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  1. BoneThug

    Audio technica in Canada

    long and mcquade sells them but for double the price. If you just have them shipped off amazon to a PObox, you can go down and pick them up at your convenience. Didnt get dinged for duties when I did it. Took all of 3 days to get them, kinda. 
  2. BoneThug

    Sony Sound (Is it better than Apple's?)

    I find the sonys are a bit quieter but will never have another ipod. I've never had one that did not develop a faulty jack. 
  3. BoneThug

    M50s overrated?

    Quote: Amazon them to point roberts or blaine and just go pick them up. There is a business that rents po box's for a 1$ a day or something ridiculously cheap. I got mine for $123.    
  4. BoneThug

    Best Bluetooth stereo headphones?

    Stay away from the Moto s9/S9HDs. At least if you intend to do anything active with them. They have a horrible fit when you are moving around and your sweat will damage the speakers because of the bad design. 
  5. BoneThug

    Best portable cans between 150 - 300

    I wouldnt use my M50s outside the house. Too big, too bulky, too many better alternatives. 
  6. BoneThug

    Audio Technica M50s Burn-in?

    I noticed a difference in sound waaaay earlier than 100 hours. Might be overkill.    edit: But im no expert.
  7. BoneThug

    Headphone girls, interesting

    hmmm, didnt know pedo bear was an audiophile...
  8. BoneThug

    Headphone Sightings 2

      Quote: He knew enough to know that 'beats' are no good though he recommended Bose to me, if I could afford it. He def wasn't an audiophile, but he also def had better phones than my shure IEMs, so I cant rule out that he knew a little bit about what he was talking about.  
  9. BoneThug

    Headphone Sightings 2

    saw someone with addidas originals HD-25's at the gym. It creeped him out that I knew what he was wearing when even he didnt know the model name
  10. BoneThug

    Where to get ATH M50

    If you are from canada trying to get them from the states, there is a business in blaine that will let you ship it to them so you can pick it up later at your convenience. I think its 3$ a month or something to that effect. Order it off for the 120$ that it usually goes for, ship it...
  11. BoneThug

    The Numbering Disease: Where Skullcandy and Monster Win

    I think a lot of it also has to do with cultures. If you are going to make a japanese product and sell it in the states, you do not want to name something the 'wang' for example, though I know a company did for craps and giggles. By naming something with a number their are no mistakes that can...
  12. BoneThug

    IEMs vs DJs for sport use...

    I've been using shure iem's at the gym for years and I prefer the rubber ones. Once they get soaked, and they do as you said, you can just clean them off and give your ears a dab and then just keep going. Once the foam ones got soaked they were pretty much done, (cause like you said, they absorb...
  13. BoneThug

    whos from canada on head fi?

    From vancouver, staying in Kamloops
  14. BoneThug

    Rate the video games you're currently playing

    Ski Free.   Not gonna lie, its game changing. 
  15. BoneThug

    Sony Walkman vs. iPhone 3GS vs. Samsung Galaxy S as mp3/flac audio sources

    What applications will you be using your mp3 player for? Cell phone will weight more and be more delicate than that sony will. If you ever intend to be active or gym it a little, I would probably keep the mp3 player. 
  16. BoneThug

    Songs to test-drive my new phones sony XB500 and EQ tips etc.

    Late night tip - Three six mafia. Lyrics aside its supposed to have the second lowest bass note in music, beat only by that symphony that included cannons in it. 1812 overture I think. Cant really remember what it was called. 
  17. BoneThug

    Video-Game Console-fi

    Quote: I'd just wait for the NGP to come out and get a dedicated phone. It's supposed to have all the power of a ps3 while being the size of a phone and have 3g capabilities and wifi. The PSP phone will just be stuck playing ps1 and ps2 games. While a lot of those are good, you'd get...
  18. BoneThug

    Watches - another passion of ours, it your pics!

    Last time I tried the site it was down and couldnt find a used one on ebay.   Thanks, I've wanted one of these for awhile.    Quote:  
  19. BoneThug

    Watches - another passion of ours, it your pics!

    Quote:   Where did you grab your militare?