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  1. jvbb2005

    X-Can V8 capable to drive K701?

    Quote: Originally Posted by MomijiTMO Don't forget a write up! Yeah, please share your experience with us
  2. jvbb2005

    Official Foobar Gallery

    sorry. I am still pretty lost. Is there a step-by-step guide on the net to help me understand a bit more. I just don't get the codes at all
  3. jvbb2005

    What is the best music player for Macs?

    I love itunes' neat searching function but miss foobar2000's ability to customise and play various formats.
  4. jvbb2005

    Melos SHA-Gold Reference Impressions

    Correct me if I am wrong. I thought the Maestro /SHA GOLD has a set of balanced outputs that can be connected directly to K1000s.
  5. jvbb2005

    Melos SHA-Gold Reference Impressions

    Quote: Originally Posted by Hirsch . However, if you were to put a dual RCA to 4-pin Neutrik adapter on the preamp outputs of the SHA Gold, I'd bet it could do it. Hi Hirsh, Is that a web link or pic of the dual RCA to 4-pin Neutrik adapter? What does it really do? Combining the...
  6. jvbb2005

    Melos Maestro vs Melos SHA-Gold Reference

    Quote: Originally Posted by ej82m This link may help. thanks, man
  7. jvbb2005

    Melos SHA-Gold Reference Impressions

    Congrads And thanks for the awesome impressions
  8. jvbb2005

    Melos Maestro vs Melos SHA-Gold Reference

    um...... I am very confused about the differences between Melos Maestro and Melos SHA-Gold Reference. I did a search and still don't seem to find my answer. jahn, nanahachi and other Melos owners, can you share?
  9. jvbb2005

    Is this the ultimate headphone collection?

    Quote: Originally Posted by bangraman Who's set-up is that on erji? kyo? I got no idea. Just finding it kind of cool so post it up.
  10. jvbb2005

    Is this the ultimate headphone collection?

    Quote: Originally Posted by boss What are the golden cans on the upper left, some sort of Ultrasone? Correct me if I am wrong. Those are Sennheiser HD 1000
  11. jvbb2005

    Is this the ultimate headphone collection?

    Quote: Originally Posted by guynamedjohn Not too shabby, but without k701s how can it be the ultimate?? I bet this photo was taken before SA5000s, K701s are released.
  12. jvbb2005

    Is this the ultimate headphone collection?

    Sorry if anyone has posted this before.
  13. jvbb2005

    Mac Intel with Windows (BootCamp) - Any thought?

    Quote: Originally Posted by mr56k Well I work at an Apple Specialist so I get to play with this stuff all day long. So far I have installed boot camp on our demo iMac and MacBook Pro. Both run just fine. For some reason I kept thinking it was gona be slow "so use to vpc" but everything...
  14. jvbb2005

    Go on then...list of HF-1 serial numbers

    thank portaprokid for bring this dead thread to life and keep updating.
  15. jvbb2005

    Go on then...list of HF-1 serial numbers

    I bought a pair for myself and a pair on behalf of a friend. So, please update. #99 nabwong -> boxboxbox -> jvbb2005 #299 jamesp -> w1ned -> Bowin
  16. jvbb2005

    Official Foobar Gallery

    Quote: Originally Posted by forsberg oh yeah? how do i do that?? would love to know too. Please teach us.
  17. jvbb2005

    The Last of the Qualias

    Quote: Originally Posted by Hirsch They then proceded to send the headphone to the wrong repair center, who sent it back to me loose in a box, unrepaired, without any of the original packing I had sent with it. So, back it went again. That's really bad customer services. Do SONY...
  18. jvbb2005

    The Last of the Qualias

    Quote: Originally Posted by jjcha SA5k is punchier and more macho sounding. It's more upfront, has a touch of Grado tossed into it. Also has more separation/definition around the instruments. But soundstage isn't as wide and doesn't image anywhere nearly as well. 010 sounds more refined...
  19. jvbb2005

    The Last of the Qualias

    wow! How do they compare to SA5000s?
  20. jvbb2005

    Grado fatigue

    Stop listening at such high volume. You are damaging your ears.
  21. jvbb2005

    Buyer's Remorse: Headphones and earphones you bought on impulse and regretted.

    Quote: Originally Posted by doobooloo UE-10 Pro. Most regretful grand I've ever spent. Care to share why?
  22. jvbb2005

    An amplifier improves the quality of ATH-A900 OR (LTD)???

    I think most of your answers can be found in this thread:
  23. jvbb2005

    An amplifier improves the quality of ATH-A900 OR (LTD)???

    Quote: Originally Posted by manchau I am confident Melos SHA-1 doesn't sound good with A900LTD. Thatswhy you are seeking HD650 ( Take it as a joke ) I didn't know I was looking for HD650s In fact, I have pair. You wanna buy? (take it as a joke too).
  24. jvbb2005

    Buyer's Remorse: Headphones and earphones you bought on impulse and regretted.

    AT AD700s, A900s........hate them very much
  25. jvbb2005

    An amplifier improves the quality of ATH-A900 OR (LTD)???

    I used A900LTDs with a Melos SHA-1 and it certainly improves the sound quality. mancahu, you need better source/amp combo. sorry about your wallet