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  1. santiu

    Wired earbud with mic recommendation?

    So, background. I use HD6xx for main listening. KSC75 when i want something light i can toss around. And Sure E2c when i need isolation. A lot of times i'm on my apple ear buds between calls, and would love to find a better sounding replacement. The pros of the ear bud i find are that they...
  2. santiu

    Koss KSC75's. Dont Forget This Giant Killer in all the ''Hidden Gem'' Hype.

    i just got some ksc75’s as I’m looking for a travel headphone setup. My main listening is on a pair of hd6xx. Before that my main pair was a set of hd580 precision’s. Maybe I’m just too used to the sennheiser sound after more than a decade with them, but I find the ksc75 pretty harsh and ugly...
  3. santiu

    in line passive notch filter for KSC75?

    Hey all! I picked up a pair of ksc75’s to see if I could use them as a travel alternative to my HD6xx. Unfortunately there’s something going on in the high end that my ears/brain do not like. I don’t have my own measuring equipment, but looking at the measurements...
  4. santiu

    Grafting Ety ER-4's onto iPhone earbuds

    Well, i finally got an iPod touch (mainly for skype-ing abilities) and i'm very happy with it. But i hate having to carry around both my ER-4's (for listening) and the Apple earbuds (for skype-ing). So i was going to graft my ER-4's onto the apple cable. My plan was to de-solder the apple...
  5. santiu

    Any amps out there run on AA batteries?

    Tittle says it all. Are there any portable headphone amps that use AA batteries? thanks
  6. santiu

    Suggestions on the perfect travel 'phones?

    Thanks for the responses guys. HD 25-1 II versus Ety ER-4p in sound quality? Do the Senn's win out?
  7. santiu

    Suggestions on the perfect travel 'phones?

    Hey all, i'm looking for my next pair and I'm looking for the "perfect" travel headphones, as I am about to embark on a long voyage...Good Isolation not too flashy as to not draw attention to myself as someone who has things worth stealing not too expensive, in case they do get stolen/broken i...
  8. santiu

    Recommendations for an IEM to be used as an IEM?

    Can anyone comment on the Ultimate Ears 5 pro's isolation? Looks like those are around my price range. I was hoping to spend around $150, but i could conceivably go up to $200, maybe more, especially as I look around and custom is becoming more appealing. That
  9. santiu

    Recommendations for an IEM to be used as an IEM?

    Hey all. I was hoping to tap into the wealth of experience here to get some suggestions for an IEM to actually be used in a live music setting. Strong bass is important for me. Obviously the amount of isolation is also important. I was hoping to spend around $150, but I guess I could go...
  10. santiu

    Where is the Audio Technica ATH-A500 made?

    Are there any owners of the ATH-A500 out there that can look at the box and tell me where they are made? thanks a bunch in advance
  11. santiu

    Headphone gift suggestion, drumline music, <$100

    Where can I find the HD495? Right now i'm trying to choose between a pair of SR-60's, K81DJ's, and MDR-V6's. Any suggestions are much appreciated.
  12. santiu

    Headphone gift suggestion, drumline music, <$100

    Hey, I'm looking for a present for my friend and was thinking of getting him some headphones. He really likes listening to drumline and marching-band music, so I'm looking for headphones that would work well with that high-impact and deep bass. Need easy to drive cans as they won't have a...
  13. santiu

    Impulse buy - Entech 205.2

    okay, did more testing. This time with a different AMP. I think the Entech is fine. I recall reading that these have a bit of a hot output? Is that correct? I think the output is just too hot for my little C&C box headphone amp and the input is clipping. When plugged into my home theater...
  14. santiu

    Impulse buy - Entech 205.2

    EDIT: actually, i think the unit is fine. When plugged into another amp it's okay... i guess the output of the number cruncher is just too hot for the C&C box amp.
  15. santiu

    Impulse buy - Entech 205.2

    Great... now this thread has made me also buy the Entech! ugh... stupid head-fi doesn't help that i also impulsively bought a pair of condenser mics this morning... my wallet hurts
  16. santiu

    Looking for my first DAC for a CD player...

    Okay, so I did some research and tried to figure out what I'm looking for. No longer concerned about size. Now I'd just like to find a solid, well tested DAC that will serve me well out of the box without tinkering with it (don't mind tinkering later, just don't want to HAVE to tinker to make it...
  17. santiu

    Looking for a small transport..

    jdimitri, can you post back your impressions of the sound straight from the pcdp versus pcdp->external DAC? I'm looking to also run a DAC out of my pcdp via toslink, and I'm wondering if there is a good improvement via this route, or if the crappy pcdp sort of negates the benefits of using a...
  18. santiu

    Looking for my first DAC for a CD player...

    hoping you guys can point me towards the right direction. I'm looking for something small which is key. The input is a Panasonic portable CD player via Optical connection. Amp is a C&C Box which power HD580's. Any suggestions for a small footprint DAC? Hoping to find something with a...
  19. santiu

    Are We Ever Really Hearing Music to its Greatest Potential?

    "Hearing Music to its Greatest Potential"... that's why i see as many shows as I can I got to go see Stanley Clarke two nights ago. I love this little headphone hobby, but nothing will beat live music to me. I love listening to albums, but man, to me, even the best recorded music does a...
  20. santiu

    Suggestions for a portable beginner rig (<$175)

    So far I've got: 1)SR-80 + GoVibe 2)K81DJ + PA2V2 any other suggestions? Thanks again
  21. santiu

    Suggestions for a portable beginner rig (<$175)

    I'd say most music she listens to is pop, jazz, country, folk, oldies, R&B, soft rock, and alternative/indie rock (although nothing too hard). Open/Closed is not a big issue. Looking for a portable rig, but more to be able to listen out in the garden, or in a park, or at the beach type...
  22. santiu

    Suggestions for a portable beginner rig (<$175)

    Hey, i'm looking to buy a present for a friend. They don't know anything about headphones, or Hi-Fi for that matter, but they do like music, and they can appreciate good sound. Does anybody have any suggestions for a portable setup for <$175? No IEMs. Source is an ipod nano. Either just...
  23. santiu

    Favourite engineered album?

    I'm going to agree with Paul Simon's Graceland Album. Also a big fan of Stevie Wonder's Innervisions.
  24. santiu

    Introducing the C&C Box Headphone Amplifier

    I want One! User: santiu details sent in paypal...
  25. santiu

    Studio Headphones for under 250$

    Don't do your final mixdown with headphones... it's a SIN Anyhow, if you're only using them for overall mixing, and not for tracking or to act as sort of a "microscope", then I'd look at something open backed. Any of the "neutral" or "flat" headphones that people recommend around here would...