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  1. noguilt

    E-MU 0404 USB problem

    Thanks for the reply, sejarzo. Yes, i'm using foobar, which does not seem to have most of the settings you describe for 0.8.3, at least not in the locations you name. So i guess i'll need to find, download and install the earlier foobar version. Do you know if it is possible to have...
  2. noguilt

    E-MU 0404 USB problem

    I have a different noise problem with my new E-MU 0404 USB. About every minute while music is playing (only) there is a very noticeable 2 seconds of crackling static. Tried various music players (my usual, foobar 2000, as well as Media Player Classic, JetAudio, and XMPlay). CPU usage is in...
  3. noguilt

    Recommend a USB sound card pls :)

    Having done more research on head-fi and elsewhere, my question now is this: Is there anyone who has listened to both the E-MU 0404 USB and the Echo Indigo IO (or DJ) and who would be willing to provide a comparison of the audio output of each?
  4. noguilt

    Recommend a USB sound card pls :)

    Substantial improvements occurred as i moved from onboard (Dell Latitude) sound to Creative 2ZS Notebook, and then to the Echo Indigo IO, which i love, both for its sonics and for the handy volume control. But my volume control became so staticky that i've had to return the Indigo for repair. So...
  5. noguilt

    Ipod Nano v. Zen V for Audible

    I've owned many mp3 players, but just bought my first Ipod, a Nano 2nd gen., motivated largely by wanting a larger display when playing Audible files. But when i skip chapters, say, in the New York Times Digest, it starts playing a few seconds into the track, missing not only the headline but...
  6. noguilt

    need portable amp for portable speakers

    Can anyone suggest a pocket size amp that can be used between a portable CD player (or MP3 player) and a set of Harmon Karmon Soundsticks, for use in college classes? The Pocket Amp 2 caught my attention as a possibility, but i'm not sure it would work for this purpose. (That price, about...
  7. noguilt

    Need 100$ Flash player

    Surely one of the best deals for a $100 flash player is this 1gb iClick Swerv5 for $100 at Costco: I started another thread with a query about it, but apparently nobody here has tried it. Also, haven't been able to find any reviews of it online. It does...
  8. noguilt

    iClick Swurv5 - anyone know of it?

    Is there anyone who has tried the Swerv5, and could compare it with similar iAudio and Creative models regarding the sound quality, navigation, and usability? fwiw, i did call iClick and learned, with some probing, that the power output is 10mw per channel, S/N ratio is 90db. That compares...
  9. noguilt

    iClick Swurv5 - anyone know of it? the prices are very attractive: $80 for the 512mb at Costco, $100 for the 1gb at Amazon. The WMP feature is what sets it apart, i guess, but i've not used WMP beyond just playing individual video or audio files, so i don't know how valuable that could be...
  10. noguilt

    Ergonomics: ER6i v. E4C

    I have always resisted canalphones because i so often need to interrupt listening for a brief conversation, and then resume listening. I use Sony 888LP earbuds for that reason. But i am about to take the plunge and try some canalphones for their sonic advantages, and have narrowed the choice to...
  11. noguilt

    Quick impressions: NAD c542 vs IHP-120

    I have the Rotel RCD-1072, and it is astoundingly good (reference point is my Meridian 508.24).
  12. noguilt

    Portable Digital Audio for Audio Book listening?

    I've been very happy listening to books on a Palm Zire 71. I have a Nitrus and a Muvo2 4gb, but for books, i prefer the Palm (using SD card, of course--for now, mine is 128mb, but will probably get a 512mb now that they are +/- $50). No need to set bookmarks, as you just start where...
  13. noguilt

    Decent portable speakers?

    presumably, although i can't try it, as my TravelSound is travelling with a friend in Spain, you could use rechargeable batteries in the TravelSound. One model, the i300, comes with an AC adaptor--i wonder if it would charge rechargeable batteries in the i300? (Good luck trying to find out from...
  14. noguilt

    Decent portable speakers?

    forgot to mention what appears to be the ultimate in portable speakers, the Cambridge SoundWorks "Mick Fleetwood" Model Twelve: Mick Fleetwood
  15. noguilt

    Decent portable speakers?

    as it happens, the new PC Magazine (July 2004) has a feature on "Mobile Speakers," with reviews of 7 models. They curiously omit the TravelSound, but with ckng's report above, we can surmise that it would have taken top honors, as they give the "Editor's Choice" nod to the InMotion. The only...
  16. noguilt

    Creative MuVo2 (4gb) versus Minidiscs

    I'll just second GSTom1's comments on the pro's and con's of the muvo2--excellent sound, terrible navigation/controls. But i mainly listen to albums, and the sound really is superb (better than Rio Nitrus and Ipod, imho). But the Nitrus 1.5gb is also a contender--terrific navigation/controls for...
  17. noguilt

    Decent portable speakers?

    I, too, have the Creative TravelSound, and agree that these are quite good speakers for the size and price. The model with AC adaptor is on sale at the Creative website until June 30 for $50 after $30 rebate. I need some portable speakers that can do a little more volume than the TravelSound...
  18. noguilt

    secrets of the Creative Touch

    I decided to email them this reply:
  19. noguilt

    secrets of the Creative Touch

    The Zen Touch appears to be a substantial improvement over the Zen Xtra regarding size, battery life, and, especially, the improved controls. Nonetheless, while specs on portable audo gear are notoriously sketchy (in both literal and slang senses of the term) the "up to 97 db" SN ratio on the...
  20. noguilt

    Creative Zen Touch

    check out the new Zen (if only we knew when it would actually be available; at least it does appear on the Creative website, albeit "not in stock"): note also hints of a new Karma and new Iriver.
  21. noguilt

    Nitrus & Eigen discontinued????

    Given that Nitrus & Eigen both use Cornice Storage Element (not Hitachi Microdrives) is it possible the Nitrus (and Eigen if not discontinued) will be moving to the new 2gb Cornice Storage Element? see (Seems i recall reading last fall...
  22. noguilt

    Nitrus & Eigen discontinued????

    The salesperson in Tweeter today insisted quite adamantly that the Nitrus has been discontinued. And's listing of the Eigen says it has been discontinued. 1. Is it true that both have been discontinued? 2. Does this mean the 4gb Nitrus/Eigen is imminent?
  23. noguilt

    rio nitrus a good idea?

    following are the Nitrus and Karma specs, per Rio email in August 2003. The Muvo2 power rating is 15mw per channel , and Iriver igp-100 is 20mw per channel, putting both right in between Nitrus and Karma with respect to power output. But perhaps it should be added that both are close to the...
  24. noguilt

    A Few Questions on the Nitrus

    no case, mx300's, 90 days zen nx and xtra sound noticeably better than nitrus in a-b comparison, but without that, the nitrus sounds fine. i returned the nitrus because of the zen's sonic superiority, but then returned the zen (nx and xtra) in favor of the rio karma because the zen size...