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  1. Enigma

    Looking for a movie website. . .

    You may want to try these...
  2. Enigma

    10 Worst movies

    SHOWGIRLS!!! (Gotta Be The Worst Of All)!!!
  3. Enigma

    Computer Speaker Recommendations

    The Klipsch ProMedia 5.1 sounds great!!! A friend of mine just got it, and he loves it.
  4. Enigma

    Why do we itch , why does it feel good to scratch the itch ?????

    Any ladies out there with an itch??? I will volunteer to scratch.
  5. Enigma

    Sweet.. Check out this Shakira Parody!!

    Tried to open, with no success?!?! Could you re-post toe link?
  6. Enigma

    Britney sings... earns golden shower!

    If I'm not mistaken, this happened back in Feb/March, didn't it?
  7. Enigma

    The Assination of Bill !?!?! Well It Could Happen...
  8. Enigma

    USA Wins!!!

    Looks like France (The defending champion) is out of it! With an upset loss to Senegal, and a tie with Uruguay, France will need a lot of help to make it into the next round...
  9. Enigma

    USA Wins!!!

    Who's up next for the U.S. and when???
  10. Enigma

    USA Wins!!!

    USA upsets Portugal 3-2 in opening round of world cup.
  11. Enigma

    Why did you choose the avatar you did?

    Liked Carri-Anne Moss in the movie The Matrix.
  12. Enigma

    Wanna buy tomorrows high tech today?

    An engineer i work with gave me this site, some of the stuff is pretty cool! - Next generation of Nippon notebooks and other electronics.
  13. Enigma

    Funny pictures!!

    Wash my car here???
  14. Enigma

    Senn600s, Closed Beyers, and the Little vs. Corda

    If he packages the 600's, Beyers, and the Corda (E-mail Jan for a package price.) from Jan Meier, I think he could do it.
  15. Enigma

    Happy Cinco De Mayo!

    Hey KR... THATS the conspiracy "Story" being spread to cover up the truth...
  16. Enigma

    Happy Cinco De Mayo!

    And I thought I was the only one who new the true history behind 'Cinco De Mayo'...
  17. Enigma

    Happy Cinco De Mayo!

    Almost forgot this!
  18. Enigma

    Happy Cinco De Mayo!

    I've got a six pack of Tecate on ice, and later planning on tracking down a margarita that has something other that Cuervo in it, eating something resembling good Mexican food and then off to see that Amazing Spider-man guy with the family! How about you?
  19. Enigma

    Advise needed: A camera for life - Leica Minilux?

    I would also consider the Contax T3, Yashica T4 (GREAT Carl Zeiss glass) Drawbacks are each is a fixed focal lens... I personally own an Olympus zoom 80 28-80-zoom lens. A compromise, but still takes good pixs.
  20. Enigma

    Funnies Thread...

    Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, "Why is the bride dressed in white?" "Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life" said the mother. The little girl thought about that for a moment, then asked, "So why is...