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  1. Nooblit

    Shure se215 vs. HiFiMAN RE-400 - The great debate

    Quote:   Well i don't beat my stuff up too bad, so i don't think i'd have a problem either way, but at this point between the two i am able to get the 215's about 15 bucks cheaper with the july 4th sale they got going on, and then i'd be able to throw the 2 year pro coverage on top in...
  2. Nooblit

    Shure se215 vs. HiFiMAN RE-400 - The great debate

    Quote:   How's the build quality? I know that a lot of older hifiman iem's have less than desirable build quality.
  3. Nooblit

    Shure se215 vs. HiFiMAN RE-400 - The great debate

    Quote: A little bit of everything, i suppose. It's why i want a more neutral sound, to get some versatility from my IEM's. I'm using those monoprice buds right now and they're just too tinny for my taste and they constantly fall out. I figure i might as well grab something around the same...
  4. Nooblit

    Shure se215 vs. HiFiMAN RE-400 - The great debate

    Hi all, i'm down to two different iem's, but having trouble which to pick. I'm looking for a sound similar to my ath-m50 cans. I've heard that the se215's are a bit on the bass heavy side, which might not be a terrible thing, but i'm concerned for the re400's build quality. Which one should i...
  5. Nooblit

    IE 8's for 117? This can't be real, can it?

    Quote:   That's all i needed to know. Thanks sir.
  6. Nooblit

    IE 8's for 117? This can't be real, can it?

    Guess no one finds this strange?  
  7. Nooblit

    IE 8's for 117? This can't be real, can it?

    Hi all! First post here, hope i don't break any rules in doing so.   I come here because as of browsing the head gear IEM's section, obviously my eyes fixed on the Sennheiser IE 8's, as being rated number 1.   But something interesting struck me, the site being advertised on the IEM's...