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  1. freethetree

    The consolidated "Tempting" Virtual Dynamics thread....

    Thanks once again. I was not about to tackle the entire 30+ page monster, but consolidated into three posts it was doable. Now to make a decision... and I thought picking out cables was gonna be the easy part. This crap takes just as much time as choosing components!
  2. freethetree

    brickwall power conditioner useful for automobile dc->ac power?

    Will do. Im also interested in how its gonna turn out. It could end up being really nice and integrated with a professional installment or it could end up a bunch of metal boxes and 12v batteries duct taped too the floor, lol. Im gonna furthor investigate that ambulance grade inverter and see...
  3. freethetree

    Far out man

    sucks for the pilot
  4. freethetree

    The consolidated "Tempting" Virtual Dynamics thread....

    Hey thanks man, really. I couldnt imagine summarizing all that. This has helped me alot in deciding which cables to get because I really didnt want to have to put over $15,000 on my credit card to test em all. As for the Encouragement, youve already done 2/3rd of it, you cant give up now...
  5. freethetree

    brickwall power conditioner useful for automobile dc->ac power?

    Its no problem, and thanks for the link. Pure sine wave inverter with balenced power conditioner it is! I was thinking I would need a regenerator because all the inverters I saw had the cracked out since waves except for this one expensive looking "ambulance grade" inveter.
  6. freethetree

    EAR HP4 questions

    kelly - lol yeah I guess I shoulda been more specific. I searched and found the answers for the amps I was thinking of though. Hirsch - Have you had a chance to listen to the Zotl with your RS1s yet?
  7. freethetree

    EAR HP4 questions

    DCT-2 sounded bad? Warm up, crap I forgot about that. How long do tube hp amps typically take till theyre soundin sweet?
  8. freethetree

    brickwall power conditioner useful for automobile dc->ac power?

    Budgie - So given that my equipment is wired for ac I guess my best options are: a) Buy a really nice dc inverter (ambulance grade) and a balenced power conditioner. or b) Buy a normal, cheap plug-in dc inverter and a power regenerator. or even better c) Buy an industrial type...
  9. freethetree

    Virtual Dynamics cable questions

    Thats true, after I settle in with this system up I dont plan on changing anything (except for maybe trying out new headphones) for quite some time. I dont dont like the build and upgrade little by little approach. Its way too time and mind consuming for me, I have better things to think about...
  10. freethetree

    DIY headphone update

    Holy **** thats hot, I gotta bookmark this thread. setmenu, you are a pimp.
  11. freethetree

    New York Area Meeting Anyone Thinking About It?

    For real, thanks to everyone who helped make this happen. You rock! BTW, would anyone happen to have an EAR HP4 they could bring? Im most likely going to buy one after the meet but coming from England so I wont have a chance to hear it first.
  12. freethetree

    The consolidated "Tempting" Virtual Dynamics thread....

    Wow, thanks mark! That had to be a bitch. I had trouble sitting still to read the entire thing so I can only imagine what it was like for you. Rick should just stick a link to this thread on the front page of his site and not worry about advertisting. Im not positive about VDs digital and analog...
  13. freethetree

    Virtual Dynamics cable questions

    markl - Well id have to get the ICs too since I dont have any right now and im looking to set this up as quick as possible. As for the half meter lengths I thought that would be best because I dont use a rack and all the components will be sitting next to each other, plus space is at a minimum...
  14. freethetree

    Digital Source Component Reviews: First Impressions

    Ok ill give you a clue: It came from a laboratory in Japan with a 4 and a 7 in the name. Damn, I think ive given it away.
  15. freethetree

    New York Area Meeting Anyone Thinking About It?

    Sovkiller - Well you dont have to bring the MG Head, it would be nice but its understandable that you wouldnt want to lug it around on the bus/train. I cant imagine it would take 2 or more hours from West New York, Im about 3x the distance that you are from Manhattan and the bus only...
  16. freethetree

    Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - tubed preamp w/Headroom circuit and headphone jack

    Yep, Sonic Frontiers, Audio Alchemy, and there might have been one more manufacture but Im not sure, all licencsed the crossfeed tech from HeadRoom.
  17. freethetree

    The choices you make.

    kelly - Yeah I sorta forgot to bring that up. I was going to put "Now dont even get me started on the ridiculousness of the drug laws in this country..." at the end of my post but I didnt want to open up that can of worms. Quote: Drugs, apart from pot but including tobacco, are fairly...
  18. freethetree

    New York Area Meeting Anyone Thinking About It?

    Sovkiller - Public transportation is not the end of the world.
  19. freethetree

    Virtual Dynamics cable questions

    Im thinking about going with Virtual Dynamics for my interconnect, digital cable, and maybe power cords given all the rave reviews ive read. I would like to go all Nite but theyre way too big and heavy. So heres my question: If I go for the VDs (why is that still funny) how heavy and bendable...
  20. freethetree

    EAR HP4 questions

    The other Stax setups didnt really move me either, so I have a feeling the KG amp wouldnt change that. The Orpheus on the other hand sounded beautiful, but given my mucisal preferences it was more of a novelty sound than something I would want to live with as my only setup.
  21. freethetree

    The choices you make.

    x1lexure - Wow, I dont even know where to begin. So I wont. I really dont feel like going through all your posts and dealing with every little ridiculous point. You stuck upon a few good concepts but your logic is clouded with judgment and misconceptions. Dont think im just some delusional old...
  22. freethetree

    How much have you spent on headphone related equipment.

    Quote: Originally posted by elnero Yup, IIRC Purist was the first to do this. When I worked for Swans that's what we used for speaker wire. Man, lugging a box of those around was just about as bad as the speakers. Nah, Purist used liquid shielding with metal conductors. I almost...
  23. freethetree

    EAR HP4 questions

    Yeah, I didnt think it would sound similar but Im hoping that it sounds (nearly) as good. Just a different flavor of good. I have a feeling Id try to roll it to get it sounding a little more loving but what the hell do I know, ive never even heard the thing. The HA-2 was decent, especially given...
  24. freethetree

    EAR HP4 questions

    zzz- Thanks for the site! Wow that looks really easy. Im sorry the HP4 thing didnt work out for you. Ive heard the Omega IIs before and they just didnt groove enough for me (granted it wasnt the best of listening environments). I guess if the source had been different my opinion might have been...