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  1. sproule17

    IE8i/Westone 3 vs Newer models

    bump, please anyone with an opinion would do, if I can get the same boom out of comfier/newer earphones I would really like to try them.  
  2. sproule17

    IE8i/Westone 3 vs Newer models

    when I was buying my first high quality pair of IEMs I was told that the IE8s or the Westone 3s would be the ideal choices for the type of sound I was looking for, I originally had the IE8s for just under a year before the right earphone failed on me and I had them replaced with the IE8i's for...
  3. sproule17

    Amp & Cable for iPod Classic with EI8 earphones

    Quote: Thank you very much =)  
  4. sproule17

    Amp & Cable for iPod Classic with EI8 earphones

    I have finally found a T3 amp on ebay, quite a good price aswell, it's comming from China so it's going to take 12 days after I order it, I don't mind that much though, only problem I have now is working out how to use it when it gets here, I take it the L3 cable will go from my iPod to the...
  5. sproule17

    1st Pair of HQ Earphones/In earphones

      Quote: I work 8:30-4:30 mate but I really appreciate the offer, I think I'm going to be pretty wowed by the ie8s when I finally get them, the most I've ever spent on a pair of earphones was £40 from HMV, if the iPod Classic doesn't sound right through them I'll start looking at...
  6. sproule17

    Amp & Cable for iPod Classic with EI8 earphones

    I've finally decided on my new earphones, only problem is I'm worried about the quality of sound the iPod will produce, can someone please recommend a decent amp/cable that would go well with the iPod classic (160gb) and EI8s, also if theres anything else I would have to do once I recieved them...
  7. sproule17

    1st Pair of HQ Earphones/In earphones

      Quote:   I thought an Amp was basically a speaker?, this sounds like something I would really like to do if it still involves me listening to the music through the earphones, can you go into more depth about how I could go about this?   EDIT: Just done some googling and this...
  8. sproule17

    1st Pair of HQ Earphones/In earphones

    Thanks for all the replys guys, I phoned up advanced Mp3 and they don't have the EI8's in stock to test out, I most likely will still be getting them though and the decision is getting that hard I may have to purchase both them and Westones, not to my bank balances liking I might add, the...
  9. sproule17

    1st Pair of HQ Earphones/In earphones

    Quote:   Jesus christ, just had a look at those Jerry Harveys!!! I really wish I hadn't now, why does there have to be earphones that cost that much! that's criminal and torture, I want them so bad :(
  10. sproule17

    1st Pair of HQ Earphones/In earphones

      Quote:     Thanks for this Ickle, I do live in Edinburgh how did you know haha? I didn't realise there was an @mp3 shop here and will most definately do this, also I didn't relaise shops would let you test their stock! I'm being pushed further and further away from the Westone's due...
  11. sproule17

    1st Pair of HQ Earphones/In earphones

    Quote: what are those in your avatar, they look sweet!
  12. sproule17

    1st Pair of HQ Earphones/In earphones

    Quote:   I see the westone 4's are due out by the end of this month, do you think will they be just as good with bass or will this extra driver tone it down?, I'm stuck between this and the IE8 now and I'm swaying towards the IE8 due to the bass adjuster, but the Westones are known for...
  13. sproule17

    1st Pair of HQ Earphones/In earphones

    I've now decided I'm going for either the Shure SE530 or the SE535, the only bad thing I'm hearing about them is the bass, will the bass on these blow my head off if I want them to? and if so what website can I get them from, anything other than the official site looks dodgey and I don't want to...
  14. sproule17

    1st Pair of HQ Earphones/In earphones

    Quote: Thank you for taking the time out to respond, that was something I always tried to check tbh so I really appreciate that info, can anyone recommend anything that's in your opinion great for bass and clarity at around that price?, I would probably go up to £250 if the quality would...
  15. sproule17

    1st Pair of HQ Earphones/In earphones

    Please anyone!?   £200 = roughly $300 I think, all I'm after is booming bass and crisp sound and clarity, I've noticed the "t-jays" now aswell the best set have a "15 Hz – 25 000 Hz" which is the best I've seen around but I don't know how that effects bass/clarity, please anyone I need...
  16. sproule17

    1st Pair of HQ Earphones/In earphones

    Hi there, I'm looking to buy my first ever expensive earphones and I'm really lost as to what to go for, the dre beats immediately got my attention but I don't like alot of the reviews, apparently the bass is brilliant but the sound and clarity is really poor, I have a budget of about £200 but...