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  1. Flounderman

    Have been unable to wear headphones for over a year now

    Since summer of last year I have not been able to wear any sort of headphones. Whenever I wear them, whether they're on or off, loose, tight, loud, quiet, in ear, over ear, whatever,  First I feel a lot of pressure, within a few minutes I am having trouble breathing, then I start coughing, and I...
  2. Flounderman

    Industrial Music

    Quote:   But in all honesty the merzbient series of albums and his work with Boris are actually really good. He understands how to make music, he just rarely does it.  
  3. Flounderman

    Industrial Music

    Quote: Listen to Angelspit, they have a female lead singer. Their first album was one of the most inventive industrial albums in the recent times. After that they kinda stagnated though. They had a new and refreshing sound, and then just got kinda lazy.    
  4. Flounderman

    Do more expensive iPod line out cables really make a difference?

    Quote: So its irrelevant? Also I have a Sennheiser380pro pair.
  5. Flounderman

    Do more expensive iPod line out cables really make a difference?

    I have a 160gig iPod Classic with a fiio line out cable and a PA2V2. If I were to buy a fancy ALO Audio line out cable would I notice any difference in sound quality? 
  6. Flounderman

    What do you think of Spotify?

    I got the free version. So far it's pretty decent. I'm surprised at how large the library is for a free music streaming service. Not a fan of the commercial interruptions but I imagine that's necessary for a free service. I'd say it's the best alternative to piracy out right now even noting it's...
  7. Flounderman

    Best music internet distributor

    I just buy CDs so I can rip them as whatever I want. Plus I like being able to physically own my music. 
  8. Flounderman

    Industrial Music

    Quote: Thank you very much!    
  9. Flounderman

    Industrial Music

    Quote: Yes please!
  10. Flounderman

    Who is "Your Band"

    Quote: A Thousand Suns was their first fully mature and intelligent album as a band. They tossed aside their immature old habits and made something truly good. I'm glad they've matured past the band that made "Crawling". 
  11. Flounderman

    Industrial Music

    I found the Tetsuo movies to be fascinating works of Body Horror but hey, most people aren't into that. Horror that isn't slasher flicks or pg13 suspense is a very niche genre. But yeah he's good. I've only heard his work for the Tetsuo movies, I'll have to look into his other music. I have the...
  12. Flounderman

    Industrial Music

    Quote: MSI has industrial elements but they arent strictly industrial. Their first few albums had elements of jungle and industrial fused into punk. Though their first self titled EP was definitely industrial. Very generic derivative industrial, but fun to listen to. Coil is great, I...
  13. Flounderman

    Who is "Your Band"

    It used to be Nine Inch Nails, though I still follow Trent since I used to be such a big fan. I know the lyrics to ever song he's ever made, even the most obscure b-sides and songs he sang on with different bands. I just ran out of angst and listened to his stuff too much. But I still listen to...
  14. Flounderman

    Industrial Music

    Are there any fans of industrial music here? I'm a big fan of every form of it. From SPK to Skinny Puppy to Nine Inch Nails to modern EBM style.  Here's a few of my favorite songs in the genre.    
  15. Flounderman

    PA2V2 vs FiiO e7

    Quote: That total bithead looks nice, I'd like a DAC for my computer listening, which I do a lot of, but it's 150 dollars so it's a bit out of my price range. Maybe someday.     Quote:   Hmm, the cmoy has the most spacious sound which I like. But this article claims the...
  16. Flounderman

    PA2V2 vs FiiO e7

      Hello, I've been browsing for two weeks and found this site extremely helpful. You guys have a very good community here and I'm happy it exists. So I'm hoping to get some help on portable headphone amps.    My current setup is a 160 gig ipod classic with sennheiser 380 pro headphones,  a...