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  1. bahringe

    Brrr it's cold - How are you staying warm?

    I located the nearest smiling face and got cozy.
  2. bahringe

    How Long Could You Live with In-Laws???

    one weekend then I'd probably do something I shouldn't
  3. bahringe

    Rockbox on the Ipod

    It's very easy. Which reminds me I need to update mine.
  4. bahringe

    How far can I drive with no alternator ?

    If you minimise battery drain you can actually get pretty far, did it in my bronco once, drove from Charlotte to Greenboro
  5. bahringe

    Were you ever late for work because of music?

    Oh yeah!! and a few other non-approved reasons.
  6. bahringe

    Poll: Eyes open vs. closed

    I keep them open to see if the musical effect works no matter what.....
  7. bahringe

    Chicken: breasts or legs?

    I prefer the white meat.
  8. bahringe

    Poll: Fried Chicken or Steak?

    Big juicy dripping fillet mignon
  9. bahringe

    The Departed

    I'm watching it tonight.
  10. bahringe

    What do you do for a living/money?

    Sr. UNIX/Linux Engineer for MMC
  11. bahringe

    What section of Head-fi you never visit? and why?

    I'm just not interested in the industry news thing.
  12. bahringe

    What's the fastest speed you've traveled in a car?

    150 mph but the trooper only had me on the radar gun at 75.... boy was I lucky.
  13. bahringe

    Post your favourite local food joints/restaurant

    NYC Del Frisco's Double Eagle
  14. bahringe

    What kind of TV do you own?

    29 inch Zenith LCD HDTV
  15. bahringe

    At new job; surfing Head-Fi.Org

    Sometimes I thinkI get away with murder while at work. Other times I'm here 24 hours straight...
  16. bahringe

    Nascar is back, baby!

    My opinion is a hungry racer would have moved Harvick up and prevented him from having the preferred line...... just my opinion.
  17. bahringe

    Times are a changing on Head-Fi

    That's just not right.
  18. bahringe

    Britney Spears...bald?

    Ya know I usually dig chicks with the bald look, but she's gone and killed it!!!!
  19. bahringe

    How long have you kept your current rig?

    Current rig has been static for a year, which means it's definitley time for a change!
  20. bahringe

    Fat Tuesday and the last day of Mardi Gras!

    I live in NYC we never miss an occasion to over indulge
  21. bahringe

    Smokin Aces

    I'll probably watch it soon.
  22. bahringe

    What is with the front page on Head-Fi?

    I liked the previous version too.
  23. bahringe

    Favorite Cologne?

    I'm an AXE guy, nothing special on cologne