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  • Users: iBug
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  1. iBug

    Westone ES Series Epic cables have epic failure rate?

    I have been using ES5 and then ES60 for 5 years now and I must have gone through more than 10 cables by now. It's almost every 6 months. I wear these in ears to the gym and some sweat surely does contact the cables through my ears but I always wipe them afterwards. Is sweat causing this? Am I...
  2. iBug

    Westone 4 buzzing, got new one which is also buzzing. Manufacturing defect or just unlucky?

    And by limitation I meant a limitation of manufacturing. It's not a probable theory that a company like Westone cannot manufacture an earphone, which does not buzz at around 90-95 dB SPL, which is around the SPL as I have heard my left earpiece buzz.     
  3. iBug

    Westone 4 buzzing, got new one which is also buzzing. Manufacturing defect or just unlucky?

    Quote: I have already contacted Westone and I'm shipping the earphones to them tomorrow, they are paying for the shipment. They'll test them and see what I mean and replace them with a working product.    It's 100% a defect. It's not me trying to find something wrong with the...
  4. iBug

    Westone 4 buzzing, got new one which is also buzzing. Manufacturing defect or just unlucky?

    Quote: Yeah but if you have read my original message, only the left earphone buzzes. So it cannot be about the "limitations". Not to mention, a buzzing of that kind with volumes as I use is unacceptable with a 30$ earphone, let alone a 450$ one. So it's definitely a defect, in my case.   
  5. iBug

    Westone 4 buzzing, got new one which is also buzzing. Manufacturing defect or just unlucky?

    To give a better volume reference for the track I posted above, that track buzzes my iPod Nano + Westone 4 when the volume is around 95% to 100%. Don't worry, it's a quiet track so setting to 100% volume won't cause too loud a sound in any case. 
  6. iBug

    Westone 4 buzzing, got new one which is also buzzing. Manufacturing defect or just unlucky?

    Here is another track which creates a buzzing   It's taken from The Next Three Days Soundtrack, track title "Breakout".    This one only buzzes the left if the volume is really high, so crank it up and see if it does anything...
  7. iBug

    Westone 4 buzzing, got new one which is also buzzing. Manufacturing defect or just unlucky?

    Have you tested with relatively loud volumes? They only buzz if the volume is high, but I suppose that's always the case with buzzing issues.   I'm thinking whether it was bad luck or just that they have sent me the ones I have sent them instead of replacing them for real. Because what are...
  8. iBug

    Westone 4 buzzing, got new one which is also buzzing. Manufacturing defect or just unlucky?

    I'm not hearing a distortion. My left piece literally buzzes, like when a driver of a speaker gets damaged and buzzes. I can send you another recording where I hear the buzzing if you want to test further. 
  9. iBug

    Westone 4 buzzing, got new one which is also buzzing. Manufacturing defect or just unlucky?

    I have extracted the part which buzzez the Westone 4, and I'm putting it for download on rapidshare. It's the 10 second part where it buzzes, not the entire piece, to save space. It's uncompressed .wav file so there are...
  10. iBug

    Westone 4 buzzing, got new one which is also buzzing. Manufacturing defect or just unlucky?

    The music piece I noticed a buzzing on the left side of Westone 4 was "Alias Season 2 Soundtrack", track 21: "Hitting The Fan". Around 3:24 there's a french horn and the left side of Westone 4 buzzez like crazy during that. I've tried my other IEM's including Westone 3, making sure it's not the...
  11. iBug

    Ultimate Ears Triple Fi 10 Thread

    I've been experimenting with triple fi's for 3 days now. The best way to make them sound imho is to use Comply T-500 tips which totally roll off the top end and make bass less bloaty, and then equalize to get the top end back. They basically become ER-4S with better bass and better soundstage...
  12. iBug

    Ultimate Ears Triple Fi 10 Thread

    I purchased Triple Fi's recently and I must say the weirdest thing about them is if I use them straight outta iPod they sound pretty bright, which I like, but if I connect them to a 1000$ headphone amp (PS audio GCHA), their highs sound rolled off like Shure's. I just don't understand why that...
  13. iBug

    IEMs Vs. Full Sized: Big difference in SQ?

    Quote: Originally Posted by James63 sorry not true at all...... a single driver has fare more limitations than several drivers. Look at the top of the line speakers or better yet listen to them There are speakers costing 40000$ with 2 drivers and speakers costing 1000$ with 4...
  14. iBug

    Is UE Triplefi 10pro a total upgrade over Ety ER4S?

    UE sounds brighter than ER4S you say? But not as detailed?
  15. iBug

    UltimateEars vs. Shure vs. Etymotic Research vs. Westone - smackdown! (sweetspot IEM)

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mr Iriver As far as accuracy and such The shure E4c is the best of the ones you mentioned. As far as being enjoyable, my favorite out of those is gonna definatelly be the westones. The westones are very musical and stuff, but a lil dark. Tha superfi are the...
  16. iBug

    Is UE Triplefi 10pro a total upgrade over Ety ER4S?

    By total upgrade I don't mean, lose treble gain bass, or lose soundstage gain clarity or whatever. I mean an upgrade in all aspects. The reason I cannot change my Ety's is that they are incredibly detailed and flat. I did buy Shure E5c and returned the next week, back then it was selling for...
  17. iBug

    Frequency response of ER-4S

    Quote: Originally Posted by K2Grey IIRC, Etymotic explains this on their website, saying that since the ER-4S is an IEM and bypasses the outer ear, that the frequency response must be adjusted in order to deal with the lack of reflections off the pinna or something along those lines...
  18. iBug

    Frequency response of ER-4S

    I am listening to these earphones for 3 years now almost and nowadays I'm trying to tweak my Hi-Fi to sound like these but I can't. Then I went to the website and saw that their response is not flat. They make a peak starting around 500Hz and peaking at 10Khz. Why is that? Why don't they give a...
  19. iBug

    Shure E5c vs. Etymotic ER-4s

    I have a program in computer which gives test tones at any frequency. I played 16000 with E5c, it gives it but in too loud volumes. So it's capable. But doesn't matter. You don't hear it in normal volume. It's unbalanced.
  20. iBug

    Shure E5c vs. Etymotic ER-4s

    Oh, and I didn't want my Etty to give the unique characteristics of E5c. I didn't buy the amp to transform my Etty to E5c. I hated those unique characteristics as you know. Etty is already better than E5c to my ears and I just wanted to make it even more better. And I did.
  21. iBug

    Shure E5c vs. Etymotic ER-4s

    I received my Bithead today and yes I am using the USB soundcard functionality since I don't have a decent soundcard in my Mac. I was looking to buy an M-Audio Audiophile 192 and it is a definitely better soundcard than Bithead but with one purchase I made two this way. I am listening to my iPod...
  22. iBug

    ER-4P/S Foam Tips or Triflanges

    3-flanges are less comfortable for me for long listening periods, I must remove them after an hour or so, but with foamies I can listen longer and with foamies, the detail is more I think or it gives more treble and I interpret it that way. So I listen with foamies for a long time now.
  23. iBug

    Shure E5c vs. Etymotic ER-4s

    I checked their website and Total Airhead and Total bithead use different amplifiers. And I don't buy the Bithead to improve my bass response. An amplifier improves everything, not just the bass. When I plug my Etties to my 500$ amplifiers headphone jack, they sound amazing. Maybe I can get...
  24. iBug

    Shure E5c vs. Etymotic ER-4s

    I'm returning my E5c today and I ordered a portable amp for my Etty ER-4S and I'll carry it in my pocket with my iPod. I've read the review in Sterephile and wanted to give it a shot. Take a look It's called Total Bithead and made by...
  25. iBug

    Shure E5c vs. Etymotic ER-4s graphType=0&graphID[]=495&graphID[]=471 write these together