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  1. Ankit1010

    Rank the Headphones that You Own.

    1. Sony MDR-XB500 2. No need :)   Aww yea.
  2. Ankit1010

    Binaural mixing with LCD-2

    So the songs on soundcloud werent binaural at all, as you guys said, due to the compression. Yet, there are plenty of people at the top of thread saying how brilliant and clear and transparent the recordings sounded. Placebo effect?
  3. Ankit1010

    The Jeans-fi thread

    Came in here expecting to see some ass :(  
  4. Ankit1010

    So, I'm considering disowning my son...

    ^ Best reply ever.  
  5. Ankit1010

    So, I'm considering disowning my son...

    Haha why do you want him to be an audiophile? It just means hes constantly goign to be searching for something better and spending more and more money on it! Ignorance is bliss.  
  6. Ankit1010

    What do your kids think of Audiophilia/What got you into Audiophilia?

    Quote: Amen. The first and only "audiophile" headphones I've bought to date are the Sony XB500's that I bought a week back, and I don't plan  to go any higher. I even tried the Klipsch X5's a while back, and hated them. Hell, while I'm at it the Beats sound really good to me too, its just...
  7. Ankit1010

    Beats Pro vs Studio help

    XB500. I have them, and I've heard they have more bass than the XB700, and the beats studios (tried them). Plus even though they sounded really muddy to me without EQ, I like them a lot with just a little bit of EQing.  
  8. Ankit1010

    Sad to let these go, but looking forward to new cans.

    Hey, I wanted something pretty similar to what you want - fun sound, good bass without compromising on the rest, and I really do find flat boring. I bought the Sony XB500's, and I'm really happy with them, check them out. I didn't think I wanted a lot of bass, but I tried the Klipsch X5's before...
  9. Ankit1010

    Sony XB-500... Wow! :)

    Just checkin in again: Its been a week since I got these headphones, and I'm extremely satisfied with the sound. I'm not really an audiophile, I just wanted something that sounds very upfront, not laid back at all, and very fun, and these are perfect. They're really comfortable, and Ive worn...
  10. Ankit1010

    Recommend me a good Headphone plizzz..

    I just bought the MDR-XB500s man. If you like the bass my advice is stick with the XB series, they're perfect. Maybe just try the XB500's or the XB700s.
  11. Ankit1010

    Sony XB-500... Wow! :)

    Just jumped the gun on the XB500's. Amazon prime 1-day, so I should have them tomorrow! RPGWizard, every single thing you've said about these headphones resonates with me as exactly the kind of sound I want, so thank you :P
  12. Ankit1010

    Beats Studio's are rebrands?

    They look pretty different according to this :[]=2801&graphID[]=1383  
  13. Ankit1010

    Beats equivalent?

    The MDR's seem nice, but way too big for normal use. Is there anything thats close but at a normal size?  
  14. Ankit1010

    Beats equivalent?

    Hi, I know that the beats are way too overrated and expensive. What I want is a pair of headphones as close to the Beats as possible, but without the hefty price tag that I have to pay for Dr. Dre's name on them. I'm considering the ATH-M50's. What do you guys think?  
  15. Ankit1010

    Headphones You Can Wear Outside

    Hey what do you guys think about wearing the M50's outside? I'm thinking of buying a pair, how portable are they, and do they look ridiculous?  
  16. Ankit1010

    Klipsch Image X5

    Does anyone want a pair of Klipsch Image X5's? I bought them as my first pair of IEM's, but they just aren't right for me. If any of you are interested in buying them for ~$100 (all tips and carrying pouch included), PM me.
  17. Ankit1010

    IEMs for Rock/Metal - Confused.

    Hey, I want exactly the kind of headphones you do. Rock/metal music, and I'll be listening to average quality MP3's off my iPhone or my macbook. After a bunch of research, I ended up buying the Klipsch X5's off a member here. I'll be receiving them in a few days, so I'll post back here then, but...
  18. Ankit1010

    Multi-IEM Review - 352 IEMs compared (Pump Audio Earphones added 04/03/16 p. 1106)

    I'm considering buying the Klipsch Image X5. Does anyone know about these headphones?Most of what's on this site and the net says they're very good headphones, but there's nothing specific about their frequency response etc.. What kinds of sounds do they excel at , and what kind of music are...
  19. Ankit1010

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Quote: Yeah I mean forward guitars, but otherwise natural I guess. The problem is I don't want spacious, background-ish music, I want something intense and focused, so I need closed headphones. Any other ideas?    
  20. Ankit1010

    Analyze a songs frequency waveform

    Hi,   I'm trying to find out exactly which headphones I want by comparing their frequency response (available online) to the frequencies that I identify as important and unimportant in the kinds of songs I listen to. So the second part is what I need help with. Does anyone know how I would...
  21. Ankit1010

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Hi, I want to buy a new pair of headphones,and this is the first time I'm investing in a good pair.  I've done some research, and figured out what I want, but I don't know which pair to pick. This is what I want out of my headphones:   1. Vocals should be clear, never drowned out, and I want...