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  1. germe83

    New Shure SRH 940 vs. Sennheiser HD 650 - The dogfight

    I love the photo taken at the beginning of the post. It looks like the two headphones are mating.
  2. germe83

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Quote: A headphone that costs $1500 sounds better than one costing $350? Imagine that.   Not everyone can drop $1.5 grand on a set of headphones. The fact that he even has to compare them makes me happy to have the HD650s.
  3. germe83

    BeyerDynamic owners unite...

    Just joined team Beyer with my DT990 (600 ohm) that just arrived. All I can say is, 'what took me so long?' That crystal-clear, razor-sharp treble is truly addicting. It's one of the only fun-oriented-sq headphones I actually enjoy. 
  4. germe83


    I just can't justify that price. I understand materials-wise the headphones are only worth people's perception of them, but even with a substantial SQ improvement over the old PFEs, I just can't see how people are going to want to pay $599 for them, especially given the fact that the original...
  5. germe83


    The original PFEs are just so darn good, I cant imagine a sq increase worth the 500 premium of the 232 over the old model. DFKT said the Westone 4s basically sound pretty much the same as the orifinal PFEs, are the 232s that much better than the W4s?
  6. germe83

    my dog just shredded 2 pairs

    Kill the dog.   (kidding...)
  7. germe83

    Pictures Of Your Portable Rig (part XV)

    Quote: Man, I wish Klipsch still made the Custom series. They had design issues, but they were damn sexy headphones. I almost wish I never got my C3's remolded. :(   Nice SFlo too...  
  8. germe83

    Is Ron Burgundy a Grado man?

    Hey..... where did you get those headphones from? The toilet-store?
  9. germe83

    11 New Sony BA IEMs

    God I want some floats... 
  10. germe83

    Sennheiser IE8 or Vsonic Gr07?

    The sub-bass of the IE8 definitely rolls off compared to the mid-bass. Personally, I've found the Atrio MG7s to have the bass sub-bass in an iem. 
  11. germe83

    Price Check: Westone 3

    Quote: You definitely will not have a warranty, and you do risk them being fake, defective, b-stock or stolen. I dont recall seeing any westone fakes, but I think there's a higher possibility they're defective or stolen goods, especially if they came from Crawford's Superstore reseller...
  12. germe83

    Sennheiser IE80's Impressions Thread

    Quote: Indeed. The W4 lacks the gargantuan mid-bass hump.   
  13. germe83

    11 New Sony BA IEMs

    Sony's warranty on their headphones is my main gripe with them. I can understand a 90 day warranty for a $20-30 pair of headphones, but just cant be comfortable paying $500 dollars on a top-tier iem with only a 3 month warranty. That's just stupid. 
  14. germe83

    Sennheiser IE80's Impressions Thread

    Quote: IE8 - all the unnecessary midbass = W4s...
  15. germe83

    Price Check: Westone 3

    Don't do Amazon. They have some pretty shady stuff going on right now with Westones. Buy from Earphone solutions & google 15% coupon codes for them. They always have some type of active coupon code. 
  16. germe83

    IE8 vs westone 4

    I really liked my IE8s, but in the end, they just began to sound too veiled & bass-heavy.    Personally, I think the W4 is superior. 
  17. germe83

    Westone 4 = Disappointment

    Quote: I think it's unlikely that it's an actual fake. As far as I know, I've never heard of a Westone flat-out 'fake.' I think the bigger risk is that they're selling damaged/defective/ 'b-stock' items. It's very possible they're a genuine pair, but unfortunately it's impossible to know...
  18. germe83

    Westone 4 = Disappointment

    Quote: I LOVE Amazon & am a paying Amazon Prime member, but I really hate how they sell items as 'fulfilled by amazon.' From personal experience, it's misleading & gives consumers a false sense of security thinking they bought a genuine item from Amazon, when in fact it's just shipping...
  19. germe83

    Westone 4 = Disappointment

    Quote: Fair enough. I'm not trying to insult anyone's legitimate opinion; I just hate that so many defective iems go on to be sold as new stock, and many times the consumer doesn't even realize it.     
  20. germe83

    Westone 4 = Disappointment

    Quote: x2, and I've heard just about every 'top tier' universal out there. W4 is the only one that can beat my ER4s, and I even prefer them to most full size headphones I've tried (including HD600.)   I'd be curious to see how many people who hate the W4s SQ actually bought them from...
  21. germe83

    Westone 4 = Disappointment

    Quote:   If you bought from Amazon, chances are damn near 100% that you purchased from an unauthorized dealer (probably crawfords superstore.) I've talked to Westone about their items sold on Amazon, and they could only give me one seller that was in fact authorized. It's very possible...
  22. germe83

    Buy cheap with no warranty or at retail with warranty? (UM3X RC)

    The 'Crawfords Superstore/Ebasement - fulfilled by Amazon' deal is extremely shady. Westone even explicitly mentions on their website that they could very well be selling knockoff/b-stock/stolen equipment & that the warranty won't be honored. Think about it, there has to be a reason they're able...
  23. germe83

    Westone 4 Impressions and Reviews Thread

    That 'crawford superstore' that's selling the westones on Amazon is a complete joke. I've heard several stories of people buying from them have their westones go out after a few months & being completely out of luck since Crawfords wouldnt return them & Westone wouldnt warranty them.    Use...
  24. germe83

    Westone 4 = Disappointment

    The main problem is that people see 4 drivers & assume it's going to have extremely powerful bass & be the best thing they've ever listened to. That's just not the case. Westone replaced the single bass driver from the W3 with smaller, dual-drivers for the bass, with the purpose of delivering a...
  25. germe83

    [kiteki review] Skullcandy Aviator | Skullcandy G.I. | Skullcandy HESH | Skullcandy Icon | SKULLCANDY UPROCK

    The only full size skully I've tried was the Hesh. They sounded God awful & had the looks to match. They're the only headphones I've used that actually look like someone has vomited on them...  