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  1. bob000000005555

    Review by 'bob000000005555' on item 'Denon AH-D7100 Music Maniac'

    I will have to be succinct, however after trying the AHD5000s as well as the LCD-2 and Sennheiser HD800s (also 380s), I would rank them among these headphones (and above the 380s -- which are $200 headphones, that i highly recommend). I would say they shine across most genres; though I mainly...
  2. bob000000005555

    Can any recommend the best headphones for under $800.00 (USD) / €606 / $771 AUS

    I'm currently looking for headphones to bridge a gap I have, electronic music; my other pair of headphones (Sennheiser HD 380 Pro's) don't quite cut it -- though they're great for metal and orchestra. I am currently using a VRM headphone "amp" which agreeably is probably atrocious.   Liquid...