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  1. Darion

    Holo Audio May DAC Speculation

    Guys, hello. Has anyone tried using Synergistic Research PINK Quantum Fuses or their Purple. If yes, did you hear a difference in sound? I read that in Red the difference is strong compared to the standard fuse.
  2. Darion

    Holo Audio May DAC Speculation

    I listen to May with hqplayer dsd 1024, gaus xla filter and 7ecv3 modulator. The bass delivery changes dramatically compared to listening without hqplayer. I use two rel t/9x subwoofers. If I listen without hqplayer, then according to the rules (recommendations from the manufacturer Rel), the...
  3. Darion

    Holo Audio May DAC Speculation

    Great advice, thanks.
  4. Darion

    Holo Audio May DAC Speculation

    You were right, I just didn't install the driver. Thank you
  5. Darion

    Holo Audio May DAC Speculation

    I finally received my KTE yesterday. I'm trying to run HQplayer (5.7.1) DSD in 1024 through roon, but the display always shows DSD512x. What am I doing wrong. My settings in the photo. Connected via USB. Roon is on a separate PC. And HQplayer on PC 13700/4090.
  6. Darion

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    Tell me the sequence of actions when my new Red arrives. To flash it directly on RoPieee. 1. Do I need to make a backup of the RedOs firmware installed from the factory and do I need to update it (at first launch) if I want to immediately flash RoPieee. 2. Or do I just download RoPieee right...
  7. Darion

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    Yes, you were right. Thanks for the help.
  8. Darion

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    Strange situation. Hqplayer (5.7) at a certain point (a few days ago) started playing slower than usual, by 10-15 percent. A complete reinstall didn’t help. Any filter with minimal modulators and a length of 512. Doesn’t change anything. Before this everything worked fine, my PC is...
  9. Darion

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    Thank you excellent
  10. Darion

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    As far as I understand, I am downloading a version of the image for Raspberry Pi 5. After downloading, do I activate Naa in the settings? Sorry for these questions, I have no experience with this operating system yet
  11. Darion

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    Will this scheme work if I load the naa signalyst version into Red?
  12. Darion

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    Please share the link to download RedOS for the NAA version. Thanks. Ps. Found it myself.
  13. Darion

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    I plan to listen to tidal/qobuz both with and without hqplayer. That's why nuc added it. This means I only need to install the Roon server on the Nuc and that’s it. My main PC is quite noisy, I don’t always turn it on, especially in the evening when I want silence. And sometimes they play on...
  14. Darion

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    Hi all. Help me understand a little about the scheme that I can organize with may, red, hqplayer, roon and other equipment. I have a powerful PC (13700/4090), I turn it on only when necessary. I have hqplayer on it. All other audio equipment is located in another part of the room. In order...
  15. Darion

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    Have you compared the sound with roon and jplay? Unfortunately, roon spoils the sound of hqplayer (personal experience). Whether there was a difference in sound quality is naturally your subjective opinion.
  16. Darion

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    Tell me, how is qobuz managed without roon. Visual interface. Thank you.
  17. Darion

    Holo Audio May DAC Speculation

    I know, I’ve used it, it has its own nuances of operation. Thanks anyway. May will arrive, I’ll start experiments.
  18. Darion

    Holo Audio May DAC Speculation

    The problem is that I don't have my own music. I use streaming services exclusively.
  19. Darion

    Holo Audio May DAC Speculation

    Thanks everyone for the clarifications and advice. I haven't decided yet whether I'll use hqplayer with may. As I wrote earlier, I couldn’t find filters that I really liked. I'm waiting for May and will experiment. I have a powerful PC with 13700 and 4090 rtx. But he is standing on the opposite...
  20. Darion

    Holo Audio May DAC Speculation

    I need some advice. I already asked a similar question in Holo Red, but not quite correctly. We need your experience using different strimmers with May. In a couple of weeks I will receive my may. Currently I am using wiim pro along with chord hugo tt 2. Connection via toslink. I'm considering...
  21. Darion

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    Friends, who uses what filters in hqplayer. Somehow I can’t find the optimal one with chord hugo tt2. Each variant of popular filter combinations sounds quite bland. I don't even know. Of course, I’m still waiting for holo may kte, everything will be beautiful there. But with hugo tt I did...
  22. Darion

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Network Streamer/DAC

    Are there any owners of Holo may kte or Spring here. Do you use this streamer, what are your impressions? And a question that interests me very much. EverSolo A6 Master Edition has i2s output interface. Has anyone connected it to an external DAC? If yes, does everything work well (which DAC)...
  23. Darion

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    Thanks for your feedback. Do you use hqplayer? If so, through what channel are you transmitting data to Red? Via roon or directly with hqplayer?
  24. Darion

    Holo Audio Red Streamer

    I will sort for holo red purchase. But I haven’t yet developed the correct scheme for using it. I'm currently testing roon (trial) and bought hqplayer a few days ago. Initially, I wanted to give up PC completely. I bought wiim pro plus, which is connected to hugo tt 2, and everything was fine...