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  1. AlexanderPM

    AD700 vs. HD 449

    Alright, I'll check out the EQ, and last thing. Creativ Aurvana vs. AD700 for comfort/Sound ratio. Thanks for all the replies also!
  2. AlexanderPM

    AD700 vs. HD 449

    Alright. By scratchy, I ment with my headphones, if I play something way too bassy, it sounds sort of scratchy. ALso, how would they compare the the ATH M50s? Amazon has a nice sale on headphones.
  3. AlexanderPM

    AD700 vs. HD 449

    How would they compare to the AD700s? I like bass, but nice warm bass, not scratchy bass.
  4. AlexanderPM

    AD700 vs. HD 449

    Alright, so I'm taking the plunge into high quality sound. I have been using some old Logitech headphones with mic for a long time and they just died. I am looking into getting a nice pair of headphones and a sound card. I plan on spending at the most $120 for the headphones and sound card. so...