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  1. stewgriff

    College Acceptance-Fi

    Haven't been in Head-Fi forever. Came here seeing good portable headphones for, a lot of new things have come around the last two years. Colleges? I'll be going to Duke University this fall for premed. Go Blue Devils 2013
  2. stewgriff

    What'd You Guys Think of The Dark Knight?

    Quote: Originally Posted by david21 Unfortunately, when parents think of Batman, they think of this: Photos from Batman Eh, Adam West could be disturbing in his own ways...
  3. stewgriff

    What'd You Guys Think of The Dark Knight?

    Watched it on Saturday with some friends, thought it was great. It's a big budget popcorn flick that dares to challenge morality, Heath Ledger's Joker is disturbingly excellent, blah blah blah...easily the best summer movie of 2008. I was kinda disturbed by all the little kids in the theater...
  4. stewgriff

    IEM's or full size cans?

    Wearing the cable behind the ear, like with Shures, makes an IEM less microphonic; it still sucks when they're pulled on, but it's less stressful on the ears. Depends on the headphone as to whether IEMs or headphones will sound better unamped. Generally, headphones with lower impedance and/or...
  5. stewgriff

    Cast Your Vote: Led Zeppelin or The Who?

    The Who gets more emotional peaks out of me (probably from Townshend's lyrics more than anything else), but I find a lot more interesting material in Zep's catalog percentwise than in the Who's and I listen to Led Zep more, so Zep wins. Let's overanalyze this, two bands that are quite similar...
  6. stewgriff

    IEMs that decisively beat ER-4P at ~$180 and below (for iPods)

    Quote: Originally Posted by monolith I bought them from another Head-fier. I don't understand why anyone would buy this kind of stuff another way. The retail prices for these things new are obscene. True, especially for companies that use price limits like Shure. The SE...
  7. stewgriff

    In Ear Monitors: Love or Hate?

    Quote: Originally Posted by potato28 I voted no, I like having full sized headphones or clips or even earbuds. Not something that if the volume is too loud I could lose my hearing very quickly. I understand this if someone using IEMs blasts an iPod 100%, but that's no worse than...
  8. stewgriff

    New can decision: D2000, DT-990, K701

    You'll definitely want to consider an amp for the headphones you're considering. The DT990 has great bass for rock and rap, but you won't hear any of it without a decent amp. To the poster above, I don't know how the DT990 can be described as not bassy...
  9. stewgriff

    Your Favourite Pink Floyd Album?

    Quote: Originally Posted by DavidMahler DSOTM and WYWH are definitely their most consistent albums, but The Wall has some of their biggest and best songs.........and Piper is probably their most important in terms of influence. There's no arguing The Wall's highlights, but for me...
  10. stewgriff

    [AND THE WINNER IS...] Which IEMs would you buy today as best sound isolators?

    Have you considered the Altec IM716? It's got drivers from Etymotic, and I've seen great reviews of it here. As for what I've actually heard, I can only tell you about the Shure E2C (discontinued and outdated) and the SE420 (great, but outside your price range unless you find used).
  11. stewgriff

    Looks like K-Fed is a Beyer fan :D

    I think the DT990 grilles would bring more bling.
  12. stewgriff

    UE vs. ETY vs. SHURE (Please help! Final decision on sound isolation)

    To the OP, you should try looking through the FS forums on this site, it's really worth it. Get 50 posts, I think, and stay for a while, and you'll find some great deals. Just got an SE420 from the forums a few days ago for $190 (thanks Dash), and I'm really enjoying it. Personally, I...
  13. stewgriff

    Classic bass guitar tracks?

    Isolated track of John Entwistle, "Won't Get Fooled Again" live Not to detract from Townshend, but Entwistle was literally lead bass. Along with James Jamerson (Motown session player - played on 90% of the Motown classics from the 60s), he paved the way for bass as a lead instrument. Without...
  14. stewgriff

    What is the greatest Single (45) of all time?

    In my collection, probably Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On". Hey Jude/Revolution gets a close second.
  15. stewgriff

    I chose the DT990s! great cans

    As Shahrose said, a few mild dips on EQ (foobar's for me-very precise) will easily fix DT990 sibilance. Not really a purist thing, but I don't hear any problems for the genres I listen to. Every few months, I think of looking for a sidegrade, maybe into Grados. Then I find a rock track...
  16. stewgriff

    The Beatles or The Stones? Cast your vote

    I voted for the Beatles, as they're unique in their place. The Stones have to fight off the Who (and Led Zeppelin, to a lesser degree) as far as their legacy in rock goes, and I like both Zep and Who more than the Stones. Not to say that the Stones haven't done their fair share of great...
  17. stewgriff

    Stairway To Heaven's Revenues

    Quote: if Zeppelin wants to cash in, it should move before nostalgic baby boomers get too old. “If the target market is 45-plus, the song is extremely valuable,” Disagree here. Zep's like Pink Floyd, it nets a lot of people out of the new generations (me included) who are dissatisfied...
  18. stewgriff

    Comedian George Carlin Dies...

    Quote: Originally Posted by DrBenway I think he managed to stay relevant and keep his edge for so long because he was, first and foremost, a writer. It all came out of his brain. What a wonderful thing. True, his observations kept you in tears when you heard them and kept you...
  19. stewgriff

    Thinking of a change from DT990

    I've had the Beyer rig for a year, and I'm thinking of a change. Not an upgrade, but a trade for something different, like an MS2 or a K701. What would I expect in sound changes? My music is mostly rock with a mix of jazz, alternative, and rap. I'd mostly like juicier mids and more clarity, but...
  20. stewgriff

    It's been awhile...

    Haven't seen much of new headphones after completing my mid-fi Beyer rig last year, but I'm getting curious wallet's already trembling. I mainly listen to classic rock, with a mix of jazz and rap at times. When I was last on, the Beyer DT990 was on the waning end of FOTM, and I...
  21. stewgriff

    PSAT Scores!

    Quote: Originally Posted by tensaichen Reading this thread makes me feel old. When I took the then-newly implemented computerized GRE at the turn of the century, it was almost identical to the SAT I took a few years back. In fact, I thought it was easier I heard they removed the fun...
  22. stewgriff

    I need new artists :)

    The picks from modern times are great, but the old stuff isn't bad either. Since you like Pink Floyd, you could get into the "classic prog" artists: King Crimson, Yes, Genesis, etc. For jazz, nothing better than Miles Davis' Kind of Blue.
  23. stewgriff

    This or That, Song Game

    Smoke on the Water, but it's gotta be live. The studio version is nothing compared to the one on Made In Japan. King Crimson: 21st Century Schizoid Man or Red
  24. stewgriff

    Recommend Cans: ~$300 USD

    There's the 2003 Pro and the 2005 non-Pro, revised for better comfort and a more balanced sound. Prices here. From what I've read, the sound itself is not that different. I've got the 2005, and I completely agree with facelvega's statements. The only problem is that it really needs an amp to...