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  1. blackstar84

    I am depressed, I did by misstake slam the car door on my quite new DT1350 :(

    Quote: yes I will do that for sure! I am eager to now what the price would be.  I also have an home insurance , but the deductible is like 1 third of what they cost new. 
  2. blackstar84

    I am depressed, I did by misstake slam the car door on my quite new DT1350 :(

    So I did by misstake slam the headphones into the car door took my smartphone from the backseat, and forgot I had the headphones attached to the phone,  it was early morning and I was kind of half-sleeping, not the best start in the day.   Is it possible to repair it, does beyerdynamics sell...
  3. blackstar84

    GoVibe Porta Tube+ USB headphone amp/dac

    Quote: In an age when everything is getting smaller I am not sure the adoption that "bigger is better" is always true... Sure when it comes to tube amps it might be physical limitations...a certain tube has a certain size etc.. but yeah..we will see...I guess the insane price gives...
  4. blackstar84

    GoVibe Porta Tube+ USB headphone amp/dac

    Quote: Yes it will make a big hole in my wallet that is for sure...but I try to think long term and alos consider how many hours per day I will listen to music on it...if you consider the amount of hours it is really a small price to pay.. Also have heard the DT1350 responds very well...
  5. blackstar84

    GoVibe Porta Tube+ USB headphone amp/dac

    Quote: It is especially for portable use I need an usb dac. The soundchip in my Samsung Galaxy note is not good enough and do not make my headphones sound to it's full potential... simply I want a very good sound for portable use...and no I prefer to not buy an mp3 player.   Android...
  6. blackstar84

    GoVibe Porta Tube+ USB headphone amp/dac

    Quote:   Well it is specifically the usb dac version I am interested in. I do not doubt the analog version sounds amazing.     
  7. blackstar84

    GoVibe Porta Tube+ USB headphone amp/dac

    I am very intersted in this amp but there is almost non existant information about it. I want to use this with my Galaxy Note phone..will work with ICS I hope..I also must say the blue version looks VERY good..I must admit I did fall in love with this amp first time I saw it..but the question is...
  8. blackstar84

    USB headphone AMP with Android Phones, possible ???

    Is it possible to use USB amps with android phones ??? I think I Read somewhere that Ice cream sandwich does support it, but the phone I am going to buy have 2.3x Could any one confirm that ? usb would be the best since the sound chips in phones are not very I would prefer to have...
  9. blackstar84

    Samsung Galaxy note + Headstage Arrow 12HE 4G

    What do you think about this combo, from what I have been reading the upcoming Samsung Galaxy note will have the same Yamaha Audio chip as Galaxy SII.   Howeer I wonder, some say the solution is...
  10. blackstar84

    Colour my Dt1350

    I have not decide what to do with the headphones yet once I get them.   What do you guys think would fit best ? And have you any pictures (before and after) which could inspire ?
  11. blackstar84

    Colour my Dt1350

    Quote: Hmm how to do that ? sounds not easy or cheap. To pain the headphones is very easy I will just go to a paint p and tell them to paint them and them with a shiny finish.  
  12. blackstar84

    Colour my Dt1350

    Quote: The cups looks very good imo, they look very high end I would not want to colour those. Just the silver, which makes these headphones look cheap...I think If I colour the silver black it will become more discreet and the attention will be directed to the beautiful cups.   Also I...
  13. blackstar84

    Colour my Dt1350

    I think the grey plastic looks very cheap on these headphones I can't stand it, I thinking about colour them to a different color, to make them look less ugly and cheap, what do you think would fit, just black ?  
  14. blackstar84

    Beyerdynamics DT1350 does it leak ?

    That is good to hear.  But  I guess it all depends on what you mean almost nothing. I also since they are very closed they of course leak a lot less when you have the phones on your head.
  15. blackstar84

    Beyerdynamics DT1350 does it leak ?

    Would be great to know if I can blast my music loud on work without people wonder what the hell I am listening to :D    
  16. blackstar84

    Beyerdynamics DT1350 does it leak ?

    Yeah, how much does the DT1350 leak audio ? it could be good to know if I am able to play music at work  and such without people hear the music ?
  17. blackstar84

    Headstage Arrow 12HE 4G + Beyerdynamics DT1350 Good combo ?

    Bad news, that it did get delayed.  I would hope to have a portable music player for this summer...
  18. blackstar84

    Headstage Arrow 12HE 4G + Beyerdynamics DT1350 Good combo ?

    As it seem now Headstage Arrow 12HE 4G seem to be the ultimate choice for smartphones like Samsung Galaxy S II. I found quite little information about the 12HE 4G cause it is so new. But I have been reading the amp is more fitting to some phones the others. And that each phone responds...
  19. blackstar84

    What Mp3player will give Beyerdynamic DT1350 justic ?

    Quote:   We have a very lazy customs here in Sweden. They only check a fraction of the packages...  But if you write the price value on the package..yes then their data system will see it directely.. and register the package.   Yeah so I guess it depends on who send much...
  20. blackstar84

    What Mp3player will give Beyerdynamic DT1350 justic ?

    The HM801 was really big...but I am sure it sounds good...I just wonder what it cost here in Sweden...cause I am unable to find any price..but it might be over my budget..cause I saw an old retail price of 799$ it is even more expensive then the headphones...  I am sorry..but it must be a rip...
  21. blackstar84

    What Mp3player will give Beyerdynamic DT1350 justic ?

    So there is no alternatives at all ???
  22. blackstar84

    What Mp3player will give Beyerdynamic DT1350 justic ?

    I have the Go Vibe V7  but I had exactly not plans to use it cause I know the performance is not as good when using the battery. 
  23. blackstar84

    What Mp3player will give Beyerdynamic DT1350 justic ?

    Quote: Yes but as you might seem to good to be true...cause it is so cheap..and so small... The warning bells are ringing...   
  24. blackstar84

    What Mp3player will give Beyerdynamic DT1350 justic ?

    Quote: Yes I know....but I want to know what would be a braindead choice to buy expensive headphones with not using an mp3player whith equal sound quality... This is my first mp3layer so I am not at all familiar with this jungle of mp3players....So audiophile opinions...