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  1. Pogbellies

    iPhone 6 No Headphone Socket?

    I really hope you are correct, must admit most of the mock ups I've seen still show a socket. Still I do wonder how the rumour got started. For me Apple have been consistent in providing a decent source in the convenience of a phone, few other manufacturers can boast that.
  2. Pogbellies

    iPhone 6 No Headphone Socket?

    I have seen several rumours that the soon to be released iPhone 6 may not have a headphone socket built in. Personally I think that this would be a bad mistake. I've waited years for an iphone with a decent sized screen and now this! Just have to stick with Android I guess, where does that...
  3. Pogbellies

    IEM with V-Moda M100 type sound recommendation

    Hmmm not many people heard the m100 then! Ok let's try another way ;) given the sound signature I like in my first post which of these would you pick and why? Hifiman RE400 Klipsch X10i Klipsch X7i RHA MA750i Shure SE215 Yamaha EPH100 Feel free to suggest any other I might have missed...
  4. Pogbellies

    IEM with V-Moda M100 type sound recommendation

    It's about time I spent some more money so can anyone who's heard the M100 recommend an IEM with a similar sound? For anyone who has not heard the M100 this is how I perceive their sound: Bass - powerful, extended, fast, quite prominent. Mids - clear, spacious (for a closed design) neither...
  5. Pogbellies

    Best android phone for audio: Wolfson DAC only?

    What did you have before, or what did you use to listen to music, what type of music and sound do you prefer? What type of headphones/earphones are you/will you be using? A lot depends on your expectations.
  6. Pogbellies

    Phone SQ?

    Having owned the 4s and tried the S3 at great length, of the two I would prefer the 4s, though S3 was good as well. I haven't tried the others but unless there is a specific reason you don't mention it, I would highly recommend the HTC One which I am currently using and in my opinion is at least...
  7. Pogbellies

    Htc One

    I dug out my ancient Etymotic er6i iem's to try with the One. They sound absolutely fantastic with Beats on. Finally I have found a source that suits them. I think the beats circuitry lifts them, hey if it works! I have tried these iem's with a Creative Zen, iPod 5g, iPhone 3GS, iPod shuffle...
  8. Pogbellies

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    If the Nexus is louder than the Nexus 4 you may be ok, I would start off just buying the headphones as they're still going to sound good, then if necessary, add an amp.
  9. Pogbellies

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    I bought a Nexus 4 and found that to drive the M-100 to anything like a reasonable volume I needed it at between 80 and 100% volume and even then I could have tolerated louder. I found that the sound quality was not great either with recessed highs and fat but loose bass. I got rid for that...
  10. Pogbellies

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    Quite a few people have comfort issues with the M-100 however, I have a fairly large head (I won't say a big head!) hat size 7 5/8" (US 7 3/4") and I wear Oakley glasses (straight arm like your IC Berlins I guess) all the time. I can wear the M-100 for 2 hours easily before feeling slight...
  11. Pogbellies

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    I wouldn't necessarily agree, I understand that equipment can add a degree of bias (coloration if you like), but as with speakers they surely don't 'create' their own notes, to do so would result in a chaotic output. Are you saying that the M-100 (or any other headphone for that matter) can...
  12. Pogbellies

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    I find this idea interesting; presumably like any audio equipment the headphone cannot create a frequency that wasn't present in the original mix? This must mean the sound engineer intended it to be heard. Given this, could it not be argued that the M-100 bring out bass that other headphones...
  13. Pogbellies

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    Does this mean Apple are going to start carrying V-Moda products then? In the UK AFAIK they don't.
  14. Pogbellies

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    If you can try listening to a balanced mono (rather than stereo) source. If one ear still sounds quieter you've probably got a problem. The M-100 has unusually good placing IMO so if you're not used to it or are using a low bitrate file you can think there's a problem when there isn't. I had a...
  15. Pogbellies

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    I still don't get this, if I go to a gig or concert, classical included I hear deep extended bass. In fact at every rock/pop/metal gig it's the dominant part of the sound. This is also what I want from a headphone, if you like a live sound. To me a good studio recording also captures this...
  16. Pogbellies

    The Basshead Club

    I'm looking for ideas for an IEM having now got an ideal full size. Must haves are; good, deep and controlled bass, reasonable fit, clean and clear mids and highs, inline apple compatible remote and ideally not too flashy. Price around £100 or $150 max. Candidates so far are Sony XBA-2ip...
  17. Pogbellies

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    I didn't do a blind test but I did test side by side and the differences were very apparent so I don't think a blind test would have made any difference. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to keep the Nexus as it was lovely but I spend a lot of time listening to music and IMO it didn't cut it. The...
  18. Pogbellies

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    I bought the Nexus 4 to replace an iPhone 4S. With the M-100 the iPhone is far better sounding so I sold the Nexus 4. In short, iPhone volume at half or one to notches above gave a decent volume, sound was detailed and sounded even across the frequency range (bass to treble). Good bass extension...
  19. Pogbellies

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    Funny you should say that, this is the full effect. The red is quite dark so it's not too garish and it matches the crackle finish shields well. Having said that I really like the green on the matte black effect you have.
  20. Pogbellies

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    This is the softie on the M-100. I used plastic cable ties to get them on to the cushions. It makes the cushions deeper which would benefit those who have comfort issues. Sound wise I can't say I've noticed a huge difference, maybe it's a bit less in your face but that may just be psychological...
  21. Pogbellies

    V-MODA Shield Design Discussion

    Thanks, the design might have worked better on a plain shield I think. Still as you say quite unusual.
  22. Pogbellies

    V-MODA Shield Design Discussion

    Nope but you are spot on, its a little owl, from my photo converted to line art. Quite satisfying really.
  23. Pogbellies

    V-MODA Shield Design Discussion

    Hmmm, not quite what I was expecting but I still quite like them. Do ya know what it is yet?
  24. Pogbellies

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    Has anyone tried the Google (LG) Nexus 4 with the M-100s un-amped? I have an iPhone 4S at the mo but I have the opportunity to change it for the Nexus. The only thing that's putting me off is that I would lose the 3 button remote functionality.
  25. Pogbellies

    V-Moda / M-100 NON Fanboy feedback

    Oops wrong thread!