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  1. cycler2

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    One small correction: Whenever JRiver introduces a new version they offer upgrade discounts to those who have licensed versions of prior programs. So there's no penalty to falling behind the latest version. I use V. 29 and did not upgrade to V.30, because there was little if anything of...
  2. cycler2

    Bit Perfect Audio from Linux

    Strawberry and JRiver Media Center
  3. cycler2

    Bit Perfect Audio from Linux

    I'll add my 2 cents, as a Linux noob. As others have suggested, use ALSA when you set up your music player, not pulseaudio. I use Linux Mint and find it very noob friendly. It's a derivative of Ubuntu, which is probably the most popular distro. But Mint is very familiar to Windows users...
  4. cycler2

    What a long, strange trip it's been -- (Robert Hunter)

    Amen to that. I've had my Quads for longer than I care to remember. Don't overlook tube amps, such as the ones lafish mentioned. I have three transistor amps, including Quad's 303 and Elite integrated and, although they are fine sounding amps, I always go back to my tube amp. Enjoy your...
  5. cycler2

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    @Jason Stoddard Will the Aegir be unconditionally stable into all loads? Specifically, will Aegir be happy driving Quad ESL speakers?
  6. cycler2

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Oops. Don't know what happened with this erroneous post.
  7. cycler2

    Dangerous Music Source DAC

    Yup. Still alive, but haven't used my Source for a while. I do much of my listening via my Yggy.
  8. cycler2

    The New Schiit Audio Yggdrasil Impressions thread (read the first post)

    This weekend I compared my upgraded Yggy (I’ll call it Yggy B) to my friend’s original Yggy (Yggy A). My audio buddy and I both listen mostly to speaker systems. His system comprises Windows 10 computer with JRiver Music Center (fed by NAS), Paul Pang USB card, Mutec MC-3 + USB, Freya, Line...
  9. cycler2

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    LouS, I've owned my Quad 57s for 40 years (yeah, I'm an old audiophile) and I've not been able to find other speakers that please me as much. I've flirted with Apogee Stages, Martin Logan CLS, and Maggies of various sorts, but I stick with my Quads. I'm pretty new to headphones, though, and...
  10. cycler2

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    Earnmyturns, Did you yield to your "audiophool" side or follow your science/engineering instincts? My upgraded Yggy arrives this Wednesday and I'm considering what to do. Right now, I'm inclined to just insert my Yggy into my active listening system and let 'er rip. That way, I can assess...
  11. cycler2

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Be patient, Paladin79. In not too many years they will give you grandchildren and all will be good. Then you'll have the opportunity to introduce your grandkids to audio and, perhaps, vinyl. Oops, wrong forum for that. I meant digital audio.
  12. cycler2

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    Thanks for your kind wish, but I meant that I was number 82 on the Schiit upgrade list. I still have a bit to go before 82 years. Us old guys gotta listen to tunes, too!
  13. cycler2

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    I guess the dam has broken. I was 82 this past weekend and I got an upgrade notice from Schiit today. Woohoo! I will use my Dangerous Source dac while my Yggy is away and I will report back about how Source compares to Yggy2...and add my two cents to other posts about how Yggy1 compares to Yggy2.
  14. cycler2

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    Sorry, fat finger syndrome.
  15. cycler2

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Me, too. A 25 or so watt class A amp would be just the ticket for my Quad ESLs. Has to be unconditionally stable, though. My Quad 303 (not class A) has served me will but is getting long in the tooth. As am I.
  16. cycler2

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    We must have the same wife  
  17. cycler2

    What a long, strange trip it's been -- (Robert Hunter)

    MIke, I agree with Belgiangenius.  A format converter such as you describe would be handy for many.  In addition to what I expect would be SQ benefits, it would allow longer cable lengths without USB limits.  I imagine a USB-connected device would have broadest application, but might you...
  18. cycler2

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Jason, I would be interested, as well, but the amp design you are considering would have to unconditionally stable into any load so I could drive my Quad ESLs. Rich
  19. cycler2

    Dangerous Music Source DAC

    Here is my comparison of the Yggy and the Dangerous Source. First, some context. I’ve owned my Source for a couple of years and have been very pleased with it. But I was curious about the whole ladder DAC thing, not to mention the “special sauce” fliter in the Yggy, and the great user reviews...
  20. cycler2

    Dangerous Music Source DAC

    My apologies for the delay in posting my impressions about the Yggy vs. the Source. We have been travelling lots the past several weeks and had family staying with us when at home. Not much time for music fun. We will return home mid-week and I hope to post my comparison by next weekend. Rich
  21. cycler2

    Dangerous Music Source DAC

    Maybe I can add something to this thread.  I'm a long-time Source user and have been very satisfied with it.  But I had the itch (you know how that goes) and scratched it; I bought an Yggy, which I just picked up today from FedEx.  It's plugged in, per Schiit's instructions, and I will let it...
  22. cycler2

    Dangerous Music Source DAC

    Same here.  I have been using a Dangerous Music Source for a couple of years and enjoy it very much.  So I don't really need a new DAC.  But, of course, the upgrade bug bites periodically and I've been thinking about both the Yggdrasil and the Convert-2.  Rich
  23. cycler2

    Dangerous Music Source DAC

    Aphinity, I defer to AiDee as to Mac player software, because I don't use my MacBook for my music source.  I use a PC with JRiver Media Center.  I've been very happy with that.  JRiver has just come out with with a Mac version of JRiver and I bet you can download a 30-day trial version to try...