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    HiFiMAN RE-00 Earphone Review by mark2410

    A pair of Comply Tsx-400s did the trick for me. Took the treble peaks away without any loss of extension and brought out the mids, making them sound much closer to the RE-ZERO.   Requested the drop for a second pair because #Hifimanbuildquality 
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    HiFiMAN RE-00 Earphone Review by mark2410

    I got myself a pair as a bit of a HifiMan IEM aficionado and I'll have more to say about these later, but here are my (unsolicited) initial impressions:   - HOLY S**T these cost HOW MUCH??? $35? GTFO!!! - Boosted upper treble (~8-12khz), making them sound airier than RE-400 - Recessed lower...
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    Multi-IEM Review - 352 IEMs compared (Pump Audio Earphones added 04/03/16 p. 1106)

      I was afraid you'd say that. Caved and ordered another (my third) pair of RE-400s for now while I look for a good pair of Rockets. My first pair lasted nearly three years, so I definitely lucked out and for $79 I figured they might be worth another shot.   Damn you Hifiman, why do your...
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    Multi-IEM Review - 352 IEMs compared (Pump Audio Earphones added 04/03/16 p. 1106)

    Hi @ljokerl !   First, I'm amazed that this is still alive. You're superhuman! A huge thank you for continuing to help the community!    I have long been a fan of Hifiman IEMs, and took your advice a couple times in the past when looking for new IEMs. Well, after years of using them I'm...
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    HIFIMAN RE300a/ RE300i InLine and RE300h (hifi) Earphone launched! *Impressions added*

      I would recommend shelling out an extra $30 for these instead:
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    Hifiman IEM's: RE-400 and RE-600

    SIAP - These bad boys now come as an i-version
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    Hifiman IEM's: RE-400 and RE-600

    ^^ If you haven't tried them yet, I'd recommend Sony Hybrids
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    HIFIMAN RE300a/ RE300i InLine and RE300h (hifi) Earphone launched! *Impressions added*

      Sure thing! I don't really believe in "burn-in", however. My impressions of IEMs don't tend to change much after certain hours or days of listening. The ears might adapt a little, sure, but the sound signature largely remains the same.   For what it's worth I do let new IEMs play a long...
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    HIFIMAN RE300a/ RE300i InLine and RE300h (hifi) Earphone launched! *Impressions added*

    Haha well played! There's a reason I haven't yet had any of my Hifiman IEMs fall apart, though. They've never seen the inside of a gym and their lives are better off for it ;)
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    Hifiman IEM's: RE-400 and RE-600

    I just want to say the RE-400 is my favorite Hifiman IEM and the most satisfactory purchase (with RE-272 and RE-ZERO a close second and third). The balanced sound with just a hint of warmth is just perfect for extended listening!
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    HIFIMAN RE300a/ RE300i InLine and RE300h (hifi) Earphone launched! *Impressions added*

    So, this first impression is a bit difficult for me to write. As a big Hifiman IEM aficionado and current owner of a pair each of the RE-ZERO, RE-262 and the RE-400, my initial reaction to the RE300h is that of huge disappointment. I guess I can see why Hifiman might tune these the way they did...
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    Hifiman IEM's: RE-400 and RE-600

    5 months later and these little guys continue to impress. Just got done listening to Zeppelin's Celebration Day Live. Jason Bonham's drums and the soundstage...oh my!
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    Hifiman IEM's: RE-400 and RE-600

    Glad to see the 400s gaining some popularity. Excellent value at $99, and a very nice successor in the RE-ZERO price point in my opinion
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    Hifiman IEM's: RE-400 and RE-600

    Thanks for the pic and heads up on these models a few months ago in my thread, ClieOS. What tips are you using? The ones they ship with (shown in your pic) were very comfortable and isolation was surprisingly fantastic, almost like an etymotic. Ps. Sorry for the double post, not sure how to...
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    Multi-IEM Review - 352 IEMs compared (Pump Audio Earphones added 04/03/16 p. 1106)

    I strongly recommend trying out the new Hifiman RE400. I own both revisions of the ZEROs and 262 and now have the 400. It has a flat neutral sig like the ZERO, but has better bass impact and isolation with the smaller housing design. It has an inoffensive treble, although probably a tad less...
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    Hifiman IEM's: RE-400 and RE-600

    I own the 262, ZERO and now the 400 so I'll post my thoughts later this week. The 400 is not sibilant at all. I got rid of the Vsonic gr07 for being too sibilant, but this one is smooth as they come. I am in love with the new design, btw - best comfort and isolation I've had among the hifimans...
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    Hifiman IEM's: RE-400 and RE-600

    Pre-ordered the RE-400 this morning, expected to ship Jan 15. Keep those reviews coming guys...helps with the long wait :)
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    RE-262 and questions of sound, amping and LOD

    I own a pair of 262s, and they are surprisingly easy to drive with my iPhone 5 & iPad 4. I actually bought and returned an E6 because I didn't like how it colored the sound. I haven't found the battery drain to be noticeably worse either
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    Multi-IEM Review - 352 IEMs compared (Pump Audio Earphones added 04/03/16 p. 1106)

    Quote:   Thanks AstralStorm! I'm definitely interested in your comparisons to the RE-ZERO when you get a chance to A/B them   Quote:   Thanks ljokerl! The R50s do look intriguing with (if I read it right) dual BA drivers at $119 The only BA's I've heard are the Etymotic HF5...
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    Best Portable Headphones for Sansa Clip+

    Depends on the sound you're after and your budget. Just get something that is sensitive and you should be good. I loved my HifiMAN RE-ZERO ($69) for a balanced, detailed sound and they were very easy to drive with my Clip+. Check out the review threads for more choices.
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    Multi-IEM Review - 352 IEMs compared (Pump Audio Earphones added 04/03/16 p. 1106)

    ljokerl, I recently upgraded from RE-ZERO (which I bought thanks to your review thread over 2 years ago! ) to the RE262 and while I like them a lot and intend to keep them for a while, I miss the ZERO's treble presentation and relatively balanced sound signature. Do the 272's have comparable...
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    Hifiman RE262 Initial Impressions

    Quote:     This is my opinion based on A/Bing from an iPhone 5 w/o amp and Clip+ w/o amp using lossless files. The 262s got plenty loud for me, but they do drain the battery faster. I'm planning on just charging the iPhone/Clip+ more often vs carrying an amp around. I also listened to...
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    Multi-IEM Review - 352 IEMs compared (Pump Audio Earphones added 04/03/16 p. 1106)

    Quick question - is there a better sounding/value IEM than the Hifiman RE-ZERO at its current price of $60? I just ordered a pair and would like to know if I'm missing out. Thanks!
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    Advice on upgrading from RE-ZERO

    Sorry to bump this again, but my RE-ZEROs have bit the dust :(     I could buy another pair for $59.99 while I wait for RE-400/600. Or look at options outside of Hifiman. I need the ability to get them soon though, because I have a business trip coming up next week. Any recommendations? TIA
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    Advice on upgrading from RE-ZERO

    Appreciate the replies, guys!   Quote:   Thanks, would you still recommend them if they were just powered by just an iphone 5 or Clip+?