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  1. Han Bao Quan

    1964 EARS V6 Thread

    That's a incredible price for a 6 drivers IEMs, considering there's no tax. They're gonna get a lot of orders I would assume.
  2. Han Bao Quan

    1964 EARS V6 Thread

    That's a incredible price for a 6 drivers IEMs, considering there's no tax. They're gonna get a lot of orders I would assume.
  3. Han Bao Quan

    Schiit Bifrost Uber Analog Upgrade

    Not sure if it's placebo or not, but the uber upgrade seems to have better resolution than the old board., Vocals improved across the spectrum. The difference might not be as drastic as I would like to think it is, but for $70 I'm content with this.
  4. Han Bao Quan

    NEW - Schiit Asgard 2

    The Lyr drives HE-500 with a little more body than the Asgard, so if the Asgard 2 is better than Asgard like Schiit says, then I reckon it would be very close.
  5. Han Bao Quan

    Schiit Bifrost Uber Analog Upgrade

    May I ask what amp are you using with the Bifrost?
  6. Han Bao Quan

    NEW - Schiit Asgard 2

    Well the gain switch is not super interesting really since I've been using my IEMs with the Asgard just fine, I'm more interested in the sonic difference, if there's any, and if it's better.
  7. Han Bao Quan

    1964 Ears

    Check out FIIO E17.
  8. Han Bao Quan

    1964 EARS V6 Thread

    Oh I don't mean to sway you from your decision of whether to go with the V6 or the JH13. And sorry about the car analogy, as you know it's a clear jump from a Camry to a Ferrari, I was just saying something long the line of a Lamborghini and a Posche. You can ask for a pair to try out before...
  9. Han Bao Quan

    NEW - Schiit Asgard 2

    Does anyone have both the Asgard 2 and the original Asgard to do a quick comparison? I'm curious if the change Shiit made really alter the sound all that much, even when they say the THD is 10x better. Thanks
  10. Han Bao Quan

    1964 EARS V6 Thread

    My personal experience on this audio journey is that the excitement will be great at first but will fade out. Even if the difference is substantial (which I doubt, after owning many different headphones, amps, DACs and what not..) as soon as you're on the 3rd, 5th song, you'd forget all that and...
  11. Han Bao Quan

    1964 Ears

    I heard good thing about the Modi/magni combo, and since you're only using IEM, you won't need more power than that. They're only $200 together plus tax where you live. You can check out the Modi/Magni threads for more info.
  12. Han Bao Quan

    Schiit Bifrost Uber Analog Upgrade

    Good information. I just checked on Schiit's website, and there's not much difference in the specs besides a slighter better THD, which I don't think I can tell the difference, even with the Unique Melody Miracle. I think I will wait as well.
  13. Han Bao Quan

    Schiit Bifrost Uber Analog Upgrade

    Does the Uber upgrade really make that much difference to the Bifrost? what amp do you guys use with the Bifrost? I run mine to the Asgard, I'm debating whether or not to drop $100 for the Uber. More information would appreciated.
  14. Han Bao Quan

    Quality headphones under $80

    Look at my headphones list, many have come and gone, the CAL! is still here. They're the reincarnation of the renowned Denon D1001 back in the day. I got them for $40 awhile back, and I don't think any other cans can beat them at that price or under $80 for that matter (I have many before).
  15. Han Bao Quan

    1964 EARS V6 Thread

    The Miracle is ultimately better, but not by much. I posted my impressions for both of them awhile back. My opinion, get the V6s and be happy.
  16. Han Bao Quan

    1964 EARS V6 Thread

    Well good to see more V6 owners. For those who have recently placed your ordered or will place your order, I suggest go for the black cable. The stock silver cable, mine at least, gets oxidized and part of the cable from the IEMs to the split turns green, not a problem to me but some of you...
  17. Han Bao Quan

    What song are you listening to right now?

    The title says it all. Feel free to post a link to your song (preferably Youtube but anything easily accessible is fine). Please no copyrighted stuff. I'll start
  18. Han Bao Quan

    Schiit Magni Headphone Amplifier

    It's one thing if one is better than the other, but the difference is definitely there. I am pretty skeptical between different quality DACs, but a difference between amps is not "just marketing." If you can't hear the difference, there's no point in buy any amp, cause they all sound the same to...
  19. Han Bao Quan

    Schiit Magni Headphone Amplifier

    I've been saying that for quite sometime now. People like to associate burn in with almost everything, as if miracle happens.
  20. Han Bao Quan

    Schiit Magni Headphone Amplifier

    Now this makes me very curious about the magni.
  21. Han Bao Quan

    Fiio E7 & Galaxy S3 questions for Car Audio

    Depends on which ipod you're talking about, the old ipod classic (gen 5) has really good DAC (Wolfson), the new ones are not as good. I would reckon the E7 would beat it.
  22. Han Bao Quan

    First Custom IEM ($600-700 budget)

    In that case, looking forward to your reviews Joe. I love my Alclair Reference, wondering what the RSM will be like.
  23. Han Bao Quan

    First Custom IEM ($600-700 budget)

    For $600 price range, 1964-V6 There aren't any others better in this price range, unless you don't want it to be made in the US.