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  1. Surruk

    Ath-ck10 replacement.

    Hi all. My IEMs died so it's time to find a new inner ear friend. Back in the day I LOVED the ck10s, but they are next to unobtainable now. I'm looking for something with a similar sound but not having much luck. Any and all recommendations welcome.
  2. Surruk

    AKG K701/702 with ZO Subwoofer?

    i would say no. i doubt that you will be able to drive K70Xs with that. that and (in my limited experience) pretty much everything i have seen that boosts bass has the side effect of making the bass very boomy and lacking in texture.   my advice would be to buy a second hand K701/2 from the...
  3. Surruk

    Great Indie Hip Hop (Not the kind of hip hop you think)

    Quote:   Neo generally means new. for example "Neo Tokyo" in the film akira, a new city that was built upon the ruins of tokyo after world war 3. or in this case neo conscious hip hop, meaning a new genre of hip hop where MCs talk about more than just women, money, sex and violence.  ...
  4. Surruk

    Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones

    i don't have any decent portable head phones, saving up for some after i get my (new shiny Japanese domestic market software unlocked ^_^) phone. so i don't often get people calling me out for not having beats or skull candy, but i had a giggle walking through the uni library when i spotted a...
  5. Surruk

    Do people over obsess over bass?

    Like "Dabomb" said, up to a point more bass = more fun. i keep my $50 TDKs for giggles because of their high impact bass gets the tows tapping much more that my K702s, especially in modern pop or the piano loop hip hop i listen too. But i (and im sure other people do too) find bass to be...
  6. Surruk

    The most overused expressions on Head-Fi

    "whats a good budget amp to use with K70x"   I may be pretty now here, but i cant believe how often this crops up. you would assume that people would find the answer they are looking for in one of the billion existing threads, they make up a fair chunk of the forum after all.
  7. Surruk

    Are hi-fi headphones overhyped by audiophiles?

    your pretty much spot on from my experience with friends. Give people a super sized serving of bass, doesnt matter who good it is, and most of them are as happy as a pig in mud. Quote:  
  8. Surruk

    Are hi-fi headphones overhyped by audiophiles?

    For most people that would be a better example yeah, though i know someone who recons he cant tell a difference between his $30 sen buds and those AKGs other than them being bass shy. (worse yet, he is a muso who has spent a fair few K on his guitar set up >_> ). So there are definitely people...
  9. Surruk

    K701 thread

    Still enjoying mine ^_^ initially i thought i may trade them for something a bit more fun, but now i am used to them i cant believe i was considering that. All my favorite music works so well with them.   i would like some advice from anyone willing though. Basically most of the music i...
  10. Surruk

    Are hi-fi headphones overhyped by audiophiles?

    i can kind of sympathize with the OP. when i got my first set of high(er) end phones i was a a little disappointed. I could hear a difference, but not one big enough to justify upgrading from a set of $50 TDKs to the $250 odd K702 and with $200 worth of amplification. After a few weeks though i...
  11. Surruk

    Great Indie Hip Hop (Not the kind of hip hop you think)

    one of my favorite genres, you would be surprised how much of this neo conscious hip hop is about, particularly in japan. never heard anything quite like this guy though. If you like that kind of thing then go check out BOB42jh on youtube. He gets permission from small hip hop producers to post...
  12. Surruk

    $1000 Beats Chrome anyone?

    Quote: what he said.   also, i have a miata ^_^ despite its "girly car" image it is actually a pretty solid car for recreational auto sport. Eats up most of the local "Fully sick" holdens on the motorcross at least.
  13. Surruk

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

      Quote: well i cant say anything about the AD2000s, but the K701s and the Sens are a whole different kettle of fish as far as sound sig. i seem to remember you mentioning you wanted sound stage and clarity, well the AKGs have those things in big fat shiny spades, but they have a very...
  14. Surruk

    $1000 Beats Chrome anyone?

    actually, now that i think of it, the veyron reference makes alot of sense.   By most accounts the veyron is a pretty poor sports car, with its only exceptional attribute being its colossal horse power. with almost every other attribute important to a sports car being sidelined (from my...
  15. Surruk

    $1000 Beats Chrome anyone?

      Quote: yeah, but i guess you could say that about pretty much any headphones. i highly doubt that even really high end things like HD800s cost a tenth of their retail price to produce. though i guess in cases like that you are paying for R&D and for the fairly limited production...
  16. Surruk

    How does quality of music affect how you hear?

    ok guys, seeing as this thread is already here, i might as well ask this here rather than clutter up the place with a new thread. what are the obvious and noticeable differences that i am likely to find in compressed audio at opposed to lossless? as you can probably tell from my post count im...
  17. Surruk

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

      Quote: pity there are none about for testing. but when i said to test things i kind of meant go listen to literally anything you can get your hands on to find out what type of sound you do and dont like, not necessarily just the ones you are looking for. it was a recommendation so...
  18. Surruk

    $1000 Beats Chrome anyone?

    Quote:   I doubt they look anywhere near that good in real life. dont forget that we are all looking at a group of highly controlled and photoshoped images. Hell, its entirely possible that thats actually a 3D model we are all looking at >_>
  19. Surruk

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

      Quote:   No problem man, as you can probably tell by my post count i am fairly new to all this too.   Little story for you. I took the plunge and bought the K702s before i did any real research. I live in Australia, and things are crazy expensive over here. (K702s often retail...
  20. Surruk

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

      Quote: well in that price range you have alot of options. first up my advice would be to get yourself down to a decent hi-fi store and audition as many different sounding headphones as possible. does not matter if they are ones you intend on buying, its just to try to work out what...
  21. Surruk

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Quote: What kind of music do you listen to? and what is your sound preference if any. there are alot of great cans for that price, especially seeing as you have a competent amp to start with, but its kind of hard to recommend anything without knowing what you are looking for.
  22. Surruk

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    what are D2000 like for leakage? i am looking at getting a set of them for my underground hip hop and want something with a somewhat bassy and overall fun sound signature, something completely different to my K702s. from what i have read the D2000s seem to fit the bill. But i hear that they...
  23. Surruk

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    anyone have any experience with ESW9 and EM7 clip ons by audio technica? im looking for a decent portable headphone and was wondering what sound qualities these had.    
  24. Surruk

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    Welp, my K702s have spoiled me and now i am in the market for a new set of portable cans to replace my TDK ST-550s   issue is, i dont have a great deal of money as i just spent alot of it on the K702s / amps etc. i am eyeing off a set of the Audio technica ESW9 clip ons at the moment but...
  25. Surruk

    PS3 optical out gives a "richer" sound than Fiio E7?

    Quote: not often, i boost bass or mids occasionally but the vast majority of the time i leave the EQ flat. I am assuming that the PS3 has a inbuilt equalizer that is causing this, but i was wondering if anyone else had noticed that the PS3.     Quote: Never said...