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  1. DobsOnly

    Earphone Recs for Frequent Flyer (Isolation)?

    Right now the Klipsch Custom 3's can be had on Amazon for $99.00.    IMHO a great deal on a set of phones with a warm sound signature and good bass response.  The weak point is the cable on these.  Fit can be a little tricky until you get use to them but once you get it figured out they are...
  2. DobsOnly

    My thoughts: iPhone 3GS vs VibeZ

    Quote: Originally Posted by shigzeo one of the reason you may find the vibes to be clearer in the bass is that it has quite severe bass roll off with the headphones you listed. thus, it doesn't have much bass to pass around the spectrum. nice player though. I haven't heard the...
  3. DobsOnly

    My thoughts: iPhone 3GS vs VibeZ

    Quote: Originally Posted by Acreo Aeneas When you say "VibeZ", you mean this old thing? Yes, that would be the very nice sounding "old thing"
  4. DobsOnly

    My thoughts: iPhone 3GS vs VibeZ

    Just replaced my old WinMobile 6.1 phone with a new 3GS iPhone. Using it as a DAP was not real high on my priority list when making the purchase but I figured it couldn’t hurt. There have been a few times I’ve been without my DAP and wanted it but I am never without the cell phone. Anyway, after...
  5. DobsOnly

    Thanks Klipsch - Great Customer Service

    Just a note to thank Klipsch for top notch customer service . I had a warranty issue with my custom-3's. All email correspondence was answered promptly and professionally. Phone calls were handled in the same manner. After getting an RMA number and returning mine they immediately shipped...
  6. DobsOnly

    Best for soundstage?

    I've got the clip your talking about and use it regularly. Here's a link to listen to the file. not sure were to get the mp3 file. Thanks
  7. DobsOnly

    Best for soundstage?

    Thanks for the informative post. With all due respect for the numbers I am at a loss as to why this does not seem to be the case during my listening tests. I just sat here again this morning listening to a couple tracks from John Scofield UberJam. Player to Custom-3's and Player to HF-1's. I...
  8. DobsOnly

    Best for soundstage?

    Quote: Originally Posted by shigzeo if i use foamies, they get much wider, but overall, they are not very wide compared to headphones. but as for width of signal, the ipod actually physically spits out a huge separation of channels whereas the fuze and vibez may have decent...
  9. DobsOnly

    Best for soundstage?

    Of the players I've listened to, iPod 1g Shuffle, Sansa Fuze, new iPod Nano and the VibeZ. The VibeZ easily bests all the others. Not just in a sense of wide but also deep and detailed. Darkness in the seperation between insturments. Also a few months ago I would have agreed with you that...
  10. DobsOnly

    Best sounding (non-EQued/non-modded) player you've heard in your puny little life.

    Best to worst:Rio Karma Trekstor VibeZ Sansa Fuze Ipod Shuffle 1G Ipod Nano (new one) Creative Zen V
  11. DobsOnly

    What DAP/PMP has most disappointed you?

    Creative Zen V was the most disappointing player I ever had SQ wise.
  12. DobsOnly

    TrekStor vibez going flash.

    Quote: Originally Posted by RubenNYC A real shame, too. If my vibez dies before a new one comes out, I'll be putting my Rio Karma back into service. Your a lucky man to have a backup like that Not sure I'd be real happy with any replacement at this time for mine. Can't...
  13. DobsOnly

    New to the "Audiophile" Market

    Open Portable - Koss KSC75 lean to the forward or brighter side but still have good balance of bass midrange and high end detail. All around winner. Open Portable - Senn PX100 Deep Bass but you might consider it bloated. Highs can seem rolled off or recessed. Still makes a good Rock headphone...
  14. DobsOnly

    Break it in?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Concat Just got my SR60's and have a seen a few comments about breaking in headphones. What exactly does this do? Does it just sound better, or is the bass response better or...? And can you just leave them on overnight to do it There are 2 schools of...
  15. DobsOnly

    Kinda interested in some IEMs (custom-3?)

    Listening to some BucketHead through my Custom-3's right now. They have really become my go to headphone since I got them in December. Pros:Deep Bass Very Nice Soundstage and instrument separation for IEM Great detail for the amount of Bass getting pumped through them. Very Comfortable...
  16. DobsOnly

    How Many Are Still Using 1st Gen. Shuffles?

    A great little player. I've got one and it still gets used often. IMO it has a warmer, richer sound than my wifes new Nano. The power output/volume is better and I never have to worry about damage when packing it around in my pocket. It could be the best sounding, out of the box, apple ever...
  17. DobsOnly

    Top 10 MP3 Players (SQ ONLY)

    Not one mention of the VibeZ SQ. Fill in the blank with most in the list, __________ still hasn't made one that sounds as good Give me a break.
  18. DobsOnly

    Old Fart asks - where's the new King Crimson?

    I'm in my 50's and stuck in the same rut. Cut my teeth on music from New Riders of the Purple Sage, Commander Cody and Asleep at the Wheel, to King Crimson, Zeplin, Pink Floyd, Yes, Emerson Lake and Palmer. It seemed the Talent was endless in all genre's. But here's some that I have found...
  19. DobsOnly

    Data Collection: Who are the majority Headphiles ^ ^

    50's Male, Got to be a few more of us around???
  20. DobsOnly

    Detailed IEM under $80

    Quote: Originally Posted by yakuzaph . I am just wondering why there isn't much hype about the Custom 3 anymore. It seems to me that a lot of people had a hard time trying to get a good seal. The majority went with the Image X10 for their superb comfort and slightly inferior SQ...
  21. DobsOnly

    Altec Lansing iM716 initial impressions (pre burn-in, un-modded, with some comparisons with Denon C700 et al)

    Thanks for your thoughts on the IM716's. I agree with the others here that recommend an amp to get the most out of the IM716. My VibeZ will push the volume to very reasonable levels but they really open up and improve when amped so give it a shot. I have to say I've never experienced the...
  22. DobsOnly

    Klipsch sale @ half price

    Mine made it home today. Got about 3 hours in tonight with them. Initial thoughts are pretty positive but I'll spend some more time with them and do some comparisons while I'm out of town next week.
  23. DobsOnly

    Is BASS overrrated?

    Is Bass overrated? No, and in speaker or live setting it can physically connect the listener to the music. Not only do we hear it but we also feel it. Is Bass that is poorly reproduced and/or out of balance with the rest of the composition overrated? IMHO it is.. To me, Bass and Treble...
  24. DobsOnly

    Klipsch sale @ half price

    Been watching my Custom-3's make there way to me Nov 22, 2008 8:56 AM Departed FedEx location MEMPHIS, TN 4:31 AM Arrived at FedEx location MEMPHIS, TN Nov 21, 2008 11:04 PM In transit NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR 8:11 PM Left FedEx origin facility TEXARKANA, AR 5:45 PM...
  25. DobsOnly

    Comfortable comfortable comfortable headphones for my sister

    Quote: Originally Posted by b00tang I searched back for a while and didn't find the answer I was looking for so: My sister wants headphones for christmas because the ibuds hurt her ears too much. Thats all the info I have to work with so I'm fishing for ideas. Since she has only ever...