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  1. MHinGA

    SPL Phonitor Heapdhone Monitoring Amplifier - Head-Fi TV, Episode 009

    --Sorry, back to the actual audio gear after this brief interruption--   The P7 is one of the finest handguns ever made, although serious training is necessary with it if it is going to be utilized for EDC. (Yes, I am a firearms/tactical trainer among other things). If you like leather...
  2. MHinGA

    LCD-2 and LCD-3 Owners - which aftermarket cable do you use?

    Quote: Steve at Q Audio could certainly do that. He made me a mini adaptor, so I know he has the mini plug. PM him.  
  3. MHinGA

    Audeze LCD-2 Orthos

    You can drive LCD-2 through the HR PMA and they will sound pretty good... not as good as through many other amps, but it's doable. I have a PMA that I've replaced with the TTVJ Slim (+CLAS) in my portable rig. Basically, the PMA gives what I would call a bigger but more muddled sound than my...
  4. MHinGA

    Review: Violectric HPA V200 amp

    I know that you mentioned earlier that you might not be the best information resource because this is your first headphones rig, but I'm still very interested in your impressions. I'm leaning towards the Apex P/V but the V200 is still in the running, and the latter is less than half the price of...
  5. MHinGA

    Review: Violectric HPA V200 amp

    Wow, just the box? I usually have to buy what's actually in the box to get my wife on board.   Quote:  
  6. MHinGA

    Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-2

    Since there has been a derailment complaint, I won't continue with the grammar/spelling/punctuation &etc. (btw things like "&etc." and "OK" are shorthand and not necessarily errors). Plus, I don't want anybody fly-specking my posts-- that might prove embarrassing! That being said, I have to...
  7. MHinGA

    Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-2

    ^ You're just messin' with me now... or should I have said "your" as so many do these days? My "genius" satire was intended to point out errors that I see every day in places like this website. I'm dating myself, but when I went to school we got flunked for mistakes like the ones that I put in...
  8. MHinGA

    Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-2

    Intentional, my friend.   Quote:                                  
  9. MHinGA

    Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-2

    You missed my intentional misuse of two other homophones. Quote:  
  10. MHinGA

    Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-2

    You missed two other intentional misspellings in my post. Quote:  
  11. MHinGA

    Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-2

    Quote: But bad grammer is OK also. It doesn't effect peoples view of you and also using the "right" words aren't that important. Also spelling is overated. Its not that important either. If people want to be judgemental thats there problem.   
  12. MHinGA

    Is Head-Fi Witnessing The Rise Of Two New Kings

    Quote: Many, many years ago when I was a college student with disposable income I had a pair of Magnapans (beautiful wood on the early ones) and absolutely loved them.  
  13. MHinGA

    Is Head-Fi Witnessing The Rise Of Two New Kings

    Quote:   Yes, but I got on the LCD-2 train; I did consider going Stax since I owned a pair way back when, and I probably will again. It's a long, boring story.    
  14. MHinGA

    Is Head-Fi Witnessing The Rise Of Two New Kings

    The LCD-2 have displaced my other full-sized cans, except for the Denon 7000 which I use only when I need a little more isolation or in bed to avoid disturbing my wife. At this point, the only other full-sized headphones I crave would be the Sony MDR R10 (I wish I could justify the expense for a...
  15. MHinGA

    LCD-2, LCD-3, Owners and the Music They Love...

    Quote: You have a point. I guess I'm looking at this thread for suggestions of music that really shows off the LCD-2's best qualities, realizing that what these 'phones do "best" is subject to individual opinion. For instance yesterday I was listening to Beck's Who Else! and that...
  16. MHinGA

    LCD-2, LCD-3, Owners and the Music They Love...

    Well, it was started re music through LCD-2, so it's not strictly a music thread, and the emphasis was on the "through" part at least at first. 
  17. MHinGA

    LCD-2, LCD-3, Owners and the Music They Love...

    Unfortunately the Kind of Blue CD isn't mastered very well... just my opinion but the vinyl is much better to my ears. But I see the pics above show the LP, so maybe that's what you're talking about anyway.    Incidentally, Brush With the Blues on this album (Jeff Beck: Who Else) is...
  18. MHinGA

    Audeze LCD-2 Orthos

    Quote: The Q Audios are much more reasonable price-wise, and people with much more experience than myself who have compared the Q and the ALO say that SQ is virtually equal. I for one love the Q. And yes, the cable upgrade does make an appreciable difference to me.  
  19. MHinGA

    LCD-2, LCD-3, Owners and the Music They Love...

    Quote: We buy enough stuff from Amazon to justify being "prime" members, which then gives us free (after the one-time-a-year fee of course) two-day shipping; I really love it for CDs because I can just buy an individual title that I might want without worrying about shipping or trying...
  20. MHinGA

    LCD2 lifespan ?

    I like Montreal too. I'm showing my age, but when I was in college the Dryden- La Fleur- Robinson- et al. Canadiens ruled. I still think Vancouver is going to win it, but they need some goaltending.    Quote:  
  21. MHinGA

    Audeze LCD-2 Orthos

    No worries; I wasn't trying to poke you, so I hope you didn't take it that way-- just giving my viewpoint (hearing-point?).    Quote:  
  22. MHinGA

    Audeze LCD-2 Orthos

    Honestly. I have both the SE535 and Etymotic ER4P and neither sounds close to the LCD-2 to me; even when I drive the LCD-2 with my portable rig, they have more detail and tighter bass and lower midrange than the Shures, and richer bass/midrange than the Etymotic. (Please note that I do not speak...
  23. MHinGA

    LCD2 lifespan ?

    Glad it worked out for you, Canadian411. Now if you could provide the 411 on what's happening to the Canucks...   
  24. MHinGA

    LCD2 lifespan ?

    Quote: Or, a phone call... like right now. I'm just sayin'.      Sometimes emails get overlooked even by the best of us. If anybody out there has a story of Audez'e actually ignoring their c/s inquiries I certainly want to know about it; that would be troubling indeed, but I have...
  25. MHinGA

    LCD2 lifespan ?

    Given the uniform reports of very accommodating customer service at Audez'e, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and accept their statement that there is no way to track which particular cans received the defective material. Plus, if they could track then doing a proactive recall...