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  1. mskeen

    Mac Users - Software Question

    Quote: "No conversion necessary, at least for Word, Excel, and Powerpoint files. You save your files on the Mac, and the Windows version can open them, and vice-versa. " Thanks Russ. I was hoping that was the case. Now if only Apple would bundle it with their iBooks ... yeah right.
  2. mskeen

    Mac Users - Software Question

    I'm in the market for a new laptop and I keep hearing very good things about the iBook and I've actually used a friends Powerbook and was pretty impressed. My questions have to do more with software. I use Microsoft Ofiice almost religiously and I know there is version for Mac, but how is it...
  3. mskeen

    What is a good CD Player to audition for less than $1500?

    Audiolab carries Arcam and actually have some of the best prices I've seen in the US. Here's the link: You'll have to email them for a quote but you should get a response in about an hour. Not to try and change your mind but if you...
  4. mskeen

    Sugden owners: convince me!

    I found some pics ...
  5. mskeen

    Sugden owners: convince me!

    There is a new Headmaster with a remote?? Anything else different/better? Thanks, Matt
  6. mskeen

    Advice on new amp/receiver & cdp needed...

    I'd have to agree with MacDEF on the HK issue. I would pick Denon or NAD gear over HK any day. IMO, HK stuff sounds good but the build quality is lacking. I like to buy gear that I think is going to last a long time. However, I have no experience with their new stuff and maybe things have...
  7. mskeen

    Power Conditioning / Surge Protection

    I went to take my Tice apart, found those rivets and just decided to leave them in. Kinda makes you wonder why they put them there? I think you just explained it with your description of the inside. I will say this though. Where I am when my neighbor's air conditioning kicks on it makes my...
  8. mskeen

    Power Conditioning / Surge Protection

    I use a Tice Solo A/V Power Conditioner and to be honest, I don't know if it uses MOVs. I've been afraid to open it for fear of the warranty but I'm thinking about getting out the screwdriver as I type. I'll attack it tomorrow and let everyone know what's going on inside waranty or no waranty...
  9. mskeen

    Need recommendation for a good optical cable.

    Sirwar and chych: You are right, the only place a an optical cable would be better than a coax would be in a magnetically noisy environment. The only way I see that an optical cable could sound better than another would be the quality of the fiber or the connectors and my guess is the...
  10. mskeen

    Recommendations on CD Changers

    What about an Arcam MCD. There is a used one on Audiogon for $575 here: You could probably talk them down a little. I've never heard one but I've read good things. Sterophile liked it for what thats worth. It is a slot loading machine...
  11. mskeen

    Naim CD Users?

    I knew about the DIN to RCA cable and I'm not too worried about that. So you say the tray felt solid, that is good to hear. How about changing discs? Was it fairly easy to change? I've heard there is a magnetic disc that holds the actual CD down, sorta like a record clamp.
  12. mskeen

    Naim CD Users?

    Any Naim CDP users out there?? I'm hunting for a new (or possibly used) CD player and I've been considering Arcam, Meridian, Cal Audio, and Naim. I've read a lot about the others and some opinions on the Naims but I want some more input. Has anyone here used the Naim manual loading system? Was...