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  1. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Hey guys just wanted to follow up and let you know how much I love the mad dogs ! They sound wonderful even without an amp but when I have thwm hooked up to my d6 amp they are unbelievably clear and crisp sounding headphones. For example Iwas llistening to some live music and I could here people...
  2. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Quote: Yes, hopefully I dont regret it! I went with the iBasso D6 amp to power them
  3. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Quote: Hahaha HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Sounds like a good night, a few extra glasses wont hurt!  I look forward to your walkthrough its really gonna help me out!
  4. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Quote: Go get crunk tonight Brooko! You can write your walkthrough tmrw really hungover, it will be funny to read !
  5. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Quote: Oh yes I completely forgot about apple lossless! I have a lot of wav songs downloaded aleardy & probably 6-7 albums of apple lossless.
  6. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Precisely why I made it :) Now that iv got everything ordered im just waiting on Brooko's walkthrough on how to convert and upload Wave files to your ipod. Really pumped for that.
  7. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Quote: Haha my bad I had no idea about the other threads, im sure I probably got a lot more suggestions and information by creating a seperate thread. Next time I will post in the other thread.
  8. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Quote: Yeah I have been posting a lot because I wanted to purchase a set relatively quick. I ended up going with the Mad Dogs. I think the main suggestions were the Sony Mdr-1rs, Yamaha 300s, Beyerdynamic DT770s, AKG 550s, Seinheiser Momentums and the Mad Dogs. There was probably a few more...
  9. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Oh ok I see now, thanks for posting that. How long has this new design been out ? I saw some pictures that The Reems posted last year that didnt have the carbon fiber look to it.
  10. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Does anyone have a link to this thread ? Cant seem to find it
  11. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Quote: What do they look like ? I noticed somewhere he had like a carbon fiber look to it on the sides of the headphone.
  12. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Yeah I think I kinda lucked out actually with the Aplha pads being out of stock. I talked to Dan over the phone and he will be sending mine with either the shure 840 pads or the Dog pads & when he gets the Alpha pads in he will ship a pair out to me which should arrive just in time for my trip...
  13. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    JUST KIDDING :) I just ordered a pair of Mad Dogs & a iBasso T5 amp with ipod line out dock from iBasso. Also I just picked up a new 7 gen. Ipod Classic 160gb so I can store a good amount of lossless songs on it ! Sooo stoked about this, I think it should be a good setup.
  14. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Decided to go with a pair of Skullcandy earbuds, their colors are just soo cool looking I couldnt pass them up.
  15. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    I think im pretty much sold on the Mad Dogs. I am doing a little research on an amp now. iBasso looks like they have some really good ones, I have no clue what to look for so if you guys have any suggestions that would be great. I know the E11 is supposed to be good but what would I be...
  16. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    I am looking at the Music Fedility V Can amp. Does anyone know anything about this amp ?
  17. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Quote: Yeah its hard to say. I know im getting carried away with recomendations but its really all I have to go by, I dont really have any stores nearby that carry any of these headphons. I went to best buy today and half their selection was Beats by Dre haha .
  18. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Quote: Probably not but im willing to sacrifice portability for quality. I will be listening to these in a private enviroment such as my house so probably wont regret it than but they will be used for travel, very little but nontheless still travel. Now I just talked to a dude at guitar...
  19. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Just noiced the C5 JDS is out of stock until April 15th which will be a problem for me. Anyone have another suggestion that will be of the same quality or better ??
  20. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Quote: Yeah I know im really hoping I dont regret choosing a headphone that requires and amp. On the other hand I just want the best quality I can get so I think that if it does get annoying maybe the sound quality will make up for it ! I think I will go with the C5 JDS amp like you...
  21. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    I think im going to go with the Mad Dogs. They just seem like they put a lot of time and effort to ensure an excellent sounding headphone. I mean there are literally houndreds of headphones to choose from in this price range with most of them being a well known brand name like pioneer, sony...
  22. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Ok I probably wont redownload than because as I listen to the song ill just rename it on my ipod. Ill start downloading apple lossless from now on, thanks man. Haha I actually was able to find a lot more albums in apple lossless & was getting annoyed cuz I use pc and didnt think it would work lol.
  23. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Ok I will do that, sounds very complicated haha. I should beable to do it though but dont be surpised if you get a pm :) Im gonna have to delete my library and redownload than which isnt that big of a deal but are you sure I cant play Wave files on my ipod ? I converted the FLAC files i...
  24. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Quote: Yes thats what im trying to avoid doing. I have downloaded a lot of lossless albums and also purchased many cds as well but I dont know how to get them onto my ipod. Also, right now im importing all these Cds into Realplayer as Wave files which is the same file type in a cd or very...
  25. classics

    Best can for up to $300 ?

    Quote: Yo dude probably sounds weird but would you test your Mad Dogs out with a band like Sublime or Red Hot Chilli Peppers ? They are probably the best representation for the music I will be listening to. They have vocals, guitar and bass in almost every song. I would test them out myself...