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  1. Ervinos

    Have amps/DACS improved in the last 15 years?

    Arrived today & sounds great! 😊 New wins by a (surprisingly) long way. Like regaining hearing or something!
  2. Ervinos

    Have amps/DACS improved in the last 15 years?

    ‘using a dedicated DAC into the amp‘s line inputs should yield a significant improvement’ - yes, planning to do that!
  3. Ervinos

    Have amps/DACS improved in the last 15 years?

    That’s interesting. The Dac in the Aria (from iphone - cck) sounds much better to me than the Apple lightning adapter one. I’m looking forward to comparing with the zen dac
  4. Ervinos

    Have amps/DACS improved in the last 15 years?

    I’ve ordered an ifi zen dac v2 so I will try the old vs new when it arrives! :relaxed:
  5. Ervinos

    Have amps/DACS improved in the last 15 years?

    Hello, for various reasons I have been away from this hobby for about 15 years but have recently bought a set of Hifiman Devas. I am running them through an oldish Meier Audio Cordia Aria headphone amp/USB DAC and they sound great to me. My question is, though - has technology moved on? Would a...
  6. Ervinos

    DT 880 or DT 990 with Corda Aria? Confused...

    Quote: Originally Posted by Rickio Another I also have to agree I also have DT880 and DT990 and I love the DT880 but once I put on the DT990 I usually end up not taking them off for the rest of my listening session. DT880 sounds so good but DT990 just rocks and oh I have the new...
  7. Ervinos

    Corda Aria - Appreciation Thread.

    Quote: Originally Posted by PaulBoy Its arrived! 3 days to UK from ordering - well done Jan! Is it all that I hoped? Initial impressions hell yes! Build & looks are, as someone else here put it, "like something that looks like it cost over a $1,000" Soundwise my journey into DAC / PC...
  8. Ervinos

    First Bob Dylan Album for me?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Unearthed I couldn't agree more with this entire post. I always thought he was singing "Because he had to" on "Like a Rolling Stone." I like the lyrics...he just sounds a little like he doesn't feel like singing it but he's putting that fake emotion into it...
  9. Ervinos

    Post your My Ebay watch list

    Quote: Originally Posted by PinkFloyd Maybe he's got a girlfriend and is buying the hot pants for her? Yes, some people on Head-Fi "do" have girlfriends I believe Yeah, women really go for the head-fi type - everytime they speak they get 'I CAN'T HEAR YOU I HAVE MY HEADPHONES ON'...
  10. Ervinos

    Corda Aria - Appreciation Thread.

    It has been quite an experience listening to the aria & beyer dt880's & 990's. The detail & soundstage is amazing - almost to an overwhelming degree with the 880's. The separation between instruments is quite something - you can switch attention from one to another without straining to pick them...
  11. Ervinos

    Compared: New 2005 Editions of Beyer DT880 and DT990

    Thanks for the review. I have the old 880's and the new 990's & I prefer the new 990's - much more engaging & fun. Something that has been troubling me for a little time though - how do you know that one is 'correct'? Surely we always hear the music filtered in some way or another - in fact...
  12. Ervinos

    DT990 Pro Impressions Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by mattg3 Is the dt990 head grip stronger than the sennheiser vice grip or more comfortable.I had to put my hd555 around books a number of nights before I got a comfortable head grip.If i dont use it for a while it gets tight again.Thinking of dt990 but dont want...
  13. Ervinos

    Does the dt990 have a harsh treble push?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Ikon It is quite similar to the old DT880, perhaps a tad more bassy and the highs could be a bit more laid back. But beware that I do not have the old DT880 here for direct comparison, I had one for about a month before returning in early january. The...
  14. Ervinos

    DT990 Pro Impressions Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by arielext Have you tried them yet with the Aria? I'm loving the 2003's so much. powering them through the Aria it's just like those two were made for each other. At first I thought I missed some of the mid-high section but after extensive listening and...
  15. Ervinos

    DT990 Pro Impressions Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by MarkyMark Please keep posting your burn-in impressions Ian, I am really tempted to order some of these! How do detail levels compare to the DT880s? Something similar with that extra bass punch for listening to rock/pop/urban material is what I'm after...
  16. Ervinos

    Dylan "sound" help

    i hadn't noticed it 'till NOW! it's one of my favourites - or maybe was.
  17. Ervinos

    Your thoughts on profit on these forums

    it's interesting that when somebody suggests we should maybe try not to rip each other off they are then accused of naivity, interfering in other peoples business, of being un-american, etc, etc. Perhaps we could also have - it's a dog-eat-dog world, that's the way it is, that's life, that's...
  18. Ervinos

    DT990 Pro Impressions Thread

    ... love them. Going to stick my neck out & say they are more involving, warmer & just a more enjoyable experience listening to them than the (old) 880's. Somebody might say they are less 'accurate' or 'realistic' - but I can lose myself more easily in the music with the 990's. I often found...
  19. Ervinos

    DT990 Pro Impressions Thread

    picked up the new dt990's this pm & have been listening to them at work straight out of the box (too impatient to burn them in properly before listening) & they sound superb (to my non-expert ears at least). They look great & are comfortable. Sound wise they are spacious & detailed - much like...
  20. Ervinos

    Will my PA2V2 power a Beyer dt990?

    am listening now to the new 990's via ipod line-out & PA2V2 and it sounds great (really great actually)- no power issues at all. Comfortable volume at 11 O'clock on the dial
  21. Ervinos

    DT990 Pro Impressions Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by MarkyMark Anyone heard the new 2006 DT990's yet???? If they sounded like the DT880's with more bass I would be interested in having a listen! I have some 2006 dt990's on order. I too want 880's plus more bass, so I am almost certainly setting myself up...
  22. Ervinos

    Muddy mids on 880 - HiFi+ Review...

    sometimes I read negative posts about the 880's (lacking bass, muddy mids) & I start thinking that they aren't so great. Then I go & listen to them & they blow me away every time. Too much thinking & not enough listening is usually the problem imo.
  23. Ervinos

    NEW BEYER REFRESH TOO! 990, 880, 770!

    aaah, now I have it! They have the old ones (dt-990 pro) for 138EUR, & I was looking at those - & yes the picture of the new ones is the same as on Meier's site. Thank you for pointing out my mistake ...
  24. Ervinos

    NEW BEYER REFRESH TOO! 990, 880, 770!

    The picture of the dt 990's on the site is different from that on the Meier Audio site. Are they definitely the 2006 version? They seem to be a very good price (138EUR vs 285EUR at Meier's) - too good to be true?