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  1. Socrates138

    Ultrasone Pro 900 drop in price. Worth it now?

    So the Ultrasone Pro 900 has dropped in price to $260 on Amazon now and I'm wondering if I should get them.   I would use them to listen to EDM music (which I listen to a lot).    My current main set up is:   - Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro (also have Sennheiser HD 598) - Fiio E7 DAC - Schiit...
  2. Socrates138

    Are the Ultrasone Pro 900's worth the $?

    Do you know how the bass on the Fidelio X1's compare to the Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro's bass? The reason I'm asking is because as I said I'm looking for something more bassy than my Beyerdynamic pair (but at the same time also has good sound quality, decent soundstage, good sound detail, etc...
  3. Socrates138

    Are the Ultrasone Pro 900's worth the $?

          Perhaps you guys can't help with this next question, but as I think I mentioned in my original post (don't remember though) I already own the DT 990 Pro's and I've heard a lot of people complain about the DT 990 Pro's emphasizing high's too much.   I don't agree with that though at...
  4. Socrates138

    looking for headphones

    Well I don't know about the 770's, but for 990's there's different models with differing ohm's (impedance). In a nutshell the higher the impedance (measured in ohm) the more power is needed to drive the headphones, meaning you'll need an amplifier to bring out the best sound quality in the...
  5. Socrates138

    Sennheiser HD 598 Impressions Thread

    Yeah it was, sorry for the mistake. I think I corrected it though. You must have saw the mistake before I corrected it.
  6. Socrates138

    Sennheiser HD 598 Impressions Thread

    I own both the HD 598's and the DT 990's (specifically the Pro 250 ohm version) and if you like bass I'd recommend the DT 990's over the 598's.   Just my personal taste, I like my 990's more than my 598's. Both have good soundstage, but I would agree that the 598's soundstage is better, that's...
  7. Socrates138

    Are the Ultrasone Pro 900's worth the $?

    I tried asking a similar question in the help forum and I only got 1 person to actually post in it in the past 2/3 days, so I'm posting in here.   Here's a TLDR: I listen to electronic dance music like progressive house, etc, etc. I already have an amp + DAC and I have the DT 990 Pro's (also...
  8. Socrates138

    looking for headphones

    I have the Sennheiser HD 598's and as another user already pointed out the HD 598's would probably not be a satisfactory headphone for the kind of music you listen too. The HD 598's lack the bass that make those genres of music great.   In fact I actually bought another pare of headphones...
  9. Socrates138

    Looking for good bass headphones that at most are around $200

    I apologize because I'm sure this question has been asked a million times on here already, but I am looking for good bass headphones. I'm a bit vague myself on what exactly I mean by "good" but what I think I mean is that I don't want headphones that have a very muddy bass and crap mid/highs...
  10. Socrates138

    Where to get high quality music?

    I also found a place called MOG. How do they compare with Spotify? The prices seem to be exactly the same.
  11. Socrates138

    Where to get high quality music?

    Quote: Spotify looks like something I'm looking for.   So Spotify Premium allows you to listen to music at 320kbps as opposed to YouTube which is only 128kbps? Is the sound quality difference really that much better? Also what's the difference between Unlimited and Premium?
  12. Socrates138

    Where to get high quality music?

    Quote: I remember a long time ago (probably 5+ years ago) one of my friend's told me that Microsoft had some music thing for Zune where you would pay a monthly subscription and it allowed you to listen to (or DL I forgot) unlimited amounts of music.   What about something like that?
  13. Socrates138

    Where to get high quality music?

    I don't know where to post a thread about this, but I thought that this forum may be the most appropriate.   I now have an amp and two good headphones and they sound great, but the problem is most of the music I listen to is done through YouTube. And as I'm sure you're all aware, the sound...
  14. Socrates138

    The search is over! DT 990 pro 250ohms are my end all headphone

    I'd have to agree with you OP.   I coincidentally also just got my DT 990 Pro's (250 OHM) today and I think they're absolutely incredible. I also have a new amp (Schiit Magni) to go along with them and they sound absolutely incredible.   I already have a pair of HD 598's but I think...
  15. Socrates138

    Sennheiser HD 598 Impressions Thread

    I just got my Schiit Magni today but I've had 598's for at least a year now.   I used to use an E7 for my amp, but now I just use it as a DAC.   Wow as soon as I listened to something with my new amplifier I noticed a dramatic difference in the SQ and soundstage of my 598's. The...
  16. Socrates138

    Help me set up my amp + dac to computer

    Quote: Yeah that makes sense, that's exactly what I was thinking that I needed to get.   Thanks for the info.   I'm going to go to a store right now and buy one of these. Hopefully it works.
  17. Socrates138

    Help me set up my amp + dac to computer

    Quote: What type of cord do I use to connect DAC (E7) with the Amp? I'm using the L7 line out dock so what cord should I use to connect these two things?   On the Magni there's two RCA jacks labeled "R" and "L" so does that mean I have to buy a cord that connects to both of these jacks?
  18. Socrates138

    Help me set up my amp + dac to computer

    I have no idea where I'm supposed to post this thread. I looked around in forums and couldn't find one that seemed, relevant so I just decided to post here.   I just got my Schiit Magni in the mail and I'm ready to set up. However I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.   My set up is...
  19. Socrates138

    AMP for HD 598's and BT 990 Pro's (250 OHM)

    Before anyone says "Go post this in the Amp forum" I already did, and I'm not really getting a lot of help there. So I decided to post here and see if I'd get better results.   Right now I have an E7, but I'm looking for an upgrade for my 598's and my 990 Pro's (250 OHM).   My question...
  20. Socrates138

    Amp for HD 598's and DT 990 Pro's (250 OHM)

    Quote: So the Magni alone is better than the E7/E9 combined? What if I did what that other guy said, buy an L7 adapter and connect the Magni with the E7.
  21. Socrates138

    Amp for HD 598's and DT 990 Pro's (250 OHM)

    Quote: What do you think would be the best option?   1. E7/E9 combo 2. Magni/E7 (with L7 line out adapter) 3. O2/E7 (with L7 line out adapter)
  22. Socrates138

    Amp for HD 598's and DT 990 Pro's (250 OHM)

    Quote: I'm looking for whatever will increase the SQ on my headphones the best.   I'm assuming that would mean getting a desktop amp and something that is not portable, but I could be wrong. That's why I'm asking this question.   I understand that the E7 is an amp/dac along with the...