2015 and the theme 4 (the red with honeycomb style in background) is my favorite. The new theme 1 is also interesting, I have already took some items from it to merge it with theme 4 (the update animation).
  2. galanga

    DIY your own Theme for your lovely X3

    Thank you very much for these updates ! I started today to use your theme, and I like very much the themes 1 and 4. In fact, the only one that I do not really like is the theme 2, because it is not easy to read (black text on too dark background).   Ah ben moi je ne suis pas contre une...
  3. galanga

    DIY your own Theme for your lovely X3

      VERY GOOD!   With the different great proposals, start to be able to change my X3 theme everyday as some people choose a tie…   Just a question: which SW did you used to create the logo.bmp?
  4. galanga

    DIY your own Theme for your lovely X3

    Quote:   As explained before, it is not working for me (I just retried: opened original orange logo.bmp from FW 3.24b, draw a few kids-level lines rapidly, save, repack, flash => X3 has a black screen at boot). Which version of Paint do you have? I have v6.1 on Win7. And are you really...
  5. galanga

    DIY your own Theme for your lovely X3

    Oh god, I forgot to try GIMP (which is also installed on my PC…)   We should be able to choose 32bits = R8G8B8X8 or R8G8B8A8, which seems to be the format of the X3 and means Red on 8 bits, Green on 8 bits, Blue on 8 bits and then Alpha on 8 bits. But this is apparently not available in my...
  6. galanga

    DIY your own Theme for your lovely X3

      Thanks!   For the Categories, it is now correctly layed-out, I just notice that the colors when an item is highlighted are not the same depending on the icons (2 first on top and the last bottom are darker than the others).   For the why-M*soft-always-do-horrible-things format of BMP, I...
  7. galanga

    DIY your own Theme for your lovely X3

    1/ I notably like the small update in the "Browse By files" icon… #BashIsMyLife :-)   2/ I just noticed that the layout into the Categories is messed up, the middle and bottom items are not of the correct size and are overlapping.   3/ icons : I vote for pixel art! I prefer (simple) pictures...
  8. galanga

    DIY your own Theme for your lovely X3

    It seems to me that the pixelized style is completely foreseen…   The GOD of VT100s may strike you with thunder bolts (highly pixelized, of course) to punish you for asking such "a little bit of smoothness" !   I like it! Reminds me my younger days, developing in ADA on a old VT320…...
  9. galanga

    DIY your own Theme for your lovely X3

    VERY GOOD! Thank you very much for this.   => theme adopted.  
  10. galanga

    FiiO X3 & X5 USB Drivers (for Windows only)

    Thank you for what you have done, but it seems to me that the reason why FiiO is not doing the update is not because they are lazy to repack in a few minutes as you did, but because of the license fee from Thesycon, which was probably paid by FiiO for the older version of the driver and not the...
  11. galanga

    DIY your own Theme for your lovely X3

    Hi, as I like a lot the great theme made for FW2.1 by llision (FW2.1_llision_Green+Blue+OrangeFlat_20131206, see there), I have tried to merge this theme with the current FW 3.0, and here is the current result: It is...
  12. galanga

    The Fiio X3 Thread.

    I just tried the initial green version, and it looks really great ! I will keept it from now. And as some others, I also immediately thought: “Hmm, would be even better in blue...”    May seem a small thing, but I really like the idea of the pause symbol in red and the play symbol in green...
  13. galanga

    The Fiio X3 Thread.

    I had the same behavior (indicated here), and for me it seems completely fixed with firmware 2.05. I guess that the problem was that the 'memory track/position' mechanism is memorizing a path as in the 'Browse file' mode and not a position in the Category mode. When resuming, the gapless was not...
  14. galanga

    Reply to some bugs of X3’s new firmware and new function suggestions from our end-users!

    Hi all, I am a happy new owner of this great X3 (incredible sound !) from a couples of days, but I am annoyed by several strange bugs and I was wondering if this is related to the above item 8 (that I do not fully understand).   I have firmware 1.31, "Memory Play" set to "Position" and...