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  1. aberry520

    ath m50 wireless bluetooth mod?

    Ok well maybe ill just make it a detachable cable mod
  2. aberry520

    ath m50 wireless bluetooth mod?

    Do you know of any small bluetooth circuits I could use?
  3. aberry520

    ath m50 wireless bluetooth mod?

    Is it possible to mod the ath m50s to become a wireless bluetooth headphones and if so how? Please help!!
  4. aberry520

    ath m50 mod?

    Can some one give me a step by step video or pictures of how to mod the ath m50s to have a detachable cable? Or even just give me step by step worded directions also I hav never done a diy b4 and I hav little to no experience soldering so please help
  5. aberry520

    high quality detachable cable?

    I recently purchased a new set of headphones(ath m50s) that has a detachable cable(well I plan on modding them to be) .. I'm still waiting on them to come in the mail, so I can't speculate on the quality of the cable included with them. However, I was just wondering if there are any aux...
  6. aberry520

    ath m50 detach mod?

    Can some one give me a step by step video or pictures of how to mod the ath m50s to have a detachable cable? Or even just give me step by step worded directions
  7. aberry520

    audio technica m50 good or not?

    If I don't get an amp with the m50s will they still sound really good? 
  8. aberry520

    portable amp under 100 $

    Wat is a good cheap portable headphone amp with good sound quality under 100$?
  9. aberry520

    great cheap audio player

    Any others?
  10. aberry520

    great cheap audio player

    what is a really good mp3 player or audio player that is under 50$? dosent need to be fancy or anything (no apple products)
  11. aberry520

    good cheap mp3 player with app market

    No apple products please
  12. aberry520

    headphones for noobs under 200$

    Any others?
  13. aberry520

    good cheap mp3 player with app market

    Wat about a cheaper one?
  14. aberry520

    good cheap mp3 player with app market

    what is a good cheap mp3 player with an app store like the google android market and that plays music well? no apple products pleade
  15. aberry520

    headphones for noobs under 200$

    To get more answers and because I'm kinda impatient lol sorry
  16. aberry520

    Help!! looking for new headphones under 200

    can you guys just give me a list of good headphones for noobs under 200$. im looking for some more bass in my headphones and i mainly listen to rap, pop, rock, and occasionaly dubstep
  17. aberry520

    headphones for noobs under 200$

    can you guys just give me a list og good headphones for noobs under 200$. im looking for some more bass in my headphones and i mainly listen to rap, pop, and rock music want closed back too
  18. aberry520

    good headphones for a noob audiophile under 200$

    ok thanks for all the help and i know what im getting now so thanks.
  19. aberry520

    good headphones for a noob audiophile under 200$

    ok thanks and i found the m50s for only 90$ on amazon so i think i will get those and if i get the amp will it help them quite a bit or not that much?
  20. aberry520

    good headphones for a noob audiophile under 200$

    i figured i wouldnt and i have considered those would it be good if i got an amp for them too? like the e6? also is it a good deal for those at 90$? and wat others would you reccomend?
  21. aberry520

    good headphones for a noob audiophile under 200$

    i dont have enough money for those ones do you have any other headphone recommendations.
  22. aberry520

    headphones for a noob under 200$

    im not wooried about portability all that much and i perfer more of a bass headphone and i listen mainly to rap, pop, and rock music.
  23. aberry520

    good headphones for a noob audiophile under 200$

    i perfer more of a bass type headphone and i listen mainly to rap, pop, and rock music.