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  1. Audiodoc

    Massdrop x THX AAA™ 789 Linear Amplifier - Impressions Thread

    Yes you were right. One of the strands from the left positive was intermittently touching the ground. A few heat shrink and now it runs like a charm. Thanks
  2. Audiodoc

    Massdrop x THX AAA™ 789 Linear Amplifier - Impressions Thread

    My amp is working fine with SE outputs. Yesterday made a XLR silver cable for my HD650s. Whenever I increase the volume in any of the gain modes the overcurrent protection is activated and the red led is lit. I have not used the ground pin in the XLR male plug just pin 1 left positive pin 2 left...
  3. Audiodoc

    Post pics of your builds....

    My EHHA is dead silent. One cannot tell whether it is powered on or off even at maximum volume. I have crammed a tube heater delay circuit two toroids a low noise regulated supply to my tubes in series a temperature sensor based fan assembly and amb headphones protection circuit in my chassis...
  4. Audiodoc

    Has anyone heard these China built AMB Beta 22 type amps?

    I am building one will let you know. Don't think there should be any difference. Am buying from a reputed seller who I have experience with for 6 years. Sellers genuine nichicon and sk170 alps and other quality stuff. Wholesale prices of Silicon are far cheaper in China than the west.
  5. Audiodoc

    Android phones and USB DACs

    I can also confirm that the Samsung galaxy S4 does not play with the ODAC however it plays with the FiiO E7 and rest of my DIY DACs. Hope the next software upgrade fixes this glitch or a cheap workaround software is available soon.
  6. Audiodoc

    Post pics of your builds....

    You can try an 8audio enclosure like I have used. Will perfectly fit the EHHA. You can also add a tube on delay and headphone protection circuit. Check my builds.
  7. Audiodoc

    Brief Odac impressions

    Treble rich tracks (mostly badly recorded stuff, oldies and Compressed heavy metal tracks). The revealing / transparent nature of the ODAC makes listening to them quiet fatiguing. The HM601 DAP with its warm presentation and high frequency slope is quite forgiving in this regard. For downloads...
  8. Audiodoc

    Brief Odac impressions

    While it is true that the ODAC is a USB only DAC and lacks features like spdif, optical inputs, wifi etc., one has to admit that such a compact and value for money circuit is extracting the last bit of juice that the actual chip is capable of. I have the ODAC as well as many other DACs upto...
  9. Audiodoc

    Brief Odac impressions

    If anyone wants to try treble heavy headphones with the ODAC a better option may be a hybrid or tube amplifier. This will definitely tone down the sibilance and infuse the lushness and warmth that many audiophiles love. To me the ODAC is very flat and detailed which in turn make the presentation...
  10. Audiodoc

    Brief Odac impressions

    I am also using the ODAC with Windows 7 64bit versions without any problems. It takes a few seconds for the drivers to get uploaded. Try to be patient for a while while they are loading. Sorry for the iffy phrasing. Was typing in a hurry so used longer sentences without the proper grammar.
  11. Audiodoc

    Brief Odac impressions

    The digital signal cannot be contaminated by the power supply. The only two reasons I can think of in the case of a USB powered DAC is that the 5v USB supply should be clean as it is powering the DAC. Secondly any sort of noise can be transmitted via the cable to the analog outputs of the ODAC...
  12. Audiodoc

    Brief Odac impressions

    In the European market there is head n head fi however JDS labs one is the cheapest.
  13. Audiodoc

    Brief Odac impressions

    I tried to edit it however entering doesn't do anything. Possibly because I copied it from my local forum " Hifivision". You may read it from there as it has be presented in paragraphs. Will again try to edit.   Was  a problem with the opera browser. Could edit in internet explorer.
  14. Audiodoc

    Brief Odac impressions

    This is the brief impression of my ODAC which I have been using for the past one and half months. Constructed in the FiiO E11 packing tin so both can be carried together. Copied from my thread on a local forum.      ...
  15. Audiodoc

    Post pics of your builds....

    Planning on a good rack. It is the EHHA which gets the hottest of the lot even when compared to the other amplifiers. Though the hottest thing should be the upcoming pass 5 amplifier for which I am searching some good heatsinks.   I don't stack more than three, similar sized ones (e.g DAC...
  16. Audiodoc

    Post pics of your builds....

    This is the result of my DIY efforts over the last 6 months. From Ground up.   1. Gaincard Clone 2. Classic EHHA Headphone Amplifier with AMB labs Sigma 32 Supply and Tube on Delay Circuit. 3. Mauro Penasa MyRef Rev E Power Amplifier 4. Quad Wolfson WM8740 DAC 5. Pass B1 Preamplifier...
  17. Audiodoc

    Post pics of your builds....

    Gainclones are the best and cheap ways for basic audiophile amplification. Few components need to be added so you can buy high quality components. This one sounds better towards the lower end when compared to my Norge 1000 Gold. Thanks to the great supply I put it esp the Miracle transformer...
  18. Audiodoc

    Post pics of your builds....

    The twin LM 3886 gainclone 70+70W RMS Power Amp joins the EHHA headphone Amplifier.  
  19. Audiodoc

    Post pics of your builds....

    Upgraded the EHHA with Aavid heatsinks for the sigma 22 and 2.5 inch sinks for the output BJT. Couldn't use the Aavid's for the output transistors becoz there was not enough space.  They get hot but I don't think that it will be problem. One of the transistors on the sigma 22 is cold while the...
  20. Audiodoc

    Cavalli EHHA Embedded Hybrid Headphone Amp

    Not a ventilation problem I think. Checked the AMB forum, possibly its brother in parallel (Q16) is bad as its heatsink is damn cool while Q15 is carrying its load and overheating. Will replace it as suggested in the AMB forum if I find one in the market otherwise will need your help to source...
  21. Audiodoc

    Cavalli EHHA Embedded Hybrid Headphone Amp

    Need to add one more thing that I observed the transistor besides Q15 i.e. Q16 is cool. On the opposite side both the transistors are almost equally hot.
  22. Audiodoc

    Cavalli EHHA Embedded Hybrid Headphone Amp

    My EHHA is doing fine but I have few questions:   1. One of the heat sinks in the sigma 22 is heating more than the other 3. The one on the right side along the output side length Q15 on silkscreen. Why should it be so. Amps works and sounds flawless.   2. Have ordered larger heat sinks...
  23. Audiodoc

    Post pics of your builds....

    @ cfcubed. You recognized it right it is the same casing had been searching an year to get a case which fits my EHHA perfectly.   I am upgrading my...
  24. Audiodoc

    Post pics of your builds....

    I have also used their case and it is tough to drill large holes into aluminum without the proper drill bits. I had to drill a 2.5 cm diameter hole using a 1 cm drill bit took me 30 minutes and lot of sweat to get good results still it was not flawless though the neutrix headphone out covers it...
  25. Audiodoc

    Post pics of your builds....

    Even I wanted two more of the same for a power amp and a subwoofer amplifier. They are solidly built.